

Well-Known Member
i guess we'll have to come up with an icon for 'lgbt' friendly and you know honestly, if a business owner is that set upon not serving you..for whatever reason, so be it..why would i want to do business with someone so inflexible, bigoted and won't appreciate it anyway?


Well-Known Member
If somebody refuses to interact with you and you threaten them with force, you are "respecting" rapist tactics Mr. Ted Bundy.
i would love o hear you explain to your gay son why he should respect bigots who refuse to sell him what they sell you just because your gay son sucks dick behind closed doors at home.

"son, if you try to buy shoes from that man by peacefully handing him your money, you are a rapist. you need to respect that bigot, i know i sure do."

does your gay son know that you deeply admire people who choose to refuse him service on the basis that he is gay?


Well-Known Member
i would love o hear you explain to your gay son why he should respect bigots who refuse to sell him what they sell you just because your gay son sucks dick behind closed doors at home.

"son, if you try to buy shoes from that man by peacefully handing him your money, you are a rapist. you need to respect that bigot, i know i sure do."

does your gay son know that you deeply admire people who choose to refuse him service on the basis that he is gay?
I suspect Rob drinks himself to sleep every night wishing he had another son that he could Klan with. I also suspect that because he despises his son so much that he is angry at the world for being slightly better today than it was even 10 years ago, when his racist hate filled tendencies were more tolerated.


Well-Known Member
You've confuse a granted privilege with a right. To exercise a right you don't need anyone else to approve or disapprove. To exercise a privilege, you must first be granted that privilege..
Your wrong here bro , transacting business in the United States is not a privilege, its a right & its covered under many different laws including anti discrimination laws .

i would love o hear you explain to your gay son why he should respect bigots who refuse to sell him what they sell you just because your gay son sucks dick behind closed doors at home.
I too would like to hear that conversation , i had to explain to my children at an early age what a "Sand Nigger" was & why people called their mother & them that , it broke their hearts finding out people automatically hated them because they were different .

I cant imagine sitting my sons down & explaining why its ok they be singled out & humiliated, especially the part where me as a white man tell them i agree its ok they be disrespected cause they dont look like me , its an indefensible position .

actual consent can only be granted by the individual and not by others presuming to hold that power to force a non consensual interaction.
Civil rights laws do hold the power to force businesses to operate within the system of laws governing said businesses .

Not only is denying service based on opion ,race , religion, appearance or sexuality morally & ethically wrong its legally wrong as well & covered under anti discrimination laws.

If someone refused to interact with me, I'd leave them alone. I might not like their reasons, but that doesn't give me any right to insist on an interaction with them on their property does it ?

You do have a right to demand service & businesses do not have the right to refuse you service .

Sexual discrimination as described in the civil rights act of 1964 .

Sex discrimination also can involve treating someone less favorably because of his or her connection with an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain sex.

Discrimination against an individual because that person is transgender is discrimination because of sex in violation of Title VII. This is also known as gender identity discrimination. In addition, lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals may bring sex discrimination claims. These may include, for example, allegations of sexual harassment or other kinds of sex discrimination, such as adverse actions taken because of the person's non-conformance with sex-stereotypes.
End Quote .

The new law in Indiana allowing businesses to deny service to a group goes directly against federal anti discrimination laws .

I agree with you on quite a few different issues but not on this issue , frankly i dont understand how anybody who isnt a bigot agrees with the law , I dont think your a bigot & am confused by your agreement with a law where the intent is clearly meant to take away rights of others .

Please explain how this law will be of any real life benifit to the community at large .
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Well-Known Member
"9. A person whose exercise of religion has beensubstantially burdened, or is likely to be substantially burdened, bya violation of this chapter may assert the violation or impendingviolation as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrativeproceeding, regardless of whether the state or any othergovernmental entity is a party to the proceeding. If the relevantgovernmental entity is not a party to the proceeding, thegovernmental entity has an unconditional right to intervene inorder to respond to the person's invocation of this chapter."

No gays! Verrrry similar to the '93 bill. Civil Rights Act still intact, bruh.
don't confuse the issue with the facts


Well-Known Member
Not quite. Religious freedom, as in the right to practice your religion with your own believers unmolested, is a worthy freedom. It stops being worthy- or free- when people impose their religion or beliefs upon others, which is exactly what this legislature did.
what do you call a homo that sues a photographer because he doesn't want to shop up and photo the butt bandits at a wedding>? that's not force though is it?


Well-Known Member
i guess we'll have to come up with an icon for 'lgbt' friendly and you know honestly, if a business owner is that set upon not serving you..for whatever reason, so be it..why would i want to do business with someone so inflexible, bigoted and won't appreciate it anyway?
I kinda agree but i cant help thinking the huge inconvenience the law will put on some , if that law was in Mich & we were at our summer house i could be forced to make a 1.5 hour round trip just to get a roll of toilet paper , disabled or range limited people might not have the ability to go to another store to buy food & necessities.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The bill, now a law, allows any person or corporation to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party. The intent of the bill is to give companies and business owners legal cover if they don’t want to do business with same-sex couples.
Businesses aren't confined to places that sell things.
Employers are businesses, landlords are businesses
private schools are businesses
insurance companies are businesses.
almost anything that accepts money is a business


Well-Known Member
Businesses aren't confined to places that sell things.
Employers are businesses, landlords are businesses
private schools are businesses
insurance companies are businesses.
almost anything that accepts money is a business
So, employers and landlords are businesses, but corporations aren't people?

Interesting hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
So, employers and landlords are businesses, but corporations aren't people?

Interesting hypocrisy.
Its not hypocrisy its what comes with a business being Incorporated , being INC is different than a business , DBA or LLC .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link but i confess to not reading it yet , im trimming & glancing at RIU every so often , does it mean Mich is in the same boat as Indiana ?
Well Mich has a law and the language looks very similar to me. I honestly believe the backlash is ignorance. The left wing news sites post claims that just aren't that cut and dry. But the right wing news barely even mention the bill so its easy for everyone to make assumptions. Legalese is never black and white.