First Grower Concerns


Active Member
Hey guys so I started some plants from seeds and I'm growing DWC in a BCNL roommate. I only have 3 plants growing right now (about 6 weeks in) and covered the missing hole. I Just started having issues with what looks like algae build up or Rez slime and after looking at some other grow pics I see that a lot of other plants have a way better root system than my plants. I'm just worried I'm doing something wrong and not quite sure what I should be doing to correct it. I can post some pics later but maybe some ideas for now would help.


Well-Known Member
Things that affect roots:

Warm temperatures (DWC should be 65-68 for maximum dissolved oxygen)
Drowning roots (yes it sounds silly, but you can over water in hydro)
Not enough aeration

And if after all this you still have slime, well that happens as well. See Heisenbergs tea sticky in the DWC/Bubbleponics section. Its for people who are doing everything right, but still face slime. But you will know if you have this type of slime as its brown and snot like.

I use Hydroguard as a proactive approach to root issues. It actually helps a lot. As does not letting the water level drop a lot. And with enough practice your roots will be as white as this.



Well-Known Member
Strong roots are key to a big healthy plant. I have two clones from same plant this time in flower and the buds are bigger on the one with the roots posted above.

Nothing with increase your yield more than healthy roots so its paramount that you get them healthy and keep them healthy.


Active Member
Strong roots are key to a big healthy plant. I have two clones from same plant this time in flower and the buds are bigger on the one with the roots posted above.

Nothing with increase your yield more than healthy roots so its paramount that you get them healthy and keep them healthy.
Ok so here's some pics of my plants and thier roots and a look inside my reservoir, I started having the slime issue when I started adding a nute called carbo blast (Supplied with the grow box


Well-Known Member
I see some fuzzy white roots coming out. Thats a good sign. Those roots look awful though. Whats the medium its in? Looks like hay or some shit.

Dont use carboblast. It feeds bacteria and causes it to multiply, its only good in small quantities and when you know you have beneficials in your tank. If you don't know whats in your tank as far as bacteria why feed it?

What is that black thing in your reservoir and why? And wtf is a BCNL roommate? Would knowing what that is tell me what the black thing is?

Man I need to get into the "grow room in a box" business.


Well-Known Member
Heres a tip. Empty that cesspool and spray off all the roots good. Take a garden hose sprayer or sink faucet sprayer and spray from the top of the pots and flush a ton of water in there. Clean out the reservoir good, real good with scolding hot water and dawn dish soap. Soak those air stones in 1:5 bleach to water ratio for a few hours with them bubbling. Soak that air tubing as well.

DO THIS FIRST: Go to the store, buy some earth worm castings, some hydroguard and some mycos product. Take a ladies stocking (i use a few) and stuff a handful of earthworm castings in it. Put a smidgeon of mycos with 8ml hydroguard per gallon of DISTILLED water.

I use two gallons or distilled water and double everything I said aside form the ladies stockings, those are just a filter so the castings dont get in there.

Use an air stone to bubble the mixture. I put the stocking filled with EWC on the air stone. Lastly give it some sugars, a popular product is molasses in which you want to just put a teaspoon of it in per gallon.

Bubble this for a few days until you get an earthy smell like mushrooms and some slight foam. This is good.

it is important you use distilled water as the bleach/chloramine in most household taps will kill your beneficials you're trying to breed.

So after this is brewed, put it thru a coffee filter to get any residuals and strain it into a gallon jug and refrigerate. Good for a week in there unless it starts smelling bad. And by bad I mean anything that doesn't smell like mushrooms/dirt.

Pour a cup of this stuff over the top of the pots and let it trickle into the res. Do this once a day for a week.

Don't look to the rotted roots for improvement. They won't improve.

Then use the hydroguard you purchased 2ml/gal every few days apply some.

I usually put 6ml into a half gallons worth of water that im using to top up my res and pour it over the medium and drench the roots.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
You may want to rethink your system.

Perhaps it was just the carboblast snake oil.

You offered up no vitals on your plant, like how much you're feeding and what you are feeding it, what your res temps are. How big your air pump is. So no ones going to be able to help you help yourself.

I offered up great advice. I've been in your shoes man, I know there is an end and a path to whiter, healthier roots.


Active Member
I see some fuzzy white roots coming out. Thats a good sign. Those roots look awful though. Whats the medium its in? Looks like hay or some shit.

Dont use carboblast. It feeds bacteria and causes it to multiply, its only good in small quantities and when you know you have beneficials in your tank. If you don't know whats in your tank as far as bacteria why feed it?

What is that black thing in your reservoir and why? And wtf is a BCNL roommate? Would knowing what that is tell me what the black thing is?

Man I need to get into the "grow room in a box" business.
Lol ok so let me explain, BCNL is BC Northern Lights Grow Box and the roommate is just the name of the model. The black thing inside the box by the plants is just a tray I used to cover a hole where another plant should be. And the black thing in the Rez is a submersible pump. I'm using some nutes that were provided with the purchase of my grow box. I didn't want to but anything being that this is my first grow and not really familiar with

My Rez temps are 70-75 degrees

Some of the nutes I'm using are called
grow 1-2-5 ,
common 2-0-0
super b+
And carbo blast

And The medium is coco coir

I am truly a noob and would hate to see these ladies die on me.
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Well-Known Member
" I am truly a noob and would hate to see these ladies die on me."
My 2 cents
pull the plant and use fox farm ocean forest soil and just water for 4 weeks.... plant well live that way


Well-Known Member
Well i can yell you that system is junk. You dont need a sub pump.for dwc. All its doing is making the water warmer due to friction.


Active Member
Well i can yell you that system is junk. You dont need a sub pump.for dwc. All its doing is making the water warmer due to friction.
I just bought the supplies to make the tea so I'm gonna try and finish the grow with my current system. But for future reference can I use the housing and switch to soil?
Start afresh, it didn't have enough roots 2 start with of OE they've all dried up not getting water as often as they need and drying out