Found a stream!


Well-Known Member
As some of you may know, this will be my first outdoor/guerilla grow.
After scouting my location for weeks on google maps, I finally braved it to my spot today, through prickly bushes and shit nobody would wanna walk through. The location is definitely secure, but my main problem was the transportation of water, but to my surprise, I found a little stream! Needless to say I haven't been so happy in a long time, felt like being a kid at Christmas multiplied by a million!
So, two questions. Firstly, would it be better to plant right beside the stream so that the roots can freely soak up as much water as they like, or would it be better to plant a bit further away and water the plants myself?
Secondly, the soil there feels like plaster-cine (see pic attached), sort of sticky... maybe it's because of the amount of moisture in the area, because the soil is wet to the touch. So should I use the soil already there, or bring in some of my own mixture and mix it with the soil already there?

Thanks guys,
no fish, it's a tiny stream at the bottom of a mountain, nobody will get there unless they're planning on doing the same as me lol :D trust, it was fucking difficult to get to, but that's the best thing about it! So yeh any advice on the soil and whether or not I should plant at the base of the stream?
Yeah, I've got my own mix of organic with vermiculite, perlite, coco and some bat guano so I'll mix it in. Do you think the soil already there will be shitty for cannabis plants? I guess I could describe it as a clay-ish soil. As for the water, I'm guessing it should be fine to use? There's a beach on the other side of the mountain and my guess is that the water from the sea has filtered through the mountain, so it should be fresh water no?
Yeah, I've got my own mix of organic with vermiculite, perlite, coco and some bat guano so I'll mix it in. Do you think the soil already there will be shitty for cannabis plants? I guess I could describe it as a clay-ish soil. As for the water, I'm guessing it should be fine to use? There's a beach on the other side of the mountain and my guess is that the water from the sea has filtered through the mountain, so it should be fresh water no?
taste it....o_O
LOL, yeah, I'll pass on that ;) but I guess I'll find out soon enough, should be fine tho, the greenery there seems to be loving it
is this water flowing?....does it rise & lower with the tides?...
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not sure how soon you plan on starting but next time you head out there you could probably fill up a small cup with that dirt, bring it back home (if you can safely grow there, even if its just under a desklamp) and chuck a bagseed in... you'll know within the first week or so if the soil will do. Just an idea. maybe even fill up a jug of water from that stream while your at it and only water it with that to really test it all out.
Maybe you could take a water and soil sample to get checked for you ??....then your not guessing from the start cos you would actually know.
is this water flowing?....does it rise & lower with the tides?...
no dude, the water isn't flowing, it's more of a pond than a stream to be honest, but it goes along for quite a way, I haven't followed it all the way down though. I wouldn't know if it rises and/or lowers but my guess would be that it stays roughly the same, maybe it'll dry up in the summer? who knows

Good luck. Keep us up to date.
our local water company will test samples for $10 here. I may be just lucky but I've never had trouble when using flowing water .
yeah, if i lived in the States, then I'd get it checked out, but the country I live in is fucking primitive and there's no chance of getting it tested

not sure how soon you plan on starting but next time you head out there you could probably fill up a small cup with that dirt, bring it back home (if you can safely grow there, even if its just under a desklamp) and chuck a bagseed in... you'll know within the first week or so if the soil will do. Just an idea. maybe even fill up a jug of water from that stream while your at it and only water it with that to really test it all out.
not a bad idea, but i wanna be planting all my seeds by the end of april, ffs it's already 20+ degrees here, Celsuis btw lol

Maybe you could take a water and soil sample to get checked for you ??....then your not guessing from the start cos you would actually know.
wish i could bro :(

All of this aside, the fact that many different kinds of plants and trees are already growing there must surely mean that it's fine for MJ?
Some of the best plants I've ever seen were planted on the creek bank with very little prep done to the native luck growing on creeks has not been good. .....I usually try to find locations where water is readily available and choose my spot based on sun exposure and haul my water to my spot. I did do a lot of prep work to the soil with that being said I tried to incorperate the native soil into the mix as well if it was useable. I will say that creeks and streams are often used as pathways by hikers,hunters and nature lovers.
Good luck to you !
I always get jeleous when I hear people growing in other countries ... Especially super nice looking tropical places... Let's see some local pics....
Looks & sounds like a sweet spot
Good luck
Cheers bro! :)

Yeah I would go for it.....
Yeah, fuck it, I'm going for it!

Some of the best plants I've ever seen were planted on the creek bank with very little prep done to the native luck growing on creeks has not been good. .....I usually try to find locations where water is readily available and choose my spot based on sun exposure and haul my water to my spot. I did do a lot of prep work to the soil with that being said I tried to incorperate the native soil into the mix as well if it was useable. I will say that creeks and streams are often used as pathways by hikers,hunters and nature lovers.
Good luck to you !
Luckily the sun hits my area directly for about 8-10 hours anyway, so I should be fine with that :) I may plant just off the stream anyway because the soil is also damp... I'm guessing the moisture from the little pond makes the surrounding soil wet too. The soil there looks 'useable'... in your experience, is clay-ish soil good for MJ?

I always get jeleous when I hear people growing in other countries ... Especially super nice looking tropical places... Let's see some local pics....
It's more like a mediterranean place ;)
But yeah, is planting right on the pond/creek/whateverTheFuckYouWannaCallIt bad for the plant? Like, will it suffer from 'overwatering' as it were?
Monkz it sounds like a gd spot for sure...maybe u could plant a couple on the creek like u say and do a couple like 20 mtrs away so its not far to cart water u might find both go ok not just one or the other...if it was me id do this but ive never grown outside my own yard so its just my opinion only
Monkz it sounds like a gd spot for sure...maybe u could plant a couple on the creek like u say and do a couple like 20 mtrs away so its not far to cart water u might find both go ok not just one or the other...if it was me id do this but ive never grown outside my own yard so its just my opinion only
thats actually a pretty good idea bro, to be honest, i could get away with growing a few metres away anyway since i have an unlimited source of water :D