Upgrade your Jackets Ice Age Comin


Well-Known Member
The charge: Disagreeing with CONSENSUS.

They're guilty, or they would never have been charged.

The punishment: Public teabagging with Al Gore's massive balls, while he blows an earth warming fart.

MARCH 2, 2010 AT 2:15 AM

your rhetoric, besides being unoriginal, is also espoused by the KKK. why do you share so many views in common with the KKK?


Well-Known Member


"Keystone XL pipeline. Congressional leaders moved swiftly to approve the long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline. The House passed the Keystone XL legislation on their first day in session, and the Senate passed similar legislation after a floor debate. President Obama vetoed the legislation on February 24, 2015 and promised to continue the administrative process to determine the fate of the pipeline. Without an early legislative or administrative resolution, Keystone approval may continue to be the topic of amendments and debate throughout the session."



"On June 2, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants (known as the Clean Power Plan), per its authority under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The development of this rule was announced by President Obama during his June 25, 2013, climate policy speech. The Clean Power Plan would establish different target emission rates (lbs of CO2 per megawatt-hour) for each state due to regional variations in generation mix and electricity consumption, but overall is projected to achieve a 30 percent cut from 2005 emissions by 2030, with an interim target of 25 percent on average between 2020 and 2029."


"1.The Environmental Protection Agency proposed a Clean Power Plan in 2014 to significantly reduce carbon emissions from existing power plants, the largest source. The proposal’s flexible framework will encourage states to develop innovative policies and will allow them to use market-based mechanisms to achieve results efficiently and cost-effectively.

2. States continued to be incubators of innovative policies toward a low-carbon future. Quebec and California successfully completed a joint auction of 34 million greenhouse gas allowances in November, demonstrating the viability of linking market-based programs.

3. The U.S. and China jointly announced greenhouse gas reduction targets that will require a significant effort beyond a business-as-usual scenario for both countries. The U.S. set a target of a 26 to 28 percent reduction in emissions by 2025. China, which this year launched a sixth pilot carbon emissions trading program, announced its emissions would peak by no later than 2030 and it would boost its share of zero-carbon energy to 20 percent.

4. Carbon capture and storage, a technology we need to increasingly deploy if we are to use coal and natural gas, achieved a significant milestone in 2014 as Canadian electric utility SaskPower started up the world’s first large-scale, coal-fired power plant that captures 90 percent of the carbon emissions it generates. Other new CCS projects will help reduce costs.

5. Electric vehicle sales continued to grow, reaching more than 275,000 in the U.S. A number of vehicles came to market, with BMW a major new entrant. Tesla broke ground in Nevada for a $5 billion factory to build batteries. Meanwhile, automakers were off to a good start toward meeting new standards for cars’ fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions.

6. New steps were taken to facilitate private sector financing for clean energy projects. New York opened the nation’s largest green bank and funded its first projects. New Jersey launched a $200 million Energy Resilience Bank. And several cities and states started or expanded programs to let building owners finance energy efficiency and clean energy improvements through property tax assessments.

7. Renewables, led by wind and solar, made up more than 40 percent of all newly installed power in the U.S. in the first three-quarters of 2014. The U.S. had four straight quarters of more than 1 GW of installed solar capacity. NRG Energy announced plans to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030, and 90 percent by 2050.

8. Countries meeting in Lima made progress toward a new climate agreement to be reached in 2015, with some of the broad contours, such as broad participation and individual country contributions, already taking shape.

9. Many companies showed climate leadership by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and improving sustainability. More than 1,000 businesses backed a price on carbon. Among them were members of our Business Environmental Leadership Council, including Alstom, Areva, Bayer, BP, Holcim, Johnson Controls, National Grid, PG&E, Rio Tinto and Royal Dutch Shell. At a U.N. Climate Summit, companies also announced efforts to stop tropical deforestation and reduce hydrofluorocarbons and methane emissions.

10. Individuals showed they are paying attention to climate change. In September, hundreds of thousands joined the People’s Climate March to draw attention to the need for action. While many other issues are on voters’ minds, most Americans support limiting power plant carbon emissions."

So nothing. A veto of a pipeline didn't address or limit emissions, did it? It certainly isn't PASSED legislation furthering your agenda, is it?

And an EPA plan that can be instantly reversed by the next President.

So, like I asked for before. What actual legislation has been PASSED to advance your cause. I specifically excluded executive orders as they can be erased five minutes after we have a new ass in the drivers seat.


Well-Known Member
...can be instantly reversed by the next President.... executive orders as they can be erased five minutes after we have a new ass in the drivers seat.
how do you think you're gonna get a republican in office while carrying such a small percentage of minority votes?

anyhoo, thanks for re-spamming the fox news talking points. it's not enough to spam fox news talking points just once.


Well-Known Member
So nothing. A veto of a pipeline didn't address or limit emissions, did it? It certainly isn't PASSED legislation furthering your agenda, is it?

And an EPA plan that can be instantly reversed by the next President.

So, like I asked for before. What actual legislation has been PASSED to advance your cause. I specifically excluded executive orders as they can be erased five minutes after we have a new ass in the drivers seat.
Obama vetoing the Keystone XL pipeline actually does limit GHG emissions. XL increases the pipelines existing GHG output by 30%.

The EPA's Clean Power Plan can't be overturned by executive action, so you're wrong on that one.. Same thing with the EPA's Clean Air Act, good luck overturning that too..

H.R.2454 - American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 (passed)

"This is the Waxman-Markey comprehensive energy bill, known for short as "ACES," that includes a cap-and-trade global warming reduction plan designed to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020. Other provisions include new renewable requirements for utilities, studies and incentives regarding new carbon capture and sequestration technologies, energy efficiency incentives for homes and buildings, and grants for green jobs, among other things."


But I saved the best for last...

Sheldon Whitehouse presented an amendment simply stating:

To express the sense of the Senate that climate change is real and not a hoax."

...and 98 Senators voted 'yea' (including 49 republicans & James 'climate change is a hoax' Inhofe himself!), and the lone 'nay' vote came from Roger Wicker...

So yeah, like I said, even republicans in the house & senate accept the scientific consensus when it comes to the vote..



Well-Known Member

We got climate change deniers, perpetrators, and now I present you with the Ice Age theory...

Don't laugh too hard, and remember not to steal Michael Jackson's popcorn that would be rude. Never steal from someone who can't steal back.
Yet we still keep having these 300,000 to 1,500.000 year ice ages interspersed with 18,000 to 25,000 warm periods. Yes, anyone who thinks that the Earth may return to its normal state is a "denier".

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Yet we still keep having these 300,000 to 1,500.000 year ice ages interspersed with 18,000 to 25,000 warm periods. Yes, anyone who thinks that the Earth may return to its normal state is a "denier".
Did someone call the pizza boy? I am getting hungry and I got only 20 how much do we owe you?


Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm cold. The last couple 'o months were a mini ice age.

We need more electric cars on the road so we can accelerate the filth we put in the sky. Warm this bitch up a bit, I says.

Maybe we could come up with a few more hoaxes like recycling, which of course you all know, (aluminum being the exception) has a negative effect on the environment.

Lemmings gotta lem.
Eco-Loons gotta loon.
When you run electric motors, Ozone is created. Once we go all electric there will be a problem with too much Ozone.


Well-Known Member
Obama vetoing the Keystone XL pipeline actually does limit GHG emissions. XL increases the pipelines existing GHG output by 30%.

The EPA's Clean Power Plan can't be overturned by executive action, so you're wrong on that one.. Same thing with the EPA's Clean Air Act, good luck overturning that too..

H.R.2454 - American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 (passed)

"This is the Waxman-Markey comprehensive energy bill, known for short as "ACES," that includes a cap-and-trade global warming reduction plan designed to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020. Other provisions include new renewable requirements for utilities, studies and incentives regarding new carbon capture and sequestration technologies, energy efficiency incentives for homes and buildings, and grants for green jobs, among other things."


But I saved the best for last...

Sheldon Whitehouse presented an amendment simply stating:

To express the sense of the Senate that climate change is real and not a hoax."

...and 98 Senators voted 'yea' (including 49 republicans & James 'climate change is a hoax' Inhofe himself!), and the lone 'nay' vote came from Roger Wicker...

So yeah, like I said, even republicans in the house & senate accept the scientific consensus when it comes to the vote..

If it wasn't passed by both houses of Congress and signed in to law by the President, every single bit of it can be overturned, reversed and sent screaming in the opposite direction like a runaway locomotive.

Vetoing a bill doesn't qualify as "passed legislation" that stems from your agenda, by any reasonable measure. I'll give you that it stopped "passed legislation" from stepping on the accelerator by your opponents, nothing more.

The last is a feel good vote that had no effect on anything. Also, I didn't take the time to explore, but did the amendment just say climate change isn't a hoax or that man made climate change isn't a hoax? Even I would vote for the first, not latter.


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't passed by both houses of Congress and signed in to law by the President, every single bit of it can be overturned, reversed and sent screaming in the opposite direction like a runaway locomotive.

Vetoing a bill doesn't qualify as "passed legislation" that stems from your agenda, by any reasonable measure. I'll give you that it stopped "passed legislation" from stepping on the accelerator by your opponents, nothing more.

The last is a feel good vote that had no effect on anything. Also, I didn't take the time to explore, but did the amendment just say climate change isn't a hoax or that man made climate change isn't a hoax? Even I would vote for the first, not latter.
Yeah, just like the republicans have overturned the EPA's Clean Air Act right when they got into office, right? You're unfamiliar with how acts work. Do you think the Civil Rights Act could just be overturned by the president if he wants to? The fact is that legislation gets passed all the time and progress happens with or without people like you. Deny all you like


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just like the republicans have overturned the EPA's Clean Air Act right when they got into office, right? You're unfamiliar with how acts work. Do you think the Civil Rights Act could just be overturned by the president if he wants to? The fact is that legislation gets passed all the time and progress happens with or without people like you. Deny all you like
The Clean Air Act could be overturned through legislation, unlikely but possible. The Clean Air Plan is part of Obama's Climate Action Plan and could easily be reversed with a change of power and a wholesale gutting of the EPA leadership. Nothing Obama has done is safe.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just like the republicans have overturned the EPA's Clean Air Act right when they got into office, right? You're unfamiliar with how acts work. Do you think the Civil Rights Act could just be overturned by the president if he wants to? The fact is that legislation gets passed all the time and progress happens with or without people like you. Deny all you like
Legislation? I'm still waiting for a single example of "passed legislation" (House, Senate, Presidential signature) that directly limits CO2 emissions.


Well-Known Member
Ozone can be created..

Still not as harmful as increasing CO2
CO2 is necessary for life to exist and has 0.2% of the heat retention properties of water vapor. Post another fake poll done by a blogger who refuses to publish his raw data and scream "science" five times.