More whining about size


Well-Known Member
There's no way a plant that small is rootbound in those pots.

It very well could be a combination of lack of light plus the strain. They look perfectly fine, other than being a little small.

Also, what are your temps like? Your stems are a little purple; could mean it's a cool environment.



Well-Known Member
There's no way a plant that small is rootbound in those pots.

It very well could be a combination of lack of light plus the strain. They look perfectly fine, other than being a little small.

Also, what are your temps like? Your stems are a little purple; could mean it's a cool environment.

Yea that's a good point. I'm just so used to transplanting at 2 weeks after sprouting. It's like clockwork.

Camo Hat

Well-Known Member
Here's what I'm using for soil.

Surface soil temp is around between 68 - 72 (checked with infrared thermometer) when the lights are on. I'd guess a few degrees below that during the lights off time. I live in New England where winter doesn't want to end.

Thanks for your attention guys. This is my first grow.BG-Seeding-Mix-front.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hmm, that soil should be ok I suppose. You haven't given any nutes at all, just water, right? There's not many other variables to rule out at this early of a stage. Best guess now is that your water ph is way off. Get a ph meter or test kit and see what your well water is. How often do you water and what color is your run off?

Camo Hat

Well-Known Member
I gave them a 1/4 strength Miracle Grow type fert twice since they got their true leaves. I water when the surface soil doesn't stick to my finger. I don't give them enough to produce a runoff. I'm paranoid about over-watering. Yeah. I'll get a pH testing device.

THX again.


Well-Known Member
Definitely stop with the Miracle grow nutes. Your seedlings don't need any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks in most cases. Also, should judge your watering based on the weight of the pot. No mattet what size pot I have a plant in I never water/feed more than every 3-5 days. Just because the top is dry doesn't mean it needs water. That could be due to the heat and airflow. Also, if you have a good quality soil, it's actually difficult to over water. You should be watering til you get some run off each time. At least enough to take measurements like PH and PPM.

Your plants don't necessarily looked nute burned. They could be in nute lock though due to the miracle grow feed. I think the first step is to check you water ph, then when they need water again, water and test the run off. If you can get a ppm meter that would be good too. Take note of how dark your run off is. You might need to flush them out, but check that stuff first.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Over watering. Wait until your pots are very light then water till runoff.

No nutes until after two weeks. They are probably stressed. Water with plain water for next 2-3 waters.

When you over water you slow root growth.

Camo Hat

Well-Known Member

I determined that my water pH was 7.5 and adjusted down to 6.0 with some white vinegar. I added a second humidifier and raised the CFL height about two inches.

I added a bit of "Superthrive" to their water and I'm not using Jacks feed any longer. I'll get some feed at a very cool local store I discovered.

The plants seem to have perked up and have grown a bit.


Well-Known Member
Cool, glad to hear. You probably want to keep a close eye incase the super thrive causes any burn. I'd go ahead and grab a ppm asap so you can test the runoff ppm of your soil to see how many nutes are in it. You can google ppm charts to get a good idea of what range you should be in for each stage.

Camo Hat

Well-Known Member
aGMC_8810.jpg aGMC_8819.jpg

Mine are doing well I'd say. They did nothing for a month. They show daily growth. Sure I'd to see photos of yours.

Attached are two photos showing pre-flowers I think.