First Attempt.


Well-Known Member
im not a soil grower but i think u should use a medium with no nute for the begining stages. once the plant get stonger start adding in the good fert and nutes. ur CFL is fine for the veg stages. itll even be fine for the flowering but if u use HPS for flowering you will get a way higher yield. but hey ur little guy looks better already. just keep the light on 24/7 at 2" away and make sue u have a fan so the stock can get nice and beefy. good luck!


Well-Known Member
im not a soil grower but i think u should use a medium with no nute for the begining stages. once the plant get stonger start adding in the good fert and nutes. ur CFL is fine for the veg stages. itll even be fine for the flowering but if u use HPS for flowering you will get a way higher yield. but hey ur little guy looks better already. just keep the light on 24/7 at 2" away and make sue u have a fan so the stock can get nice and beefy. good luck!

24/7? doesn't the plant need some dark time?


Well-Known Member
in hydro you can keep the plants under 24 hour lighting for the veg. but when it comes to flowering you want 12/12 lighting. i know a lot of people say put it under 18/6 or 20/4 but im lazy so i keep it under 24 haha. it works for me and i kno it works for others. but to be honest im not sure what the differances are in plant growth. i think im gonna find out now that you mention it! thanks.
24/7? doesn't the plant need some dark time?


Well-Known Member
Seems like my baby isn't growing as fast as I was hoping, granted that this is in soil, and I have heard that plants starting in soil tend to grow slower than hydro. I am hoping that it is just stressed from being transplanted, and that it will get over it soon.

Also, is it normal for the false leaves to turn yellow after a while?


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Well-Known Member
Yeah they say hydro is faster and you can get bigger buds but ive never done both so im not one to claim anything. Stress will stun the plant a little ( i have had a lot of experiance with that! lol)but it will eventually get better.

the pod leaves do turn yellow and eventually fall off. i hear of some people cutting them off but i dont think it does anything significant enough to put the plant through the stress. just leave em on, they will fall off on their own

good luck!


Seems like my baby isn't growing as fast as I was hoping, granted that this is in soil, and I have heard that plants starting in soil tend to grow slower than hydro. I am hoping that it is just stressed from being transplanted, and that it will get over it soon.

Also, is it normal for the false leaves to turn yellow after a while?


Well-Known Member
I think I know why it is stretching. The CFL I was using was on the lower end of the light output scale. I just went to home depot, and picked up some 100watt, 5500K Full Spectrum CFLs. I figure that a little stretched won't be too bad, but I do need to get a little desk fan on it, to help strengthen that long stem.

Also, I did a little reading on the false leaves, or pod leaves. Apparently they have stored sugurs and starches for the new seedling to live on while it establishes its reall leaves. So they act in the same way the yolk does for a chicken's egg.
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Well-Known Member
yes! thats right, when the leaves turn brown and yellow, they give the plant sugar. some people recomend leaving all the leaves on but then some people dont. so im not too sure which way to go

I think I know why it is stretching. The CFL I was using was on the lower end of the light output scale. I just went to home depot, and picked up some 100watt, 5500K Full Spectrum CFLs. I figure that a little stretched won't be too bad, but I do need to get a little desk fan on it, to help strengthen that long stem.

Also, I did a little reading on the false leaves, or pod leaves. Apparently they have stored sugurs and starches for the new seedling to live on while it establishes its reall leaves. So they act in the same way the yolk does for a chicken's egg.


Well-Known Member
well, it has been about a day since I replaced the bulb, and already the growth rate has increased on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
:evil:I think I found the problem. This soil is water retartent, untill you give it a good soaking, and hydrate the soil. So basically, the little water it was getting was from the little bit that passed its roots. The rest would roll off down the sides of the pot.

So, I order to help hydrate the soil, i made 4 holes in the soil about 3 inches down. and i made a "moat" or an aquaduct if you prefer, then kept pooring water into the holes traping the water so that it would have to soak in instead of roll off like a rain drop on a waxed car.

So far it seems to have worked, because it was bone dry just an inche below the surface.


Well-Known Member
Lol...a moat, that's awesome! I'm in the same shoes as you man, good luck with everything! I'll be keeping an eye on this, you have a lot of the same questions as me!


Well-Known Member
i say ditch the dirt and go hydro! haha. but there is nothing wrong with soil. i think you should get some more seeds and start them up. even though ur little guy sprouted, its not guranteed a fem plant. id take the safe way and plant a few more just so its worth your time and effort.


Well-Known Member
I was acutally planning on going hydro, but since soil is so cheap, and a pot is pennies on the dollar, I started out with soil.

I already have a DWC/Bubbler running right now in my computer room where I have Dill, lettuce, and some cherry tomatos growing. So I already have some experience doing hydro. I would use the bubbler I have now, but I wouldn't be able to properly mantain the system due to it's poor design ( 10gl fish tank, styrofoam, black tar paper, fish air pump, fountain water pump, air stones). Not to mention I am lacking in any ph, or ppm meters.

My plan is to build an aeroponic system as soon as I have a few hundred bucks to spare. That will cover the systems parts; all except for the light, which is a little further out of my price range(using cfl's for now).

What seeds would be a good pratice seed?


Well-Known Member
if you can get clones that would be the best. can you get them?

I was acutally planning on going hydro, but since soil is so cheap, and a pot is pennies on the dollar, I started out with soil.

I already have a DWC/Bubbler running right now in my computer room where I have Dill, lettuce, and some cherry tomatos growing. So I already have some experience doing hydro. I would use the bubbler I have now, but I wouldn't be able to properly mantain the system due to it's poor design ( 10gl fish tank, styrofoam, black tar paper, fish air pump, fountain water pump, air stones). Not to mention I am lacking in any ph, or ppm meters.

My plan is to build an aeroponic system as soon as I have a few hundred bucks to spare. That will cover the systems parts; all except for the light, which is a little further out of my price range(using cfl's for now).

What seeds would be a good pratice seed?


Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like my first attempt is a failure. It didn't make it, not sure what the problem was but the leaves turned yellow, and then died. (I think it wasn't getting enough nutes due to the properties of the soil I used. This time I am going to add some perlite to the mix to help with the water absorbtion and airation.

So I am going to start a few more, I just got a whole bunch of seeds today.



Well-Known Member
good luck on those!! do you know what they are by any chance.

Well, it looks like my first attempt is a failure. It didn't make it, not sure what the problem was but the leaves turned yellow, and then died. (I think it wasn't getting enough nutes due to the properties of the soil I used. This time I am going to add some perlite to the mix to help with the water absorbtion and airation.

So I am going to start a few more, I just got a whole bunch of seeds today.