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Do you trust a company who forces removing photos of their STREETLAMPS

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I personally have a problem with the deceptive nature of these companies FIGHTING to not have GMO's at least put on the label so that we can make an educated choice. Very sneaky indeed

I also have a problem with Roundup being injected into my seeds in some lab so that farmers can spray more Roundup on it when its growing
What am I missing? We live in Canada. There is no food shortage here but we are still forced to eat this garbage because of the labelling bs
Yup we sure stopped that testing on animals thing real good huh? Now we do the testing on humans
Propaganda Is very easy to find on the internet, your right.

Do you have any first hand experience? Been a part of any studies? Or have you formed your consensus on hearsay like most?

And I do have some idea... which is why i presented you with a few facts to support my stance

All you have done is provide opinions

The fact you lump all gmo practices into the same category is enough proof to me you have no valid arguments and are only here to argue your un-informed, bias opinion

If you have any substance to add to this debate id love to have a discussion on the subject. Im not gonna respond to opinionated banter though
How long have you been on the planet? :)
@ oddish I'd toss it!!!
I personally have a problem with the deceptive nature of these companies FIGHTING to not have GMO's at least put on the label so that we can make an educated choice. Very sneaky indeed

I also have a problem with Roundup being injected into my seeds in some lab so that farmers can spray more Roundup on it when its growing
What am I missing? We live in Canada. There is no food shortage here but we are still forced to eat this garbage because of the labelling bs
Yup we sure stopped that testing on animals thing real good huh? Now we do the testing on humans

Just to clarify, round up resistant crops are not for human consumption. It is a practice used to provide feed grains to livestock, thus being able to provide food at an affordable cost.

Gmo labeling is definately a goodthing in my eyes, but it needs to be implemented over time. Many companies buy bulk labels for product. An overnight change in labeling would cost the united states people millions of extra dollars of wasted money on dated labeling.

Im sure Canada doesnt force you to eat gmo, the option of organic for twice the price is still 'on the table' (hehe)
Gmo labeling is definately a goodthing in my eyes, but it needs to be implemented over time. Many companies buy bulk labels for product. An overnight change in labeling would cost the united states people millions of extra dollars of wasted money on dated labeling.

Thats a pretty flimsy argument. I am not in agreement that printing some labels is the reason they spend millions to fight having their very own product not printed on the labels.
Why are they not proud of their product?

As GB said ..'we eat the livestock' and part of the reason organic meat is so expensive is the near monopoly these feed producers have on livestock farmers.

How can we trust a company that does their own testing and the FDA approves based on those limited tests?
How do you trust a company whose head executive goes back and forth between working for the govt and Monsanto?
Why has Europe implemented GMO labelling on their food? Maybe they just ran out of regular labels?
For me, there are far too many shady backroom dealings here
It should be our right to know what we are eating no?
"Just to clarify, round up resistant crops are not for human consumption."

>there is an epidemic of problems that are coming to head because of

the roundup resistant crops…the food you eat consumes it….
All corn and soy products come from these sprayed crops. Sugar comes from sprayed sugar beets. Canola oil, cottonoil, vegetable oil....the list goes on and on. 75% of water and air has Glyphosate. Milk and dairy come from cows eating Glyphosate sprayed feed.Glyphosate.jpg
Thats a pretty flimsy argument. I am not in agreement that printing some labels is the reason they spend millions to fight having their very own product not printed on the labels.
Why are they not proud of their product?

As GB said ..'we eat the livestock' and part of the reason organic meat is so expensive is the near monopoly these feed producers have on livestock farmers.

How can we trust a company that does their own testing and the FDA approves based on those limited tests?
How do you trust a company whose head executive goes back and forth between working for the govt and Monsanto?
Why has Europe implemented GMO labelling on their food? Maybe they just ran out of regular labels?
For me, there are far too many shady backroom dealings here
It should be our right to know what we are eating no?

Where is the phrase 'company' and 'gmo' getting mixed up? I hope your not lumping everything into Monsanto.

And the labeling argument protects small business, not huge corporations trying to hide from their product. Even small business' like bakeries woukd have to change their labels even if they dont use gmo.

Its a spendy venture that if implemented right away would put a lot of small businesses out of business. Thats something I see as more than a flimsy argument. And I agree with gmo labeling, you just need to see the affect it has on the industry as a whole. Thats how economics work, constant butterfly effect.

I actually have a lot of the same view points as you on the subject. I raise free range cattle for my own consumption. Even if corn wasn't sprayed with any round up, its still a terrible feed. No nutrients, meant to fatten things up and keep them alive, thats it.

"Just to clarify, round up resistant crops are not for human consumption."

>there is an epidemic of problems that are coming to head because of

the roundup resistant crops…the food you eat consumes it….

True, but there has yet to be any hard evidence that traces of round up itself is present in any livestock.

The biggest problem is hat when a plant is immune to a specific herbicide, that herbicide is used solely without your convention 'mix', thus allowing the weeds its killing to create and immunity faster than it would otherwise. Gmo crops can start to genetixally drift, losing some of its vitamin content.... but that's the extent of hard fact

Besides that I know of no actually hard proof on the subject
Where is the phrase 'company' and 'gmo' getting mixed up? I hope your not lumping everything into Monsanto.

And the labeling argument protects small business, not huge corporations trying to hide from their product. Even small business' like bakeries woukd have to change their labels even if they dont use gmo.

Its a spendy venture that if implemented right away would put a lot of small businesses out of business. Thats something I see as more than a flimsy argument. And I agree with gmo labeling, you just need to see the affect it has on the industry as a whole. Thats how economics work, constant butterfly effect.

