Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

whats the easiest and quickest way to make hash outta spare weed..?

  • Butane blasting method

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Kief tumbler

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Bubble Bags

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Morrocan bag and stick method

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • other ..see below

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
the Websters dictionary was not born but it does not change the fact that an extraction need to dissolve the resin, Hashish is made of sieved resin pressed with a source of heat.
It would be really nice if extract maker would respect Hashishin and Hashish and not use a word that does not define in any way their products.
Thank you

I was giving you shit..I say I say I say it was a joke son a joke

I have much respect for you frenchy and your ways don't think I don't, but don't start getting sensitive on me.
I agree! Enough of a difference, that a high percentage of folks move on from oil and glycerine extractions, to alcohol or butane, to get the effects they seek.

I haven't found a well made concentrate that meets FDA pharma standards, which I considered bad, and at SPR we taught a number of students to dry sieve and bubble sieve, as well as extract with glycerin/oil/fats, alcohols, and butane/pentane/hexane, because I believe it all has a place.
http://www.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch09/final/c9s11-1.pdf If you read this you will understand how we are all stuck in this petrol chemical loop.
Or poconoscreen.com

Looks like the exact same screen DSW and Bubbleman sells, for a fraction of the price.
I wondered what happened to this post ...? thanks even more guys ..
I used a silk screen and a stick ..in the end
but am still interested

..in so many ways to make the hash!
Thank you Frenchy. I have always wondered to myself what defines hashish and how does it differ from hash or other concentrates. This clears that up.

Now this leads to my next question. Hash and Hashish. Same thing or is there a difference? Is unpressed resin considered hashish or just hash or just simply resin?

I've always just called my "bubble hash" IWE as I feel that's the most correct term for my unpressed resin heads.
unpressed resin is Kief or Ice Wax or Grease or Beach Sand. If not pressed it is not Hashish or Hash for short
I am sensitive about this specific subject my friend with everybody and always!

Then no offense you need to get thicker skin you are a dinosaur, and with being a dinosaur you have seen a lot and have a lot of knowledge, but be realistic the only place that your style of hash/hashish is being bought and sold in in Amsterdam and that is probably because they do not allow solvent extractions what so ever. I am sorry I do respect your experiences and knowledge but don't get butt hurt because someone makes a joke and you want to get literal

So LOL to you frenchy get some thicker skin, you and your method will always have a place but you getting sensitive in this manner is kinda funny.

Are you french
Then no offense you need to get thicker skin you are a dinosaur, and with being a dinosaur you have seen a lot and have a lot of knowledge, but be realistic the only place that your style of hash/hashish is being bought and sold in in Amsterdam and that is probably because they do not allow solvent extractions what so ever. I am sorry I do respect your experiences and knowledge but don't get butt hurt because someone makes a joke and you want to get literal

So LOL to you frenchy get some thicker skin, you and your method will always have a place but you getting sensitive in this manner is kinda funny.
This is wrong on so many levels. Frenchy has been helping to keep real hash alive. Soon people will ask for more SHO (solventless hash oil). It is because of the passion of hashins is what drives the evolution. Once you make some real 99% sift and press it out, and make golden rosin that is better than any solvent extract I know of, it will change your perception of reality. So pressing with heat is what Frenchy has been representing for longer than you have been wiping your own ass.
This is wrong on so many levels. Frenchy has been helping to keep real hash alive. Soon people will ask for more SHO (solventless hash oil). It is because of the passion of hashins is what drives the evolution. Once you make some real 99% sift and press it out, and make golden rosin that is better than any solvent extract I know of, it will change your perception of reality. So pressing with heat is what Frenchy has been representing for longer than you have been wiping your own ass.

he got sensitive... are you about to get sensitive too?? it started out as a joke..
I even said I have respect for him then he came back all serious.

and all the dispensaries I consult for are taking the solvent-less off the shelves and putting in bho and other solvents sorry guys I am seeing it with my own eyes, then I have some owners ask me how they can turn 70% to 80% of their crop to oil, so how is it being phased out???
Look at the price on the market Twitch, the price of extract is going down and the price of pure sieve resin and Hashish is going up.
You are funny if you think that the Hashish industry is limited to Amsterdam. I show respect to extract and their products I expect the same coming from them. The type of bull... you are giving me here Twitch about dinosaurs and thicker skin is lame. Language is an amazing tool when we all have the same definition for the same word.............
ahhh so you are french... I will leave it at that... get thicker skin i figured a dinosaur would have that, but a french dinosaur.....

and it is supply and demand there is a ton of bho on the market that is why the price is dropping

I have always respected what you do, I have stated that many times, but you got offended when I joked. In my book you are still number one hashish maker and if someone was looking at doing this I would point them in your direction. The bull I was giving you was also a play on of words I figured you would have gotten that, I found it humorous.

I went back and read what I said and I stand by it the only stab I made at frenchy is his soft skin and I think he will also say he has "been in this industry longer then I have wiped my own ass..."
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