Nuggs I hear ya man I wouldn't in a million years want to spray forbid on my ish either its terrible to even consider. I took the stubborn high road with my first encounter and lost what Im guess upward of 100 elbows easy. Stayed 100% clean and was very unfortunate. Since I will spray those things we hate to even mention but I do it when these girls are around 4 weeks old and I hit them every 4 days or so with something different. Once you get through that first 3 weeks of using the hardcore stuff or at least in my case they go another 5 months at least without anything that isn't organic or omri label. I have heard a million different people suggest that its a 30 day residual or systemic for 30, 45, 60 days so I make sure I at least double the biggest number of days someone has mentioned. I pride myself on clean clean clean smoke that is often hard to find anymore.
Adower does mighty wash work? I think it helps… anything will help its always up to the person putting the time in. I look at it like this… If i routinely spray you in the eye with dish soap will it kill you? Not even a little bit but will your eye be very red and bother the shit outta you making it harder to see, use or be more sensitive? hell yea…its literally that battle. If you wanna stay clean it involves you spray multiple times a week and cutting infected sections off the plant. If you slack a second or take a day off it will be doubled by the next day. Nuggs says he lost 75% so he knows exactly what I am talking about…. shits no joke and should never be taken lightly.