I actually have a lot of the same view points as you on the subject. I raise free range cattle for my own consumption. Even if corn wasn't sprayed with any round up, its still a terrible feed. No nutrients, meant to fatten things up and keep them alive, thats it.

True, but there has yet to be any hard evidence that traces of round up itself is present in any livestock.

The biggest problem is hat when a plant is immune to a specific herbicide, that herbicide is used solely without your convention 'mix', thus allowing the weeds its killing to create and immunity faster than it would otherwise. Gmo crops can start to genetixally drift, losing some of its vitamin content.... but that's the extent of hard fact

Besides that I know of no actually hard proof on the subject
Your argument makes it sound like the non GMO labels are all printed up, they just have to use up these remaining labels first to save all the small businesses. Sounds like something a lawyer for Monsanto would say. Peoples health is not worth the cost of printing a new label?
While you feast on your free range cattle and I sit here wondering whats even in my beef..I guess we will agree to disagree
Your argument makes it sound like the non GMO labels are all printed up, they just have to use up these remaining labels first to save all the small businesses. Sounds like something a lawyer for Monsanto would say. Peoples health is not worth the cost of printing a new label?
While you feast on your free range cattle and I sit here wondering whats even in my beef..I guess we will agree to disagree

Thats exactly what im saying. Pass legislature that says within a 2-3 year span, business' need to be fully compliant.

That way they can use labelling stock that's already purchased without taking a huge hit.

I work with a non profit bakery that employs people with disabilities. If that legislature would have passed they would have had $9000 in old labels that couldn't be used, and woukd need to buy another $12,000 worth to cover their new bulk order.

Their budget has about $5000/year of liquid funds. Do the math. That legislature puts them out of business. Everyone employed loses their job.

Health and well being for the public is my argument. Mental health and quality of life included. People losing their jobs and business is not 'healthy'. If you think gmo is bad, you have every option to eat organic.... but its gonna be more expensive.

Thats why the option is there, to represent different segments of the market.

Just so you know, non-gmo produce has much much more pesticides and herbicides used than gmo.

Hard evidence has been presented towards the effects of these chemicals, where as the effects of gmo's have not.

Which is worse?

Your arguing that you have to eat mystery beef, but it is completely within your capabilities of sourcing organic beef.
Thats exactly what im saying. Pass legislature that says within a 2-3 year span, business' need to be fully compliant.

That way they can use labelling stock that's already purchased without taking a huge hit.

I work with a non profit bakery that employs people with disabilities. If that legislature would have passed they would have had $9000 in old labels that couldn't be used, and woukd need to buy another $12,000 worth to cover their new bulk order.

Their budget has about $5000/year of liquid funds. Do the math. That legislature puts them out of business. Everyone employed loses their job.

Health and well being for the public is my argument. Mental health and quality of life included. People losing their jobs and business is not 'healthy'. If you think gmo is bad, you have every option to eat organic.... but its gonna be more expensive.

Thats why the option is there, to represent different segments of the market.

Just so you know, non-gmo produce has much much more pesticides and herbicides used than gmo.

Hard evidence has been presented towards the effects of these chemicals, where as the effects of gmo's have not.

Which is worse?

Your arguing that you have to eat mystery beef, but it is completely within your capabilities of sourcing organic beef.
You talk a lot of nonsense. Is it your agenda to flood the minds of people with nonsense to confuse them? Stop with your go buy Organic so that my Glyphosate Food selling friends can save a buck. They are poisoning and guilty of poisoning children every day. No mercy for them. Blood on their hands. No mercy. Stop with your non GMO is just as bad. Wrong. GMO has the most toxic pesticides and herbacisdes of all food. Keep talking and revealing your agenda. Burn Babylon Burn.56577.png
Canolla is GMO'd Rapeseed[paint thinner]…it was one of the first true successes

it has been a WONDERFULL boon to farmers and the economy..

...but not to peoples health

a friend of mine got his health back after finding out it was the problem..
Thats exactly what im saying. Pass legislature that says within a 2-3 year span, business' need to be fully compliant.

That way they can use labelling stock that's already purchased without taking a huge hit.

I work with a non profit bakery that employs people with disabilities. If that legislature would have passed they would have had $9000 in old labels that couldn't be used, and woukd need to buy another $12,000 worth to cover their new bulk order.

Their budget has about $5000/year of liquid funds. Do the math. That legislature puts them out of business. Everyone employed loses their job.

Health and well being for the public is my argument. Mental health and quality of life included. People losing their jobs and business is not 'healthy'. If you think gmo is bad, you have every option to eat organic.... but its gonna be more expensive.

Thats why the option is there, to represent different segments of the market.

Just so you know, non-gmo produce has much much more pesticides and herbicides used than gmo.

Hard evidence has been presented towards the effects of these chemicals, where as the effects of gmo's have not.

Which is worse?

Your arguing that you have to eat mystery beef, but it is completely within your capabilities of sourcing organic beef.
You keep speaking about individuals having the ability to avoid GMO poisons. That is the evil plan. Those who know and have money to burn can protect them self and their immediate family. What about the rest of the world? That is eugenics. Kill all and have an expensive antidote for the few killers and friends. BURN HydroMD Burn.john-t-unger-portable-fire-pits.jpg
GMO = population control. New World Order.......... The earth cannot sustain itself with more population. So "they" poison the food too make you sick, then "they" make money treating you, ultimatly you die broke. There's no money in dead people, only sick ones.
