Only way to fix the krokodile problem in Russia is to legalize heroin


Active Member
Anyone who has done heroin would understand that obviously 99% of krokodile users didn't start off usen krokodile. They started off on pills then heroin, then not having heroin or not being able to afford it moved onto krokodile, I highly doubt any heroin user would use krokodile if clean diamorphine/heroin was available period. The governments prohibition and control is destroying the world moral when it comes to the war on drugs.
I don't think it's exactly the laws that are the problem with these people. If they're willing to risk death or extreme body harm just to get high they're just as likely to kill themselves on heroin
I agree that the only way to end problems like that is legalization. People are going to do drugs and some are going to do them no matter the consequences. There are DRASTICALLY fewer from injecting pharmaceutical grade heroin than the horrific stew of desomorphine, reduction agents, caustics, and organic solvents known as krokodil. Just like no one gets blinded or dies of methanol poisoning from booze in countries with regulated alcohol industries but it was all too common during Prohibition. Some people will still drink themselves to death. But a great number will have a chance to realize what they're doing and address the problem if they aren't playing Russian roulette every time they get a bottle.
^^if this realization would also happen to users...
But then L-boogie pulls out the stamps and reason goes bye bye:-)
I agree that the only way to end problems like that is legalization. People are going to do drugs and some are going to do them no matter the consequences. There are DRASTICALLY fewer from injecting pharmaceutical grade heroin than the horrific stew of desomorphine, reduction agents, caustics, and organic solvents known as krokodil. Just like no one gets blinded or dies of methanol poisoning from booze in countries with regulated alcohol industries but it was all too common during Prohibition. Some people will still drink themselves to death. But a great number will have a chance to realize what they're doing and address the problem if they aren't playing Russian roulette every time they get a bottle.
Really? Legalize heroin because theres better more dangerous drugs now and your scared the junkies might kill themselves with those drugs because the other drugs that could kill them arent around? Who cares if heroin kills less people than the new shit, it still kills people, and ruins lives, spreads disease, and is funded by the creepiest creeps around. Theres a reason why drugs are illegal, because theyre dangerous. All of them from tylenol to krokodil can kill you when used improperly and wrecklessly. Imo the world would be better off without heroin. I personally know exactly what happens when your hooked on that shit and it aint fun.
^^ but it ain't working..
So in the name of humanity,what's YOUR means to fix the problem..
Like mreduck said,and its proven..prohibition don't work..krokodile it the junkie equivalent to an alcoholic drinking banana extracts for the 12% alcohol in it...
So,mother Theresa, what do we do? The laws that your argument/statement stand behind are a farce,don't work and ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE to the problem..
Any other suggestions?
Really? Legalize heroin because theres better more dangerous drugs now and your scared the junkies might kill themselves with those drugs because the other drugs that could kill them arent around? Who cares if heroin kills less people than the new shit, it still kills people, and ruins lives, spreads disease, and is funded by the creepiest creeps around. Theres a reason why drugs are illegal, because theyre dangerous. All of them from tylenol to krokodil can kill you when used improperly and wrecklessly. Imo the world would be better off without heroin. I personally know exactly what happens when your hooked on that shit and it aint fun.

