Small Spaces: LED Organics

Thanks, I saw some similar ones at Menards and was wondering if they could be of any use. I've never been in the 503 area code but my girlfriend has a lot of family in Washington state, so you never know!

Just across the river from me :)
Washington scares me sometimes though, the ACLU got them to pass a BAD marijuana law....complete monopoly to connected growers and adult home grows [like that's not happening].....pre-determined DUI levels, with no science, etc etc....I should be glad, but sometimes, you wanna go...."wtf?"

If you are interested in just checking out LED's, using these bulbs as side lighting is a great way to start an introduction.....either you like it and progress or you remove them and put them into your house ;) Many current LED users started this way....

I have bought about 40 or so of these bulbs [Cree/Phillips] over the last 2 years...never had a single failure, at least double the light output of the 26watt cfl....
Hey I am 503 area code, I never knew we were neighbors!
Tim, this is going to be my next project: A Diy PAR Meter for the Arduino....

503 LED users get free use :joint:

Just across the river from me :)
Washington scares me sometimes though, the ACLU got them to pass a BAD marijuana law....complete monopoly to connected growers and adult home grows [like that's not happening].....pre-determined DUI levels, with no science, etc etc....I should be glad, but sometimes, you wanna go...."wtf?"

I have bought about 40 or so of these bulbs [Cree/Phillips] over the last 2 years...never had a single failure, at least double the light output of the 26watt cfl....

I've seen some stuff about how bad Washington's "legalization" is and I saw something recently and it looked like they're trying to end medical marijuana there (which I understand does let people grow at home) to force everyone into the overpriced and overtaxed retail racket.

I'll have to see about some of those bulbs, I need some supplemental lighting I thinks.
If you are interested in just checking out LED's, using these bulbs as side lighting is a great way to start an introduction.....either you like it and progress or you remove them and put them into your house ;) Many current LED users started this way....

I have bought about 40 or so of these bulbs [Cree/Phillips] over the last 2 years...never had a single failure, at least double the light output of the 26watt cfl....

So the led light bulbs available at home improvement stores will perform somewhat comparable to 26 w cfl?( which I am currently using) i could use less wattage and have the same output this way
@Analog Kid
Yes, more or less, although, take note that I am only recommending Cree and Phillips, however, both seemed to have change their lighting designs since I started using the bulbs....

Some, say the new construction isn't as good...the Led's emit roughly the same PAR light but emit less IR than CFL's and hence less if you need heat, then CFL's could provide a boost, but if losing the heat is your aim...yes the LED bulbs...again I cannot vouch for no-name LED bulbs, only Cree and Phillips...

I have used some off brand bulbs and have had good luck with them, but not as quality as the other 2 :peace:
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Yes, more or less, although, take note that I am only recommending Cree and Phillips, however, both seemed to have change their lighting designs since I started using the bulbs....

Some, say the new construction isn't as good...the Led's emit roughly the same PAR light but emit less IR than CFL's and hence less if you need heat, then CFL's could provide a boost, but if losing the heat is your aim...yes the LED bulbs...again I cannot vouch for no-name LED bulbs, only Cree and Phillips...

I have used some off brand bulbs and have had good luck with them, but not as quality as the other 2 :peace:

I would be wary of the no namer bulbs and would rec buying from an established company that stands to have something to lose should they have taken some sort of safety shortcut to save a penny producing each one. I saw a video awhile back of a guy showing how his no name LED bulb that he bought was both a shock and fire hazard due to the poor engineering.

I've been out digging the yard up!
I would be wary of the no namer bulbs and would rec buying from an established company that stands to have something to lose should they have taken some sort of safety shortcut to save a penny producing each one. I saw a video awhile back of a guy showing how his no name LED bulb that he bought was both a shock and fire hazard due to the poor engineering.

I've been out digging the yard up!

The video you are referring to is done by Julian Lett and to be fair that was an LED bulb ordered from China and I have yet to see any of those kind in retail stores.....

but all the big box stores and Walmart offer a nice "looking" LED bulb that is off brand and I feel safe, but the light efficiency is probably just above a CFL, so not quite worth direct replacement imho....

But, yes, please be very careful if the bulbs you are buying do not have covers! If there is no cover that should be a big red flag!
The video you are referring to is done by Julian Lett and to be fair that was an LED bulb ordered from China and I have yet to see any of those kind in retail stores.....

but all the big box stores and Walmart offer a nice "looking" LED bulb that is off brand and I feel safe, but the light efficiency is probably just above a CFL, so not quite worth direct replacement imho....

But, yes, please be very careful if the bulbs you are buying do not have covers! If there is no cover that should be a big red flag!

Sounds like the same video!

You could use it, but this falls into my cheap category as Sylvania probably doesn't advertise what diodes they are using and they are usually SMD's on the flat plate [pcb] inside the bulb cover...SMD diodes are the type used in strip lighting and are probably about 10% more efficient than the CFL's watt/watt

I promote Cree/Phillips because the diodes that they are using and have used in the past have information [datasheets] to tell you what you should expect energy the fact the Cree's I have are Xt-E, which at one point just a year or two ago was the rage in monochromatic diodes before White Led's really started to up their efficiency....

These floods are ideal for taller situations as they have narrow beam patterns but could be as far as 24" from a top and still probably work, especially in veg at that distance....

If you really want to, pull the cover off, which will help diffuse the light somewhat and you could run them at a lower height with a little more spread and similar intensity [but only! if you know what you are doing, there are live AC mains exposed inside!!!!!]....:peace:
Very cool. Are you using the arduino just to monitor moisture or will it be activating a valve. I too like to play with micro controllers I have an arduino uno

Right now I am just using the arduino sensor to check if the blumats work adequately or not...eventually I would love to control a tank valve for an entire Blu mat array....

Also working on DIY PAR meter and led controller for the 'duino...glad to hear you are familia' with the Arduino!! :peace:

Love to hear your setup if you are dinking around....I heart microcontrollers :peace:
Yes besides the price of the blumats that was a concern of mine to actually know if they work correctly.

I would love to devise a self watering system that monitors each plant and disperses a measured amount individually. And control it with the arduino.

In micro controller world, I had built a prototype CNC but have since then taken the arduino out of that and it's ready for my next project which will probably be a water controller or some other growing gadget