LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2


Well-Known Member
Well they look nice!

Hopefully I can get these guys going again. I was was bored so I found some pots and repotted them all, all had nice roots except the smallest. Planted in different soil also, so if it was anything to do with the other soil (probably not, probably LED + burn) then I'll find out.

I had 4 seeds soaking and I planted 3 of them yesterday. The other one fell off the plate into the dirt and was lost. Doesn't matter, 9 plants is too many anyway.


Well-Known Member
throw up some new pics later.

to be honest i really dont think u got lowryder,u wouldve known the sex by now and would be able to get rid of the males or breed them.where did u order the seeds from


Well-Known Member
idk there couldve been a mix up,i got my lr2 from him and they all germd and was a girl in it,if they dont flower within 5days u might have to force flower them,or veg them then flower.


Well-Known Member
Lights are 24/7, I read they flower under constant light too though. I'm getting some pics ready right now.


Well-Known Member
Day 37...

Repotted + 3 extra sprouted seeds

Some genuine oregano is in the pot at the back too :-)

They aren't looking too bad now. I got to go away at the end of september for 3 weeks, it's gonna be bad timing I think.



Well-Known Member
the lowryder should b 18/6 for optimum results.

start some widows and veg them for a few months,u got the room/space


Well-Known Member
I'll probably soak some today, don't want to go crazy with this though. A few plants is one thing, 15 is another. Maybe I can put them in the park near here.

Paranoia is setting in also, too much orange light is coming out of the shed at night. The door sucks because it doesn't seal. I'm thinking about screwing a tarp on the shed ceiling to divide it off away from the door. I can't think of anything else that I could do easily. I was looking at grow tents but most of them are 2m high but the shed isn't.

I'll also put the timer on 18/6 today. Make it go off around 5pm and back on at 11. Should reduce anyone seeing light also.


Well-Known Member
try a camo tarp.is there a road near you that ppl could see?take a pic from 10,20,30,40 and 50ft away from the shed to see how much light is really leaking.

get rid of the aluminum foil as well,get mylar,the foil can cause burns to
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Well-Known Member
When you walk down the front steps you can see light in the shed, the neighbors may be able to see it also. It's weird. Someone put a garden shed inside another shed here. They were probably growing pot. I could move it in a space under the house accessable from inside but I'd have to block up all the vents and there's been rats in there which freak me out.

Anyway, I have a tarp and some screws now, I'll attach it later. Can't find any mylar, I'll get to the hydro shop on the weekend maybe.


Well-Known Member
Sat there looking at my plants. The ones I fertilized are doing the best. Minus the one I overfertilized as an experiment - although the leaves are really dark green on this one. The fertilized ones have stems that are twice as thick too.

The ones I used the stuff at the bottom of the worm farm are really light green and the one that has only had water is just as bad.

I just checked a deficiency guide on this site:

Quick Deficiency Guide

Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....
Looks like it fits to bill exactly. They were sitting in seed raising mix, which I assume is pretty nute free. Should I fertilize them?

Maybe I can fertilize 2 of them and leave one to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Pics showing the difference of fertilizing...

This one only had some worm farm liquid that collects at the bottom.

This one had a bit of seaweed fertilizer, high nitrogen. Most healthy, but a little pale.

This one had the seaweed fertilizer plus some granule fertilizer. It was too much and burnt the plant, but look at the dark green. They leaves are also a bit shiny, not sure what that means.



Well-Known Member
Set up the tarp inside the shed, it stopped 90% of the light. If only it could be easier to get in and out. A zip running down the middle would be good then I could attach the sides also. Wonder where I could get an easy zip. I don't have a sewing machine to attach it though.



Well-Known Member
Day 38...

3 other lowryders have sprouted through the soil, so I'll call it day 1 for them.
The 5 white widows have cracked, probably plant tomorrow.

Fertilized the slow ones. The back right got a dose of water shaken with granule fertilizer.
The right middle one got some seaweed fertilizer.
Front left one, healthiest, got a bit of seaweed fertilizer since I thought it looked good but was still a little pale.

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Well-Known Member
Looking at the design of those LED panels, i'm not surprised by their performance. Looks like 3mm leds- WAY too far apart. I would have packed them in super tight, so the panel would be smaller. I would have also tried a bit larger spectrum, more towards bluish, at least 4 diff bulb types. 5mm LEDs for sure.

I believe I've seen those panels before, so I'm confident in my assumption that you bought them from a "manufacturer." This is becoming an epidemic. LED panels have serious potential for energy efficient grow lighting, it's just not a big enough market for serious competition. I bet most of those are assembled in somebody's parent's garage.

I found a supplier in China that can supply 5mm LEDs in a huge range of spectrums, and when I decide to take the plunge I will be using a much more suitable spectrum of lighting. If it doesn't work, I'll throw 'em on my playa bike. I'd like to see if LED built right can work.

Glad your babies started growin. They're gonna love that HPS. These days it seems that I rarely see LR grown under anything but cfl's mounted in $500 pc cases.


Well-Known Member
I think you have a few problems going. Maybe this will catch you before you plant the widows. Your soil looks way to chunky and dense. get a soil that has less larger material or just screen the big stuff out of the soil you have. Then mix 1 part soil and 1 part perlite. You can add some vermiculite too if you want. This will loosen up your soil and make it easier for the plants to root. Looks like your shaky on the whole nutrient thing. What are you using? Personally I would start with a fish emulsion 5-1-1 npk and mix it at 1/2 tsp per gallon. Feed until you get a good amount of drainage from the pots. It definitely looks like you have an N deficiency. The super green plant you burned has an excess of P right now. You are in a growth stage so you need mostly N. When you are several weeks into flower start using a bloom nutrient, which will have more P value. Don't feed your small ones until they have about 4/5 nodes and feed extremely lightly to start. Work your way up in nutrient levels over a long period of time. I feed 2 times a week, but I flush a bit before every feeding. You might also want to look up Hempy Buckets on here and get rid of soil. I have been researching it and will be trying this out when I start back up in fall.

Good Luck :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips, I'm figuring it out by making plenty of errors and getting help.

Plant on bottom right shows what soil they are in - fairly fine soil. I only repotted yesterday with the new soil. Yes, it's a bit lumpy, and now I wish it also had some perlite to make it a little lighter, but it doesn't seem too bad, it looks worse on top because the bigger bits float and the smaller stuff settles.


Well-Known Member
Advice from plant problems section...

Next water I will flush the nutes out of the dark green one really well. Hopefully it will fix things.

Fingers crossed for the new lowryders and white widows. I'll buy some different soil for the widows.


Well-Known Member
Advice from plant problems section...

Next water I will flush the nutes out of the dark green one really well. Hopefully it will fix things.

Fingers crossed for the new lowryders and white widows. I'll buy some different soil for the widows.
Flushing will help. They will probably all take a little time to bounce back. Just adding perlite to your soil will do wonders. Also, do you have a fan blowing on them? If not get one, it will help. If you can afford it t-5 fluros are really nice for vegging plants. The inter node spacing will be smaller and you can keep fluros right on top of the plants without burning. This helps with creating a bushy plant. HPS inter node spacing will be longer than say using a MH for veg. HPS is preferable once in flower though. I have one af-gooey that is about 2" tall and has about 5 nodes. its still small but its only 1.5 weeks old. It is my only plant as I am starting over with some cabinets and possibly hand watered hydro. (hempy buckets)

Experimenting and screwing up are all necessities to becoming a better grower. This site is a great resource.