english dental hygiene is a running international joke.not gonna start on ya m healthcare dude I'm sick of ur petty shit ur a troll get back under ur bridge n the only international punchline here is your fat ass...I'm done arguing.. If that's what u call it
i'd make fun of you guys more for the bigotry and bad spelling, but you seem unashamed of being hateful ignorant twats.it's been tried. eventually just fizzles out. i'm not being railroaded by some american gobshite with a hard on for cracks about bad teeth. same joke on repeat. fucker's about as much wit as Hodore.
you might want to retake kindergarten through third grade and work on your command of the english language.I'm complaining about the consistent trolling on a cannabis forum we have banter here sure we rip no problem but they take it personal it's the consistency of his shit Stiring that does me nut in n he's on mute now wasn't the joke zeddd its just that they are here to troll no need to suck Potroast dick lots of yanks to help there
oooooooh, i'm scared of the internet tough guy!no its you who have no balls pal trolling from 1000s miles away, u ever in UK theres plenty who would gladly meet you and bite ya fucking ear off with our manky teeth................ lol
not at all but all you are is talk, many of us if your where gettable and not 1000s of miles away would gladly kick your fucking head in......oooooooh, i'm scared of the internet tough guy!
i was gonna put a bet on him as fgs and lgs but he didnt start.Well done to harry kane
Kindergarten? Its called "Playschool" you retarded porch dweller, always amazes me how you dumb fucks had a perfectly good language (English) and couldnt even summon up enough brainpower across your billions of citizens to even remember it correctly for a hundred years or so, give it another hundred and you will have reverted back to primitive tribal grunting such is your combined limited intelligenceyou might want to retake kindergarten through third grade and work on your command of the english language.
we have retarded illegal immigrant children here who use english better than an englishwoman like yourself does.
i am having sexual intercourse with your mother as i type this.Oh ive got the balls, just too busy trying to get em out ya mums mouth, bitch is so fat she put her sandwich down, freaked out coz she didnt have food in her mouth and is currently busy sucking off the entire staff complement of mall of america in case someones hiding a sandwich in their pocket she can grab hold of while shes down there.
Hows the treadmill sales going these days you fucking no hope? Maybe one day you might get promoted to crosstrainer sales and deal with bitches even fatter than ya mum ( is that even possible?)
crack on troll fact is in the UK without ya guns and a meet up place it would be on, and id fucking soon sort the perfect teeth out of yours!well, seeing as how my back porch overlooks the city skyline of the newest cannabis tourism destination (that's denver you illiterate anglo fuckwads), it should only be a matter of time bfore one of you cunts finds your way to within 12 or so miles of my house.
message me when you get here and i will be happy to meet you on 16th street mall for a public confrontation.
just keep in mind that when our heavily armed population sees some illiterate fuckwit with horrible teeth getting aggressive, they are going to assume you are a homeless loser off his meds and likely respond with lethal force.
ya know, because we can own guns and whatnot.
see ya soon!
here in the states, playschool (age 3) precedes preschool (age 4) which preceded kindergarten (age 5).Kindergarten? Its called "Playschool" you retarded porch dweller, always amazes me how you dumb fucks had a perfectly good language (English) and couldnt even summon up enough brainpower across your billions of citizens to even remember it correctly for a hundred years or so, give it another hundred and you will have reverted back to primitive tribal grunting such is your combined limited intelligence
Ud hav still got lgs wud u ?? Did u see zlatans goal ? ..i was gonna put a bet on him as fgs and lgs but he didnt start.
maybe try typing your incoherency in the english language next time.no uncle fuk it must be u jelous cuz u lak the mental capacity to understand