I am in so much pain. I hate my bird, Ozzie. I don't know what to do anymore

Last night I went to cover his cage for nighty nighty nite...He got a hold of my index finger and tore into me. I used my other hand to try to pry him off, and he clamped down on my thumb, went straight through the nail. Now my index finger on my left hand is swollen and is in need of stitches and my thumb on my right hand has a completly crushed nail.
I am at a loss, I don't know what to do. I can't re-home him because I know he will do this to someone else. No, this is not my first time with him.
I called my brother crying and he listened to me and then said 'if a dog did the amount of damage that your bird has done, well, that dog would be put down asap' He is right. This bird has screwed me up....
Now, I have a major decision to make...
Anyone out here want an Umbrella Cockatoo with a major attitude? lol, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.