I only read the first few posts so i apologize if i repeat anything said but, the whole "natural" thing is just stupid if you want your plant to grow naturally put it in the ground oitside, now however if creating the perfect environment for growth while saving money and decreasing your consumption of fossil fuels via decreased energy bills then gaslight might be worth a shot the money saved over the 18/6 schedule is astronomical not to mention the decreased ecological impact ( and lets face it if you grow organic and dont live as sustainably as possible your missing a big part of the eqation) ive never used it but ive heard sativas love it and youll save time in flowef because they are always in a state of pre flowering almost. Indicas on the other hand dont like it so much from what ive heard around forums.
So if saving money, the environment and some fliwering time sounds good i would say give it a shot, record your data and rela it back to us here so we can all share and learn something from it.