why is everyone afraid of nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
wrong again. nitrogen fed ALL the way thru flowering, inside. :mrgreen::blsmoke: View attachment 164688 View attachment 164689
*only* summarizing what I've read. I think its for taste. Ditch the N during flowering and the flush is that much more easy?

I have 2 in flowering now. Both from the same momma, same soil, nutes, etc. Only dif is a 4 vs 2 main colas. One (2cola) is killer green and happy looking, other (4 cola) is looking like the rest here, starting to fade yellowish, etc. @ about the 6 week mark, 30% Indica 70% Sativa mix

The 4/yellowing cola plant is producing bigger buds then the green 2 cola.

Only info, no opinion or the like.


Well-Known Member
soooo i think this post is saying its ok to use nitrogen during flowering too... I learned something today, thanks fdd. Do you use lower doses of nitrogen during flowering? Also how did you get all those plants to grow straight one cola. Wow i also always thought maxicrop seaweed was a add of Nitrogen because how green it keeps things but i just checked the bottle its 0.1-0-1.0.
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Well-Known Member
soooo i think this post is saying its ok to use nitrogen during flowering too... I learned something today, thanks fdd. Do you use lower doses of nitrogen during flowering? Also how did you get all those plants to grow straight one cola.
i give them as much as they need to keep them green. once they start fading i feed them a full dose. the single colas are strain related. nitrogen flushes just as well as bloom nutes. my plants are yellow when they are done but they stay green up until the last week or so. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea a few of my plants need nitrogen.

should i get fish emulsion or blood meal?
Blood meal is for slow release. Even if you make a tea, it needs to set for about a week (this according to one Filthy Fletch, who knows his shit but hasn't been posting much). Fish emulsion is immediate gratification. :) Just be careful! Better to give smaller, more frequent feedings, you absolutely can burn with f.e.


Well-Known Member
(snipped) i also always thought maxicrop seaweed was a add of Nitrogen because how green it keeps things but i just checked the bottle its 0.1-0-1.0.
I believe that the way to interpret that label is that the NPK is 1%N; 0%P (phosphorous); 1%K (potassium).. wait.. the N is point one? That would be one tenth of one percent nitrogen, then (if I'm reading it correctly). It does make it difficult when different companies use different methods of expressing the same number, that's for sure.

When in doubt, test it out. Cheap NPK test kit would help.


Well-Known Member
Fdd2blk I completely agree with you, about using some N during flowering. I have never had anyone prove to me, running no N during the last month produced any more or any better bud.
I always feed a low number N during the last month, like 3 or slightly under. Plants totally deprived of such an important nutrient, do not finish better or bigger. It would be like you eating crackers & peanut butter for a month, with no milk. That just doesn't work for me.
Keep it Real...Organic.....Generation X take the Red Pill..... You can grow, without fancy 2 & 3 part nutes.. Grow Organic...Read the Organic Threads... We Organic Growers - produce the Finest Buds....using shit....
Redpill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Oohh.. Ohso, that was a cruel visual. :lol:

I hope it's all-natural peanut butter you're munchin' on, there, the other stuff, well, you know what the other stuff is full of. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oohh.. Ohso, that was a cruel visual. :lol:

I hope it's all-natural peanut butter you're munchin' on, there, the other stuff, well, you know what the other stuff is full of. ;)
Yes All Organic PB & Crackers (whole wheat of course) with Fresh Organic Milk. No Big Agri - Mass Produced Swill for me. I don't want their anti-botics or growth hormones...Yuck....
Nitrogen is Good...it's in rainwater, almost all nature ferts & plants love it.
Note: 9 out of 10 plants, say " I just couldn't live without it."
Keep it Real...Organic......


Well-Known Member
Ohso, I credit YOU with the hugeness of my third and fourth grow phases (my known strains). You and that Super Plant Tonic, and those little mycorrhizae, too! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Agree with FDD,i use ferts with nitrogen through the entire grow,once im like 30 days into heavy bud i'll switch ferts with a lower nitrogen content but nitrogen is given through the entire grow.


New Member
And after being advised that my plants needed N, I used a solution of fish emulsion that was only 50% stronger than recommended and fucking killed them. Dead. I wouldn't recommend using a double strength for people who haven't got some time under their belts. In other words, bullshit to the notion that fish emulsion can't burn a plant. It can burn them very easily. Gotta be careful.
Im sorry to hear that. I have never burned and use it quite frequently at strong doses.


Well-Known Member
Oh, if you saw what I did... :oops: Lesson learned is all I will say. ;)

And, um.. another lesson learned with f.e. Don't use it as a foliar spray if you live near your plants. Mkay? :lol: :x :lol:


Well-Known Member
IM using 20/20/20 and my plant loves it, nice and green,no yellow leafs, or nutrient burn:blsmoke: