Dude wtf is my car.....?

They make an app for that. And you dont have to feed it.
Unfortunately I'd have to be capable of using the app and when I go into that fugue state it requires intervention. My dog can sense the state coming and get me out of Dodge prior to it commencing (when I pay attention to the dog alerting).
Oh so much shit..... How many reservoirs have I fucked up? How many plants were maimed? I've gotten into the wrong car and my key started it! Talk about a shock. So I made a game of moving this other students car around the parking lot, good times, someone finally ratted me out and then my car started moving!

I've lost my car in the, old, Disneyland parking lot so at least there was only one level to contend with. Except it wasn't my car it was my boyfriends who was on shift and came out after work and couldn't find the car. Do you know how long it takes for the Disneyland parking lot to clear? Yeah.

I forgot to slide my feet into the strap on the catamaran and tumbled into the Bajia de los Tigres, when we picked up enough speed to fly a hull and my friends were to stoned to turn the cat so I had to swim to Ensenada.

One of the most embarrassing was tucking the back of one of my skirts into my pantyhose (and no I was not wearing underwear), everyone got to see my ass. I still blush over that one. I could write a book on stupid shit I've pulled.
thats a fucking cute story you should tell more
I hate when I derp to the extent that I'm looking for something like 20 minutes straight and have no fuckin clue what I'm searching for .....

Could be a screw driver or just a bill I need to pay. But I'll walk back and forth side tracked for hella long.... Until the wife says "wtf are you looking for!?"

I don't fuckin know !! bongsmilie
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I hate when I derp to the extent that I'm looking for something like 20 minutes straight and have no fuckin clue what I'm searching for .....

Could a screw driver or just a bill I need to pay. But I'll walk back and forth side tracked for hella long.... Until the wife says "wtf are you looking for!?"

I don't fuckin know !! bongsmilie
allll the time. im so glad im not the only tard here
Got to confess. I've done that. Hella dumb. Sad part I wasn't high or drunk. Justin lala land.

I was thinking about the lotto. I was newly married , whole new life and I was just lost in thought.

Fuckin yanked it. Good thing it was detachable. Hahahah.... I told dude "here this shit don't work " and left. Smh
Unfortunately I'd have to be capable of using the app and when I go into that fugue state it requires intervention. My dog can sense the state coming and get me out of Dodge prior to it commencing (when I pay attention to the dog alerting).
That sucks I didn't realize how bad off you are.
. I thought I'd be really clever and take a photo for reference, you know, just in case.
After a quick 4hours my friend and I returned to the car. We searched aimlessly all around the corresponding pillars but could not find the P-2 corner. I saw some security and showed them the phone to find out where it was. "Planta Baja" he said!!! We were on P-3 planta 3and needed the floor downstairs.
Relieved to be back in the car we headed to the exit barrier and then the ticket wouldnt work. My friend is starting to get angry now and is impatient coz we are running late. After repeatedly ringing the bell she coaxes me to look for help. I nominated her but she cant speak Spanish. I found help and got back in the car laughing that its the same security and must think we are dumb tourists!!IMG_0349.JPG
One of the most embarrassing was tucking the back of one of my skirts into my pantyhose (and no I was not wearing underwear), everyone got to see my ass. I still blush over that one. I could write a book on stupid shit I've pulled.
LOL I know all about you and your purple throbbing passion fruit :) There was a silver lining to my embarrassing maneuver. I've always hated my ass so it was actually somewhat reassuring when over the course of the next week or so a bunch of guys evinced heated interest in me, or rather my ass by proxy.
I'm pretty sure you've already written a book, as have I.