Well-Known Member
Man hit something with him to see what he does it can't hurt nothing. I'm very curious myself hell I'll help you go through em. He's the only one I ever heard talk about backward herms so I wanna see what they do
My idea in the beginning was to simply chuck some pollen and preserve in the form of f2's for myself in case I really like this herb and it never hits the market. I really don't want it to turn into more than that. Labelling and testing and all that. I just wanted to mix pollen from a couple or few dudes(from the same strain of course) and hit a couple or all of the ladies with it.
Then there comes the question of ethics. I'm just some newbie ass schmoe and I don't want to be dirty up Bodhi's work and spreading around some funky beans.... not to mention they are testers. Ya feel me?