Feds: Banks Should Call Police if Customer Withdraws More Than $5k in Cash

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
well the squeeky wheel gets the grease here.

if you see a checkpoint, you have the right to turn around.

You were supposed to have the right to be free from unwarranted searches too.

When the people that are tasked with enforcing the rules are backed by judges tasked with interpretting the rules these things will never end.

The myth of separate branches of a coercive government is easy to pierce.


Well-Known Member
Forcing people as part of a system is never right. Defensive force is though. Some people confuse the two.

What I want is for you to be free to make your own choices, but not the choices of others for them. Isn't that what most pot users say they want?

I don't want a smaller coercive government. I want systemic coercion to go the way of burning witches and throwing virgins in volcanoes.

Whether a federal government controls you or a state government controls you...how is that advancing freedom?
They don't need to be income tax though. The morality of the more you produce the more you are punished is lost on me. A consumption tax would be voluntary. How are some states able to survive without income tax while others need to continually raise them? I remember years ago before I graduated college I was doing labor and was making just under the next bracket. If I worked any overtime, it put me over the threshold and I was "punished" with higher taxes (for that check). Sure I got more back at the end of the year when it all factored out, but I'm not a fan of "here, hold this money for me for a year interest free".
We are free. We live in the best country in the world. Now we have a few problems. Mainly we are becoming a police state and fat cat corrupt politicians. We have allowed greed and ignorance take over.

You guys act like we are free to do nothing. If I wanted to spend the time and money I can own fully automatic weapons that empty a clip in a few seconds. I am free to work for cash and not pay taxes. I may get fined for it but I am free to do it.

We are free to own guns. They will never be taken from us. Who will do it? Most mitary guys would refuse. Hell a lot of cops would refuse.

I dont know. I mean people act like we don't have freedoms. I am free to do what I want every morning I wake up.

Last time I checked I am living in murica " fuck yea" not North Korea.


Well-Known Member
You were supposed to have the right to be free from unwarranted searches too.

When the people that are tasked with enforcing the rules are backed by judges tasked with interpretting the rules these things will never end.

The myth of separate branches of a coercive government is easy to pierce.
i hear ya! but it's bureaucratic..


Well-Known Member
We are free. We live in the best country in the world. Now we have a few problems. Mainly we are becoming a police state and fat cat corrupt politicians. We have allowed greed and ignorance take over.

You guys act like we are free to do nothing. If I wanted to spend the time and money I can own fully automatic weapons that empty a clip in a few seconds. I am free to work for cash and not pay taxes. I may get fined for it but I am free to do it.

We are free to own guns. They will never be taken from us. Who will do it? Most mitary guys would refuse. Hell a lot of cops would refuse.

I dont know. I mean people act like we don't have freedoms. I am free to do what I want every morning I wake up.

Last time I checked I am living in murica " fuck yea" not North Korea.
Hey, I was bitching about INCOME tax and saying there is alternative methods, how did you turn that into what you did?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We are free. We live in the best country in the world. Now we have a few problems. Mainly we are becoming a police state and fat cat corrupt politicians. We have allowed greed and ignorance take over.

You guys act like we are free to do nothing. If I wanted to spend the time and money I can own fully automatic weapons that empty a clip in a few seconds. I am free to work for cash and not pay taxes. I may get fined for it but I am free to do it.

We are free to own guns. They will never be taken from us. Who will do it? Most mitary guys would refuse. Hell a lot of cops would refuse.

I dont know. I mean people act like we don't have freedoms. I am free to do what I want every morning I wake up.

Last time I checked I am living in murica " fuck yea" not North Korea.
No, you are not free. You don't own your own body or the fruit of your labor. You are not permitted to truly own real property unless you pay an annual tribute for things you may not agree with or use. The USA has the most prisoners of any people in the world and is responsible for alot of foreign aggression and murder of innocent people domestically and abroad. History has my back on that one.

Just because other nation states can sometimes be more tyrannical in a given area, doesn't mean that the U.S. version of tyranny equates to freedom.

Freedom means ability to chose, not ability to chose among choices that are presented by others on a limited basis and with threats against you, for noncompliance.

Freedom and coercive governments are opposites. There's no such thing as a collective "we" either, that is a manufactured fiction to perpetuate nationalism and effective herding of the livestock. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was bitching about INCOME tax and saying there is alternative methods, how did you turn that into what you did?
there are alternative methods, GW..it's called fixing the tax code: the only people who benefit are the WEALTHY.

so while you want small government and low taxes (what a joke)..the low taxes part, are for the ruling class not YOU.

those who tend to lean right don't seem to get this.


Well-Known Member
No, you are not free. You don't own your own body or the fruit of your labor. You are not permitted to truly own real property unless you pay an annual tribute for things you may not agree with or use. The USA has the most prisoners of any people in the world and is responsible for alot of foreign aggression and murder of innocent people domestically and abroad. History has my back on that one.

Just because other nation states can sometimes be more tyrannical in a given area, doesn't mean that the U.S. version of tyranny equates to freedom.

Freedom means ability to chose, not ability to chose among choices that are presented by others on a limited basis and with threats against you, for noncompliance.

Freedom and coercive governments are opposites. There's no such thing as a collective "we" either, that is a manufactured fiction to perpetuate nationalism and effective herding of the livestock. Sorry.
this is really gonna sound weird..but you are so correct!

everything you do is predicated on what your employer demands.

what you do the night before work, what time you go to sleep, when you wake how much time you work, breaks, lunch our lives are ruled by the working class..then we take the money that we earn to purchase goods from the same ruling class for which we work.

EDIT: who continually increase prices while not increasing wages. this formula does not work and you can clearly see as evidenced by the sharp contrast of the 1% v. everyone else.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
there are alternative methods, GW..it's called fixing the tax code: the only people who benefit are the WEALTHY.

so while you want small government and low taxes (what a joke)..the low taxes part, are for the ruling class not YOU.

those who tend to lean right don't seem to get this.

How is the amount of money (tax) people take from others under threat of force any kind of an answer to why is systemic force allowed in the first place?

If you think force is acceptable, is there a magic number where if it crosses over a tax becomes theft? What is that number? Can you tell me?

I say anything forcibly extracted is wrong. Arguing about how much of a theft is acceptable seems to miss the point that a forced extraction is wrong in any amount, wouldn't you agree?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
this is really gonna sound weird..but you are so correct!

everything you do is predicated on what your employer demands.

what you do the night before work, what time you go to sleep, when you wake how much time you work, breaks, lunch our lives are ruled by the working class..then we take the money that we earn to purchase goods from the same ruling class for which we work.

Yes, I am correct. Not because of any traits I possess, because the evidence is clear.

One of the first things to real learning, is to be open to truth.


Well-Known Member
How is the amount of money (tax) people take from others under threat of force any kind of an answer to why is systemic force allowed in the first place?

If you think force is acceptable, is there a magic number where if it crosses over a tax becomes theft? What is that number? Can you tell me?

I say anything forcibly extracted is wrong. Arguing about how much of a theft is acceptable seems to miss the point that a forced extraction is wrong in any amount, wouldn't you agree?
we do have a society, and to be part of society, you must make certain concessions and taxes are one of them.

i hate paying taxes myself.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
we do have a society, and to be part of society, you must make certain concessions and taxes are one of them.

i hate paying taxes myself.

Why would you want to be part of something which threatens you with force for not funding things that imprison people and kill them?

Are you obligated to fund those things too ? Who created those obligations for you? You, or did somebody else tell you that you must?

I don't listen to people whose mode of operation is to threaten me. In fact sometimes I kick them in the balls.

Couldn't the things you like be funded by you on a voluntary user fee basis ? You know, like how we do groceries, clothing and other goods and services must of us use and like.

Any society built upon things that embrace the use of force as a standard mode of operation is based in barbarism, no matter the level of technology the barbarians have.


Well-Known Member
there are alternative methods, GW..it's called fixing the tax code: the only people who benefit are the WEALTHY.

so while you want small government and low taxes (what a joke)..the low taxes part, are for the ruling class not YOU.

those who tend to lean right don't seem to get this.
Here's what you don't get. If the Federal government was smaller and less centralized, the states could charge whatever they wanted. Imagine a federal income tax of 10% across the board and states like California charging 28%. You think they'd have high speed rails by now? Me too. You think Florida would look much more inviting to businesses with lower taxes? Me too. Those who tend to lean left don't seem to get this.


Well-Known Member
Here's what you don't get. If the Federal government was smaller and less centralized, the states could charge whatever they wanted. Imagine a federal income tax of 10% across the board and states like California charging 28%. You think they'd have high speed rails by now? Me too. You think Florida would look much more inviting to businesses with lower taxes? Me too. Those who tend to lean left don't seem to get this.
okay so you're saying fed would be 10%, then what would georgia be?

if you spent time in cali, you'd know the answer about the "why".


