black weed?? pics inside

laced weed makes you faint? You acutally had laced weed bra u crazy. Get on sum seedless flame bra.
ya know this dude gave me some of that same lookin shit about a month ago. I hit that shit an i about fuckin died. tasted like ass and ive never tasted ass but im sure if i did itd come out to be about the same flavor. take a hit see how it works, its not laced with anything that ive ever seen eg cocoa puffs etc. usually when its laced with somethin thats safe to smoke its white. as far is there being powdered glass in a bag...

If i ever got a bag with powdered go back to my connect and bitchslap the piss out of him...and if he was middle man...which is very rare for me to find his man and slap the shit out of him too til i found the asshole that laced my chron with glass shards that arent smokeable.....death to cutters!

not that hillbilly shit thats discolored and they call it Nugs. lol

Speakingas a hillbilly, I have to say that you OBVIOUSLY have never been to the Ozark hills...or you would know that us hillbillys grow some of the best weed in the USA. Ever smoked some good ol' outdoor grown Ozarks Gold?? That is hillbilly shit...and I guaran-goddamn-tee ya it is DANK as shit. Tip top quality. So, in defense of us hillbillys......try a little Ozark Mountain bud before you dis us.
Peace all!
mane dat weed looked too fucked up you shouldnt even hit it bra. Get sum official bud fuck dat unknown shit. oh n dat small pic aint help give up a close up one bra.
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I dont know from what I can see, nothing, it is or has in the past gotten mold and been dried out, most of the black pot ive seen is mold fucked, however I have seen some good in FL but it was like dark purple, that was in 94. you kids and name N weed if its not from overseas its just a mix of like everything.
I actually just got a nug of this black crunchy weed and I wanted to know if it's laced with anything before I smoke it...I can't handle laced weed, makes me faint but I really want to smoke this nug that came in my bag of green...if anyone knows plz fill me in

get off this site and go back to high school. you will NEVER find laced weed unless you're paying double or more per bag. lacing drugs ain't cheap, certainly not free. you little dipshits are the ones who give the news channels ammo.

laced fuckin weed. jesus christ!
I have smoked darker colored shit like that. Mine was more of an off purple thought. It was just normal ass weed that was a weird color.
My personal motto.. never EVER buy it unless you know the grower or the guy you bought from knows the grower personally. I've kept to this for the past 10 years and it's served me quite well. Now, I skip that shit and grow. No need to worry about wtf is in your 'black crunchy weed' if you made it.

I'm thinking its been vaped, too, btw. Vaped buds look just like normal buds, but they are darker, have 0 THC left in them and they're brittle.

Bud.. if you're reading this site, you should be growing.
get off this site and go back to high school. you will NEVER find laced weed unless you're paying double or more per bag. lacing drugs ain't cheap, certainly not free. you little dipshits are the ones who give the news channels ammo.

laced fuckin weed. jesus christ!

lol i've smoked laced weed for the same price, but it wasnt no crunchy black. and im not sure the person who sold it to me knew it was laced, it was just i guess slightly 'darker' spots.. where you could see something was dripped..

correct me if im wrong but lacing weed is gonna make it weigh more? then the seller could get rid of more of the bud and possibly make even more money.. ? maybe they got the hook on pcp.

the guy starting to post was only asking a question no need to be angry though, what if he is allergic to something that it (if it were) laced he'd get owned?
I Have Smoked Some Bud That Was All Black Almost As Well, It Was Not Laced And It Got Me Sky High, So Just Smoke It And Find Out.