black weed?? pics inside

Speakingas a hillbilly, I have to say that you OBVIOUSLY have never been to the Ozark hills...or you would know that us hillbillys grow some of the best weed in the USA. Ever smoked some good ol' outdoor grown Ozarks Gold?? That is hillbilly shit...and I guaran-goddamn-tee ya it is DANK as shit. Tip top quality. So, in defense of us hillbillys......try a little Ozark Mountain bud before you dis us.
Peace all!

Love it! Way to stick up for the mountain men! I would do anything to get in on that Ozark Mountain DANK!!!!! Well done my friend.:joint:
lol i've smoked laced weed for the same price, but it wasnt no crunchy black. and im not sure the person who sold it to me knew it was laced, it was just i guess slightly 'darker' spots.. where you could see something was dripped..

correct me if im wrong but lacing weed is gonna make it weigh more? then the seller could get rid of more of the bud and possibly make even more money.. ? maybe they got the hook on pcp.

the guy starting to post was only asking a question no need to be angry though, what if he is allergic to something that it (if it were) laced he'd get owned?

ppl also lace it with formaldehyde which is an enboming fluid its just makes the weed seem better when the weed is actually shit i ran into some over here in germany so ya im just thinkin about growing it i have some seeds back at a place where i used to live that i can get so ya
certain methods of quick drying will turn your bud black, some methods brown...when a bud is cured right it should not be too bright green(depending on strain), when cured properly the most of the chlorophyll(the green color in plants that is used to absorb light via the leaves) should be released resulting in a darker bud.

I have never vaporized weed, nor seen it after being vaporized, so that may still be your case...

Still no better pics?
Looks like someone definately vaped that shit. I'd be pretty pissed off if I paid for that crap. Say something to whoever gave you that BS.
"Im in your car gettin tickets and shit"-Best AVATAR ive seen
and about the black weed. take a hit and find out for yourself. it might have some dmt in it and could make you seem closer to god
DMT is $60 for a half G. I doubt someone would waste it lacing someone elses weed. Just smoked some at a Dead show, definately the most potent hallucinagenic I've tried.