Got my seeds and I am pleased so far


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Seedsman this time. The prices were better than most and they have a large selection. I just got my package and I am VERY pleased so far. They sent extras of some of the seeds I ordered. I ordered 3 Auto Haze seeds and they sent 10. They also doubled the free Fantasmo Express seeds from 2 to 4 and sent 5 L.A. Woman seeds for free that I didn't expect. We'll see how well they germinate.
Congrats man! It's always a good feeling when your beans arrive safe and sound.
You are going to LOVE that Mephistos Fantasmo Express...
I'm on day 52ish aprox with a Fantasmo express, she's w BIG girl! 40" tall... In a 3gal plant warrior pot... Using coco and the canna line up.... Here she is to give you an idea what you can expect from those bad ass autos (it's a auto ghost train haze basically)

And she's allready get trichs all over....

Looks good Yoda. I will probably germ 1 of each to start and see what happens, maybe 2 of the Fantasmo since yours looks so good. Except for the L.A. Woman since that is not an Auto and I need to be done by the middle of June before the grasshopper invasion since they are all going outside in 3 gallon pots.
Congrats man! It's always a good feeling when your beans arrive safe and sound.
You are going to LOVE that Mephistos Fantasmo Express...
I'm on day 52ish aprox with a Fantasmo express, she's w BIG girl! 40" tall... In a 3gal plant warrior pot... Using coco and the canna line up.... Here she is to give you an idea what you can expect from those bad ass autos (it's a auto ghost train haze basically)

And she's allready get trichs all over....

I ordered from Seedsman this time. The prices were better than most and they have a large selection. I just got my package and I am VERY pleased so far. They sent extras of some of the seeds I ordered. I ordered 3 Auto Haze seeds and they sent 10. They also doubled the free Fantasmo Express seeds from 2 to 4 and sent 5 L.A. Woman seeds for free that I didn't expect. We'll see how well they germinate.

I recently made 1st time order from seedsman too, but he didn't give me any extra freebies. I also used a promo code and loyality points for my order so perhaps no extras because of that?

I also just ordered a few HSO feminized and one LA woman freebie, I sent cash in a easter card and they shipped them out last thursday. I'm still waiting so hopefully they come today. I didn't get the guaranteed shipping because the order was only $36 plus shipping, so $43 total. Hopefully no tape but either way, not a huge lost if they don't make it.

PS, just checked the mail. No seeds. And still I wait.
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I recently made 1st time order from seedsman too, but he didn't give me any extra freebies. I also used a promo code and loyality points for my order so perhaps no extras because of that?

I also just ordered a few HSO feminized and one LA woman freebie, I sent cash in a easter card and they shipped them out last thursday. I'm still waiting so hopefully they come today. I didn't get the guaranteed shipping because the order was only $36 plus shipping, so $43 total. Hopefully no tape but either way, not a huge lost if they don't make it.

PS, just checked the mail. No seeds. And still I wait.
It was about 14 days to get mine, shipped on the 6th of March. My order was almost $80 so I got 2 freebees scheduled but they sent me more than was guaranteed. I also did the regular Royal Mail and it was no problem.
It was about 14 days to get mine, shipped on the 6th of March. My order was almost $80 so I got 2 freebees scheduled but they sent me more than was guaranteed. I also did the regular Royal Mail and it was no problem.
Sounds good. I expect it to take between 7-14 days. Not at all upset about it only being nine days, but I would like to see some extra freebies. Sounds like you got hooked up nicely.
I sent $43 in an Easter card so no one could tell if money is inside. I didn't send it registered mail because it was $12 at the post office. So far so good, though I should have spent the extra $11 for mystery item with one guaranteed reship if green taped.
Sending a karma cloud your way that your beans arrive safely… Sending up burnt offerings to the ganja gods for safe travels :)
yeah i hope all goes good and well for ya guys.
getting seeds is something us brits take for granted i read these treads where people are getting there's
seized and waiting weeks for them to arrive...
@ customs people that read these boards c'mon man it ain't hurtin nobody so be cool and chill out bongsmilie
Awesome, I appreciate that kind gesture. Positive vibes make the world go round. Cheers and thank you.

So, any luck getting them yet? I have faith that they'll arrive safe and sound. I just started germing mine today. I am doing 2 Ultimates, 1 lemon, 2 Haze, and 2 Fantasmo expresses. I might do 2 more Haze and put them out in a spot in the ground. I will let them do their initial growth in peat pots and then put the whole peat pot in the 3 gallon containers. The 2 extra Hazes will go in the ground in peat pots too.
No beans yet but I'm hoping it was just held up by tons of amazon orders and shit. If they ain't here by wed/thurs or the 2 week mark, I'll just write them off that way if they do come awesome, if they don't oh well no big whoop.

Hey I hope those beans do you right. Cheers man.
So far on day 2 of germinating 4 out of 7 have popped. Both Fantasmo Express, the Auto Lemon and one of the Auto Ultimates. All the popped ones went immediately into pre-soaked peat pots with a seed starting mix in them that is a very light and fine soil. When the second set of leaves come I will plant the pot and all into my 3 gallon and 2 gallon pots. I am going to use 2 gallon pots for the Auto Haze and Auto Lemon since they are just a try and see how they turn out deal. The Auto Ultimate should by all rights produce nicely for an auto and from what I saw of Yodabuds pics the Fantasmo Express should also produce nicely.
Most banks reward those who drop some cash, it is hard to expect freebies with orders less than 40 bucks. The more you spend the more they are willing to give.
Update, on closer inspection one of the auto ultimates had the root peeking out just a little so I put her in a potl. That makes 5 of 7. If the hazes pop I think I'll pop a couple more and put them in the ground in a special spot I used last year.
Got my order from seedsman today intact. I got seedsman blueberry freebie instead of the dna la woman.

Good news! All my seeds popped, I germinated them in wet paper towels as I did 30 years ago and have done ever since and when the root showed put them in the soil. I have one peeking through now and it's the Fantasmo Express.