Legalization is not because there are better drugs or more dangerous drugs. It's because simply making something illegal makes it more dangerous because there is no oversight and no legal recourse if you get sold fake or defective products. I am not saying that drugs are good or that there is no downside. What I am saying is that prohibition exacerbates the problem. Due to artificial scarcity the cost of a fix goes up and addicts are going to do what they need to do to get more. And unscrupulous profiteers make billions of dollars providing it to them. Heroin is not funded by the creepiest creeps around it funds the creepiest creeps around because they don't care about the costs of getting ahead. The argument for legalization is that there will always be addicts but lets not use their existence as a way to empower the worst humanity has to offer.
Legalization is not because there are better drugs or more dangerous drugs. It's because simply making something illegal makes it more dangerous because there is no oversight and no legal recourse if you get sold fake or defective products. I am not saying that drugs are good or that there is no downside. What I am saying is that prohibition exacerbates the problem. Due to artificial scarcity the cost of a fix goes up and addicts are going to do what they need to do to get more. And unscrupulous profiteers make billions of dollars providing it to them. Heroin is not funded by the creepiest creeps around it funds the creepiest creeps around because they don't care about the costs of getting ahead. The argument for legalization is that there will always be addicts but lets not use their existence as a way to empower the worst humanity has to offer.
legal heroin availible to more people is more dangerous than illegal heroin availible only if you search it out. Heroin is a drug that is abused, just like methadone, and oxicotton. The addictive qualities of these drugs make normal people become junkies with minimal use. The disgusting state of living these drugs cause forces the users to stay out of site of the public and have left the users of them with unsavory stereotyipical nick-names. Hardcore drugs belong where they are, illegal, because they kill people, every fucking day.
legal heroin availible to more people is more dangerous than illegal heroin availible only if you search it out. Heroin is a drug that is abused, just like methadone, and oxicotton. The addictive qualities of these drugs make normal people become junkies with minimal use. The disgusting state of living these drugs cause forces the users to stay out of site of the public and have left the users of them with unsavory stereotyipical nick-names. Hardcore drugs belong where they are, illegal, because they kill people, every fucking day.
That argument is bullshit. No one is suddenly going to say "you know now that heroin is legal I feel like seeing what the fuss is all about." Sure people will still seek it out but better they are less likely to need to resort to criminal behavior to obtain a fix or worry about fatal impurities.
I am not refuting that hard drugs are dangerous nor that they kill people. Alcohol kills WAY more people and ruins FAR more lives than all illegal drugs combined. Countries with more relaxed drug policies like the Dutch, Portuguese, and Swiss have much lower rates of heroin addiction than other western European countries which implies more people will not choose to take those drugs just because the legal penalties are removed.
That argument is bullshit. No one is suddenly going to say "you know now that heroin is legal I feel like seeing what the fuss is all about." Sure people will still seek it out but better they are less likely to need to resort to criminal behavior to obtain a fix or worry about fatal impurities.
I am not refuting that hard drugs are dangerous nor that they kill people. Alcohol kills WAY more people and ruins FAR more lives than all illegal drugs combined. Countries with more relaxed drug policies like the Dutch, Portuguese, and Swiss have much lower rates of heroin addiction than other western European countries which implies more people will not choose to take those drugs just because the legal penalties are removed.
Quadruple-double dog-like.
That argument is bullshit. No one is suddenly going to say "you know now that heroin is legal I feel like seeing what the fuss is all about." Sure people will still seek it out but better they are less likely to need to resort to criminal behavior to obtain a fix or worry about fatal impurities.
I am not refuting that hard drugs are dangerous nor that they kill people. Alcohol kills WAY more people and ruins FAR more lives than all illegal drugs combined. Countries with more relaxed drug policies like the Dutch, Portuguese, and Swiss have much lower rates of heroin addiction than other western European countries which implies more people will not choose to take those drugs just because the legal penalties are removed.
Oh really? Like nobody in Colorado or Washington said, now that weeds legal i feel like seeing what all the fuss is about? Riiiiiiiight. Sure dude. And i hate to say it but the more i read your posts the more i think your a moron. Your comparing fatalities from alcohol to heroin. Are you aware that alcohol is availible at every corner of every street in America? Heroin is only availible to a tiny fraction of a percent of Americans. where the fuck is the correlation? There is none. If heroin was that availible to the public there would be chaos everywhere. Theres a good portion of people that do heroin once and then just cant stop. Nevermind, i dont know why im even explaining this to you. Your obviously a moron and im wasting my time because your too stupid to figure this out for yourself. Take a poll of riu ya douch, herion junkies and dealers belong in prison, and you belong back in school where learning happens. And if the junkies dont end up in prison i got somthing for em if i catch em on my property trying to procure their next fix with my possessions.
Oh really? Like nobody in Colorado or Washington said, now that weeds legal i feel like seeing what all the fuss is about? Riiiiiiiight. Sure dude. And i hate to say it but the more i read your posts the more i think your a moron. Your comparing fatalities from alcohol to heroin. Are you aware that alcohol is availible at every corner of every street in America? Heroin is only availible to a tiny fraction of a percent of Americans. where the fuck is the correlation? There is none. If heroin was that availible to the public there would be chaos everywhere. Theres a good portion of people that do heroin once and then just cant stop. Nevermind, i dont know why im even explaining this to you. Your obviously a moron and im wasting my time because your too stupid to figure this out for yourself. Take a poll of riu ya douch, herion junkies and dealers belong in prison, and you belong back in school where learning happens. And if the junkies dont end up in prison i got somthing for em if i catch em on my property trying to procure their next fix with my possessions.
And comparing heroin and weed is even more fair. Lots of people decided to try legal weed because the most dangerous quality of weed is the legal risk.
You disagree with me and when you can't come up with good arguments your resort to ad hominem attacks. I am willing to bet I have a lot more experience with hard drugs than you do. I am not saying they are good, I am saying that prohibition greatly exacerbates those problems.
And comparing heroin and weed is even more fair. Lots of people decided to try legal weed because the most dangerous quality of weed is the legal risk.
You disagree with me and when you can't come up with good arguments your resort to ad hominem attacks. I am willing to bet I have a lot more experience with hard drugs than you do. I am not saying they are good, I am saying that prohibition greatly exacerbates those problems.
Dude you dont even make sence. You compared how many people died from substance abuse between alcohol and heroin, and the availability of these two things are totally opposite. Now your denying that if your precious heroin was legal that nobody would try it just because its legal? Wrong. And in no way am i comparing weed to heroin, im stating the fact that humans are naturally curious creatures that tend to try things that we are allowed to. Maybe if i had made the correlation between legal heroin and bungee jumping. Your allowed to jump off bridges with rubber bands on your ankles, its totally a fucked up crazy thing to do and nobody knew about it until it became mainstream, but once it caught on everyone wanted to try it. This is human nature.
I have no doubt that you have more experience with hard drugs than i have. The way you misread my posts, and post your "facts" of substance abuse deaths, i can tell that hard drugs have riddled your brain with fissures and dead spots. If you think i wont see through your bullshit your probably high on smack right now eh?
I haven't done opioids in over three years. You just can't recognize logic. I have actually given a great deal of thought of to drug policy. I am a firm believer in the philosophy known as harm reduction. How can you explain countries with more relaxed drug laws having lower rates of drug abuse than those with stricter laws?
Prohibition has been an utter failure. You can ban drugs but it is not going to stop people from trying to throw their lives away. What you can do is remove billions of dollars of funding from sociopaths with private armies who are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Without the unending stream of drug money funding them they can be stopped.

