Upgrade your Jackets Ice Age Comin


Well-Known Member
No, I'm CLEARLY saying its a ranking of probability. If they could claim what your trying to claim, they wouldn't have used percentages at all. If they could say it was incontrovertible fact, as you stupidly do, they would have ranked them without approximate percentages of probability. They are only less uncertain of their number one pick than the others. They will NOT say what you claim, because they know they could be wrong.
So by this logic, you're saying that NASA and NOAA might be claiming that 1998 was hotter than 2014.


Well-Known Member
So by this logic, you're saying that NASA and NOAA might be claiming that 1998 was hotter than 2014.
No, I'm saying its a ranking of their best guesses based on the evidence they have. Nowhere in the report or chart do they make the claim you've made dozens of times.


Well-Known Member
Have you any clue what "Probability of warmest year" means?

I see "Ranking of Record Years is Sensitive to Methodology and Coverage". Funny how you keep excluding important context and flat out ignoring the header of the very chart you're citing.

No, you're not even close to keeping up.
So you think NASA and NOAA are saying it is more probable that 1998 or even a nonrecord year was hotter than 2014.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying its a ranking of their best guesses based on the evidence they have. Nowhere in the report or chart do they make the claim you've made dozens of times.
Yes, NASA and NOAA do in fact state very clearly and unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record.


Well-Known Member
Yes, NASA and NOAA do in fact state very clearly and unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS’s analysis – based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide – is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.

Yet the Nasa press release failed to mention this, as well as the fact that the alleged ‘record’ amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous ‘warmest year’, of just two-hundredths of a degree – or 0.02C. The margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C – several times as much.
Double whoops.

As a result, GISS’s director Gavin Schmidt has now admitted Nasa thinks the likelihood that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 is just 38 per cent. However, when asked by this newspaper whether he regretted that the news release did not mention this, he did not respond


Well-Known Member

The year 2014 ranks as Earth’s warmest since 1880, according to two separate analyses by NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists.


2014 Earth's warmest year on record;
December 2014 record warm; Global oceans also record warm for 2014

The globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for 2014 was the highest among all years since record keeping began in 1880.
Double whoops


Well-Known Member
Those are not from NASA and NOAA, they're from news media outlets.


That's why citations require links

Double whoops.
Yeah, they came out AFTER the report. You do understand the concept of news articles? You do know there are still these businesses know as newspapers?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they came out AFTER the report. You do understand the concept of news articles? You do know there are still these businesses know as newspapers?
Yet they differ from reality. They claim NASA and NOAA say something which is different from what NASA and NOAA say.


Well-Known Member

Nasa climate scientists: We said 2014 was the warmest year on record... but we're only 38% sure we were right
  • Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed ‘2014 was the warmest year on record’
  • But it emerged that GISS’s analysis is subject to a margin of error
  • Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all


Well-Known Member
VeryDumbNC the facts are not disputable we are seeing massive shifts in the climate, and smart scientists can prove that it is directly correlated to CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases.


Well-Known Member
I found pages of articles about their admission. I just selected the first couple I came across.

My rules, I provide links when I feel like it. Don't like it, tough titties...I make the rules of debate on this site. Everyone knows that.


Well-Known Member
That's your opinion, and you are entitled to it. The good news for all of us is that you are not in a position to make any sort of decisions on the matter.

Sincerely yours,
You couldn't be more wrong. It's the millions of citizens just like me that are preventing the citizens like you from enacting shit. Don't kid yourself, until you convince me and my brothers in common sense, you ain't passing squat.