Sacartic Names for LP's

This is almost criminal. Possessing something you KNOW could drastically improve a child's quantity and quality of life but pricing it far out of reach of the majority of families.

And that statement will melt any judge.
This is almost criminal. Possessing something you KNOW could drastically improve a child's quantity and quality of life but pricing it far out of reach of the majority of families.

And that statement will melt any judge.
that's the argument-we have to chose between our freedom and our health..or that of a family member. no common sense whatsoever from the Government
My government would rather allow me to administer potentially lethal drugs at home. My husband's employer will pay through the nose for extended health benefits. Blue Cross forked over 5 k for a new wheelchair with nary a whimper. Our provincial child protection agency spent hundredge of dollars on protective gear (bite proof sleeves, bite proof jacket, and an impact resistant vest) FOR me to keep my child from cracking my ribs or biting . But they will not, under any circumstances, support me to lawfully grow potentially curative and rehabilitative medicine.

Fuck. Now Im realllly mad. What a racket this LP bullshit is.
My government would rather allow me to administer potentially lethal drugs at home. My husband's employer will pay through the nose for extended health benefits. Blue Cross forked over 5 k for a new wheelchair with nary a whimper. Our provincial child protection agency spent hundredge of dollars on protective gear (bite proof sleeves, bite proof jacket, and an impact resistant vest) FOR me to keep my child from cracking my ribs or biting . But they will not, under any circumstances, support me to lawfully grow potentially curative and rehabilitative medicine.

Fuck. Now Im realllly mad. What a racket this LP bullshit is.
and that's the worst part about it!!!
you can get all kinds of pharma for free if you have coverage and they cause all kinds of damage to your body but something likle MMJ that will help it or cure it, they won't look at it. makes zero cents. I don't understand why politicians put their heads in the sand when it comes to these types of things.
Harper want votes, pull his head from his ass & listen to the people!!! over 40k people are licensed...if he was our "hero" and removed the hurdles, he might get some approval but he's working the opposite way. he does what he wants because he has a majority.
Tikun Olam provides cannabis and support services FREE to Israeli children. Israel - which has one of the worst social safety nets - gives FREE fucking cannabis to sick kids.

If I could move, I would.
I was trying to be sarcastic in that they always use protection of the children as the excuse when in this instance and many others mj is making all the difference.
Crafty do you use at all?

Me personally ? No. I like to talk smack around here though so I fit in with the cool kids. I will occasionally use a topical butter for shoulder massage.

Frankly, there is nothing more I would like some days than to get ripped AF. However, like I said in TnT - I'm fighting like a maternal she beast to get the medicine my child needs. If I have to dance beyond the boundaries of current legal statutes, I will. If I ever faced the accusation that I was using my son's condition as a cover for personal use, I like knowing I could piss clean at any time.
What area of Canada are you in ? I wonder what CC's do when a parent needs oil for a child. How much oil do you need ? Do you have a Doctors note? I'm sorry if these details were said already and I missed it.
Anyone know of what CC's do if parents need oil for kids....I bet they are very reluctant.
I'm not far from Vansterdam.

My son has physician support, paperwork signed/stamped by his long time GP, and a dispensary membership.

We tried a tincture but once high THC levels began accumulating in his system, all hell broke loose. You would think that in my province, finding the right strain would be a piece of cake. Not so.
Red E Can't.

Can't Trust

Broken cost





Can't Farms

Delta Not

Whistler "Medical" Marijuana


Did I miss any?