Why do we never hear of how horrible morphine is for people? Because it is not demonized. Yet the two drugs are virtually identical.

Why is it not demonized? Because it has uses, the same as heroin. Only heroin is the devil drug in the U.S.

I spoke about my two friends who each visit their doctor for a massive injection of morhine every sixty days. Yhe injection is into a reservoir of a morphine pump. They lead happy, productivr, pain free lives.

Arr they addicted? Yes they are, so? Addiction does not turn people into criminals.
What saddens me is that supposedly enlightened pot smokers cant get a grip on the entire scene. They laugh at "reefer madness" but buy into all the other "this is your brain on drugs" bullshit.
Dude you dont even make sence. You compared how many people died from substance abuse between alcohol and heroin, and the availability of these two things are totally opposite. Now your denying that if your precious heroin was legal that nobody would try it just because its legal? Wrong. And in no way am i comparing weed to heroin, im stating the fact that humans are naturally curious creatures that tend to try things that we are allowed to. Maybe if i had made the correlation between legal heroin and bungee jumping. Your allowed to jump off bridges with rubber bands on your ankles, its totally a fucked up crazy thing to do and nobody knew about it until it became mainstream, but once it caught on everyone wanted to try it. This is human nature.
I have no doubt that you have more experience with hard drugs than i have. The way you misread my posts, and post your "facts" of substance abuse deaths, i can tell that hard drugs have riddled your brain with fissures and dead spots. If you think i wont see through your bullshit your probably high on smack right now eh?

Fisures and dead spots? Which opiate does that?
Oh really? Like nobody in Colorado or Washington said, now that weeds legal i feel like seeing what all the fuss is about? Riiiiiiiight. Sure dude. And i hate to say it but the more i read your posts the more i think your a moron. Your comparing fatalities from alcohol to heroin. Are you aware that alcohol is availible at every corner of every street in America? Heroin is only availible to a tiny fraction of a percent of Americans. where the fuck is the correlation? There is none. If heroin was that availible to the public there would be chaos everywhere. Theres a good portion of people that do heroin once and then just cant stop. Nevermind, i dont know why im even explaining this to you. Your obviously a moron and im wasting my time because your too stupid to figure this out for yourself. Take a poll of riu ya douch, herion junkies and dealers belong in prison, and you belong back in school where learning happens. And if the junkies dont end up in prison i got somthing for em if i catch em on my property trying to procure their next fix with my possessions.
You're as niaeve as well as uneducated..
Heroin is in EVERY city,town,country side street..I've found it from Kansas to limestone mainne to florida..
Mreduck has more intelligence in his drunken dreams than your entire family in it's entire history BTW,and you proved the latter by calling the man a moron.
Dude you dont even make sence. You compared how many people died from substance abuse between alcohol and heroin, and the availability of these two things are totally opposite. Now your denying that if your precious heroin was legal that nobody would try it just because its legal? Wrong. And in no way am i comparing weed to heroin, im stating the fact that humans are naturally curious creatures that tend to try things that we are allowed to. Maybe if i had made the correlation between legal heroin and bungee jumping. Your allowed to jump off bridges with rubber bands on your ankles, its totally a fucked up crazy thing to do and nobody knew about it until it became mainstream, but once it caught on everyone wanted to try it. This is human nature.
I have no doubt that you have more experience with hard drugs than i have. The way you misread my posts, and post your "facts" of substance abuse deaths, i can tell that hard drugs have riddled your brain with fissures and dead spots. If you think i wont see through your bullshit your probably high on smack right now eh?
Proof is right in front of you.prohibitions doesn't work..ducks version of drug regulation might not either,but you're arguing for a dead horses(pardon the pun)sake,and knowingly doing so,not in the name of humanity,but to pacify your ego and make yourself believe you're right..its ok to be wrong,hell I thought the mets were a great team once...
Things gotta change..the way they are now isn't working, and its leading people to think like you..'fuck it,they're worthless junkies'
Life is precious,and no matter who they are,or what they do,someone loves that junkie..I hope you experience this one day.