
Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so you respect white separatism, but you are totally not a racist bigot?

Collectivist speak...silly you.

You should learn to view people as individuals all capable of making their own consensual choices about their body and their property.

I respect others choices, even those choices I wouldn't make. You do not. You think its okay to force human a rapist does.

If I were a bigot, I'd claim it. I'm not a bigot, but you are however, not very bright. despite any claims you might make to the contrary.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so the way you would describe a gay person who is peacefully offering money to a store owner in exchange for goods and services is "an aggressor".

what would you call the store owner who is refusing to sell goods and services to someone for the sole reason that they are gay? hero? your personal hero? awesome?

Again you are conflating. It just makes your ineptitude more obvious. Cut the shit dolt.

No, I think people that refuse service to gay people are not very nice. I don't think I'd patronize those places, but I sure wouldn't burn them down or shit on their floor. It is after all, not my property to determine the use of , is it ?


Well-Known Member
I think people that refuse service to gay people are not very nice.
you just said you respect them though.


  1. 1.
    admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

why do you respect people who deny service to others on the sole basis that they have the wrong skin color or sexual orientation?

only a raging bigoted racist fucktard would respect someone who does that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you just said you respect them though.


  1. 1.
    admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

why do you respect people who deny service to others on the sole basis that they have the wrong skin color or sexual orientation?

only a raging bigoted racist fucktard would respect someone who does that.

I don't respect people that force interactions, like rapists do. Why do you advocate on their behalf?

P.S. - you're flailing about, slipping in your shit, I'm winning...far, far ahead even.


Well-Known Member
I don't respect people that force interactions, like rapists do. Why do you advocate on their behalf?
yeah, i know. you only respect bigots who refuse service to people because they are gay or black.

what would you do if a store owner refused to serve your gay son because he is gay? would you tell your son that he is just not worthy of the same rights that you are since he is gay?


Well-Known Member
not sure, i was born there and wasn't quite financially able to move, since my allowance was about $10 a week when i was 12.

thanks for your concern though, echelon. i look forward to some vast bitterness from you.
Mt Laurel is not a poor town ;) try again... By your logic, your taxes pay for discrimination. What's up with that?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yeah, i know. you only respect bigots who refuse service to people because they are gay or black.

what would you do if a store owner refused to serve your gay son because he is gay? would you tell your son that he is just not worthy of the same rights that you are since he is gay?

I taught my son nobody owned his body and he should be free to make choices about it.

It would be a contradiction if I then told him, he should use force to make somebody serve him wouldn't it?

My son has no right to force somebody to interact with him, his sexual preferences are irrelevant to that.

His self worth is reinforced by having loving parents that provided him a home with clean bathrooms.


Well-Known Member
Mt Laurel is not a poor town ;) try again... By your logic, your taxes pay for discrimination. What's up with that?
mt laurel is a far way from where i grew up, and as a 12 year old, i never paid any taxes in that state.

thank for your concern though, echelon.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you just said you respect them though.


  1. 1.
    admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

why do you respect people who deny service to others on the sole basis that they have the wrong skin color or sexual orientation?

only a raging bigoted racist fucktard would respect someone who does that.
Propaganda. He said he respects their choice, i.e. he accepts that their choice is their decision and not his. He did not say he respects them.

You are a liar. Talking to liars is like wrestling with pigs.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
too bad, i will anyway.

says the guy who says stores should be able to deny service to his gay son because his gay son is gay.

does your gay son know that you think he is less deserving of respect and equal rights because he is gay?

Equal rights means the equal ability to make choices about our own things, not the ability to force our choices on others.

Did you suck down a second bottle of dolt pills?


Well-Known Member
mt laurel is a far way from where i grew up, and as a 12 year old, i never paid any taxes in that state.

thank for your concern though, echelon.
Unemployment is 4%, 80% white, median income is $85k.

You can't afford to move? Why support discrimination with your taxes?


Well-Known Member
My son has no right to force somebody to interact with him, his sexual preferences are irrelevant to that.
so if a business refused to serve your son because he is gay, you would tell your son that he just has to accept that his sexual orientation makes him less deserving of respect and equal rights, and that he should respect the bigot like you do?