seeds form a mid grade hermie


Well-Known Member
So i always grow from clones since i live in Colorado and get medical clones but i just got a zip of some mid grade kind bud with some seeds in it, not much maybe 15-20 from the whole zip, my question is can i grow them in a better environment like i grow in now. can i make genetics better? And will they be hermies to? Or will it always be mid grade shit


Well-Known Member
There is no way to know until you grow it. Unless you were in the grow room and know 100% for sure.... the pollen could have come from a true male, or it could be hermi pollen. 50/50 chance. It may be midgrade to you now because the grower was not good. You may grow the seeds and do a better job than they did and have great results! Some of the best weed in the world was grown from something that came in a bag. And some of the best weed on the planet has hermi tendencies.... No telling until you start growing. Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
Forsure that's what i was thinking. Ya it was grown outside next to males and females ill grem em and start i just dont wanna run outta room my grow box is really full


Well-Known Member
So i always grow from clones since i live in Colorado and get medical clones but i just got a zip of some mid grade kind bud with some seeds in it, not much maybe 15-20 from the whole zip, my question is can i grow them in a better environment like i grow in now. can i make genetics better? And will they be hermies to? Or will it always be mid grade shit
Keep us posted on how things turn out I'm interested in knowing what happens


Well-Known Member
I dunno Gunnar, you can certainly do it, but where your at in the world you have access to all kinds of good shit to run.
Oh i kno i got my three ak47s a month in 12-12 i just wanna see what happens when i thro some seeds in my garden lol