Check out this solution to drug & alcohol addiction..


Well-Known Member
Rogan's the man when it comes to this stuff. I've listened to him talk about ayahuasca a few times and makes me want to try it bad. lol..almost 3 hrs long..are you crazy posting


Well-Known Member
Rogan's the man when it comes to this stuff. I've listened to him talk about ayahuasca a few times and makes me want to try it bad. lol..almost 3 hrs long..are you crazy posting
Same. After hearing Rogan's podcast about ayahuasca and isolation tubs, I was sold. It's on my to-do list in the future, ayahuasca in peru~ Unless I find some medical grade LSD before hand Lol~


Well-Known Member
Why go to Peru? Just have the materials shipped in, they aren't illegal until processed. I could see a benefit to having a knowledgeable head around though..


Well-Known Member
these programs etc to battle addictions come out everyweek, there's only one solution to battleing an addiction is you and you wanting to stop.

doctors can throw tablets and programs to people to help them stop but at the end of the day its up to you want to stop ...... If you don't the doctors are useless.

its an impossibility for a doctor or anyone to get a person to stop unless they want to .

they can help in the withdrawel effects etc but this all means shit if you don't want to stop.

the after care for addicts is still based on wether you want to stop ..

it is up to you and nobody else for you to decide....... Enough is enough or you die

we are all teenagers on this world, we don't listen to anyone and only believe our own truths.......especially when drunk.

a doctor can tell a mature grown adult to stop smoking because you are fucking your health up ......... " whatever" i hear you say ;)

the reality is ...... The doctors right and you will die.


Well-Known Member
JRe is my shit..i just found a float center in my neighborhood but they're expensive as shit! $79 for 90 minutes....Anyway, that episode was good. My favorite guests are Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Carl Hart..they drop some serious knowledge


Well-Known Member
JRe is my shit..i just found a float center in my neighborhood but they're expensive as shit! $79 for 90 minutes....Anyway, that episode was good. My favorite guests are Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Carl Hart..they drop some serious knowledge
My favorite guests are Hannibal Buress, Bert Kreischer and Tommy Buns! Blam blam we eatin' ham! haha!