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to be part of something which threatens you with force for not funding things that imprison people and kill them?

Are you obligated to fund those things too ? Who created those obligations for you? You, or did somebody else tell you that you must?

I don't listen to people whose mode of operation is to threaten me. In fact sometimes I kick them in the balls.

Couldn't the things you like be funded by you on a voluntary user fee basis ? You know, like how we do groceries, clothing and other goods and services must of us use and like.

Any society built upon things that embrace the use of force as a standard mode of operation is based in barbarism, no matter the level of technology the barbarians have.
a pay-as-you-go society would be cool but not sustainable and our infrastructure would crumble..it already is..yet we send money to those who never had any intention (of peace) in all the terms he has served (now 4th) was for naught (netanyahu).

we would be such a kick ass country if we invested "foreign aid" in our own country, our own people..i understand why we must, but why (so much?) do we have to do it at the expense of those who paid those taxes?..that's what's so frustrating.

i used to get $200 from SNAP and now i get $189..and i'm happy to have..but, really? did that $11 per person make a difference? and where did the money go? how was it used?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
a pay-as-you-go society would be cool but not sustainable and our infrastructure would crumble..it already is..yet we send money to those who never had any intention (of peace) in all the terms he has served (now 4th) was for naught (netanyahu).

we would be such a kick ass country if we invested "foreign aid" in our own country, our own people..i understand why we must, but why (so much?) do we have to do it at the expense of those who paid those taxes?..that's what's so frustrating.

i used to get $200 from SNAP and now i get $189..and i'm happy to have..but, really? did that $11 per person make a difference? and where did the money go? how was it used?
I don't have the time now to dismantle what you just said, but your statement is demonstrably false.

Perhaps you could bolster your argument with some examples?

A pay as you go society is the only fair and just kind there is.


Well-Known Member
okay so you're saying fed would be 10%, then what would georgia be?

if you spent time in cali, you'd know the answer about the "why".
It's you so I'll just go ahead and blame republicans for ya. Saves time.

You realize at one point California had the world's 5th largest economy? That state has things to offer you can't find anywhere else in this country and is consistently giving more to the feds than getting. Imagine what they could do if that money stayed "in house".


Well-Known Member
I don't have the time now to dismantle what you just said, but your statement is demonstrably false.

Perhaps you could bolster your argument with some examples?

A pay as you go society is the only fair and just kind there is.
but how would you handle infrastructure how would that work?

respond back when you have time..i'm really interested in this conversation and would like to continue later.


Well-Known Member
It's you so I'll just go ahead and blame republicans for ya. Saves time.

You realize at one point California had the world's 5th largest economy? That state has things to offer you can't find anywhere else in this country and is consistently giving more to the feds than getting. Imagine what they could do if that money stayed "in house".
It's you so I'll just go ahead and blame democrats for ya. Saves time. GW you don't have to speak to me in this insulting manner..i'm talking to you already this does not get my attention and makes me think less of you because you are a degreed medical professional who had to get at least 75% on courses rather than the normal 70%..because we are held to a higher standard. this does not endear yourself to me.

california is also a bunch of nut cases who look down on others that visit their state as "imposing"..you're nothing more, than an imposition to them. they don't like you..they will take your money, then they want you to go away..don't try to be friends as you may have ulterior motive and 'want something' from them.

the vegetation is also very brown and dead there, which must contribute to their misery.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was bitching about INCOME tax and saying there is alternative methods, how did you turn that into what you did?
I was just bitching a little to. No biggie. Didn't mean nothing by it. I just meant we can't rely on the general public to freely give in place of income taxes.
No, you are not free. You don't own your own body or the fruit of your labor. You are not permitted to truly own real property unless you pay an annual tribute for things you may not agree with or use. The USA has the most prisoners of any people in the world and is responsible for alot of foreign aggression and murder of innocent people domestically and abroad. History has my back on that one.

Just because other nation states can sometimes be more tyrannical in a given area, doesn't mean that the U.S. version of tyranny equates to freedom.

Freedom means ability to chose, not ability to chose among choices that are presented by others on a limited basis and with threats against you, for noncompliance.

Freedom and coercive governments are opposites. There's no such thing as a collective "we" either, that is a manufactured fiction to perpetuate nationalism and effective herding of the livestock. Sorry.
I agree somewhat but to have exactly what you want we would be a lawless society.
You have heard my opinions you know where I stand. I'm definitely not for a nanny state.