What jar size do you use for curing/storing?


What jar size do you use for curing/storing? and how many grams fit in it?
Would it be ok to throw a hygrometer and boveda 62% or 54% pack in the jar?
And how often do you burp the jar? and for how many minutes?
Pint sized or quart sized Mason or Ball jars, be sure to get the wide mouth if you plan on putting hygrometers inside.
It's really a question of volume. If you're growing pounds, you probably need large half gallon/full gallon sized jars. My 'grow' was very small - I grew 3 plants I had to keep under 6' due to the outdoor location and of course you want to keep each variety in separate jars, so I opted for the pint sized jars. I ended up with 9 jars after losing about 20% of my buds to bud worms (rookie mistake), then 1 jar developed a 'mildew' smell so I trashed it. That left 2 jars of 1 plant and 3 jars each of the other 2 plants. When 1 of my 'smoking' jars gets low, I dump buds from a 'storage' jar that has a Boveda pack in it keeping it fresh. The 'smoking' stash is left open a few hours to reduce the RH and make the product better suited to smoking.

So jar size is relative to the size of your grow and how you like your product.
I use quart jars and then a little 1/4 pint jar with a clip for my carry-around stash. If the buds are a little spongy, I burp for about 30 mins and roll the jars in my hands to aerate the buds at the bottom and to keep them loose. Then seal for a day, then same process if still spongy.
I wish I could find that pic gioua posted.
It was a tote larger then a coffee table, and he used a couch for scale!

But for me i use Large mouth jars and when the grow goes well, excess goes into tupperware tubs.
Anything airtight and food safe pretty much. Glass jars and Tupperware. I like glass, easier to clean. I used to have friends save old sauce jars for me, which i would clean and sterilize, but I started buying new jars. I really like the ones Blackforest has.
This is new to me. May I ask, you place a r/h meter (what's that?) and 62% r/h packs (?) inside the jars?
What's this?

harvest 4-25-13.jpg

r/h = relative humidity meter
62% broveda(sp) packs, humidity packs for storing stuff like in cigar humidors. they keep your herb fresh as can be for periods of time.

I cure all my meds for 3+ weeks, and I have jars full of meds for 3+ months normally. I also have 1 jar of my prized strain (which is RIP now), vacuum sealed since 12/20/14 and is still fresh as can be.