Well-Known Member
Thanks, I saw some similar ones at Menards and was wondering if they could be of any use. I've never been in the 503 area code but my girlfriend has a lot of family in Washington state, so you never know!
Just across the river from me

Washington scares me sometimes though, the ACLU got them to pass a BAD marijuana law....complete monopoly to connected growers and shops....no adult home grows [like that's not happening].....pre-determined DUI levels, with no science, etc etc....I should be glad, but sometimes, you wanna go...."wtf?"
If you are interested in just checking out LED's, using these bulbs as side lighting is a great way to start an introduction.....either you like it and progress or you remove them and put them into your house

I have bought about 40 or so of these bulbs [Cree/Phillips] over the last 2 years...never had a single failure, at least double the light output of the 26watt cfl....