The more I have been involved in the HT, the more I have found it's an unorganised group of people running a stoners event. All the times we have had booths we have had to hunt for information, ask a million questions because nothing is clear, and in the end get treated like crap.....meanwhile dropping 000's for the priviledge. I have heard the events in the US are often moved, addresses changed, people not informed, freaking hard is it to communicate with people in this day and age.
To say the 2014 Dam event was a disgrace is giving them credit. I don't blame HT totally but they sure did rally to ensure that no-one would get any refunds on the money they touting the great Coffeeshop tour as one of their daily events....what? like, unless HT was in the area, no one would be going around coffeeshops, lmfao. The nickle and dimeness sure did come out!!!!