

Well-Known Member
Using force to make people interact is not a good policy.
no one is forced to interact. private club or public business is still the owner's choice, you dumb racist.

Maybe its time to try something else, like peaceful and voluntary consensual interactions.
don't you describe paying small children for sex as a consensual, voluntary act?

yep, you do. all the time.


Well-Known Member
Being made subject to the threats of another to serve them...would you define that as a peaceful act or a violent act?
no one is subject to "threats of another to serve them", you racist fuck. because they are free to choose a private club or a public store.


Well-Known Member
Using force to make people interact is not a good policy. In fact many (most) of the worlds problems can be traced to that policy.

Maybe its time to try something else, like peaceful and voluntary consensual interactions.
Cognitive dis... dumbass.

You are willfully ignoring the fact that society has deemed it unacceptable to discriminate others based on skin color, sexual preference or religion, to name a few. You completely contradict what society has deemed evil. You think its ok for people to discriminate. That makes you a racist bigot. Period.

You go ahead with your "NUH UH" and your memes, you've lost.


Well-Known Member
First off, I kind of like you, you seem like a pretty cool guy. So it's important to me that you know my point of view isn't formed in wishing to harm or deprive or anybody. It's just the opposite, I want everybody to have the right to freely choose their human relations.
Well thank you for that , i try not to be a dick so im glad somebody notices (: I am a very anti government kinda guy my own self .

I think i get what your saying where you dont believe in ANY type of forced interaction , i would agree if the interaction was taking place at a persons home , or at their place of worship where they are free to exercise any religious beliefs they have .

However the interaction were talking about takes place in the public realm , in a place of business that is subject to regulation , not a place of worship not subject to regulation .


Well-Known Member
he willfully ignores these kinds of things. he will never admit to his contradiction to this idea because he knows it means he is admitting he is a racist bigot shit stack.
he won't even admit that people were harmed by these practices before civil rights.

his position relies on willful history denialism.

he is no different than a holocaust denier at this point.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so then what is the least aggressive, most peaceful way to kick your gay son out of a store because he is gay?
Are you saying a person defining how they will use their own property and body is somehow aggressing against a person that wants
to use force to make them serve them? Isn't the person trespassing without the consent of the owner the aggressor?

It sounds like you shit on peoples property rights. Now I agree that some forms of discrimination are pretty stupid, but far be it for me to call the police on you for shitting on your own property.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying a person defining how they will use their own property and body is somehow aggressing against a person that wants
to use force to make them serve them? Isn't the person trespassing without the consent of the owner the aggressor?

It sounds like you shit on peoples property rights. Now I agree that some forms of discrimination are pretty stupid, but far be it for me to call the police on you for shitting on your own property.
third try, robrot.

so then what is the least aggressive, most peaceful way to kick your gay son out of a store because he is gay?

perhaps you will actually answer it this time.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
he won't even admit that people were harmed by these practices before civil rights.

his position relies on willful history denialism.

he is no different than a holocaust denier at this point.
It's wrong to go to another persons property and burn a cross on their lawn.

It's wrong to prevent people from associating that wish to or make people associate that don't want to.

It's wrong to go another persons property and shit on their bathroom floor.

It's wrong to go to another persons property and remain there if they don't want you there.

It's wrong to make another person serve you against their will and under threat of force.

Which of these things are you willing to embrace and declare as invalid?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying a person defining how they will use their own property and body is somehow aggressing against a person that wants
to use force to make them serve them? Isn't the person trespassing without the consent of the owner the aggressor?

It sounds like you shit on peoples property rights. Now I agree that some forms of discrimination are pretty stupid, but far be it for me to call the police on you for shitting on your own property.
If you are on your own PRIVATE property, you can do as you wish. That is true today, how often is your local Klan chapter invaded? I'm willing to bet very little, unless illegal activity is going on. And I'm also willing to bet, that you and sloppy seconds would shoot to kill if anyone of different color or sexual preference came on your Klan property.

But a business open to the PUBLIC does not have the same implications and therefore is governed under Civil Rights laws.

Your idol, David Duke, thinks exactly like you. Or rather, you think exactly like him.

Why do you hate your son so much?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
third try, robrot.

so then what is the least aggressive, most peaceful way to kick your gay son out of a store because he is gay?

perhaps you will actually answer it this time.
Perhaps you will get a mop and respect other peoples rights to determine the use of their own property, and their own body, but not the property or body of others.


Well-Known Member
It's wrong to go to another persons property and burn a cross on their lawn.

It's wrong to prevent people from associating that wish to or make people associate that don't want to.

It's wrong to go another persons property and shit on their bathroom floor.

It's wrong to go to another persons property and remain there if they don't want you there.

It's wrong to make another person serve you against their will and under threat of force.

Which of these things are you willing to embrace and declare as invalid?
i notice you did not list that it is wrong for racists to harm others by denying service to them based on their skin color.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you will get a mop and respect other peoples rights to determine the use of their own property, and their own body, but not the property or body of others.
fourth try.

so then what is the least aggressive, most peaceful way to kick your gay son out of a store because he is gay?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If you are on your own PRIVATE property, you can do as you wish. That is true today, how often is your local Klan chapter invaded? I'm willing to bet very little, unless illegal activity is going on. And I'm also willing to bet, that you and sloppy seconds would shoot to kill if anyone of different color or sexual preference came on your Klan property.

But a business open to the PUBLIC does not have the same implications and therefore is governed under Civil Rights laws.

Your idol, David Duke, thinks exactly like you. Or rather, you think exactly like him.

Why do you hate your son so much?
I don't hate my son. I wouldn't want him to take away another persons right to chose their own path and I would defend him if anybody tried to take away his right to chose his own path.

Also, the Klan shit is a little silly. Could you please go back to Pedo stuff or talking about your penis? Thanks little fellow.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i notice you did not list that it is wrong for racists to harm others by denying service to them based on their skin color.
It's not very nice that's for sure. However a racist has every right to control his OWN body and his OWN property.

None of us have the right to change that or force an interaction, or force someone to serve us which is what you are arguing for.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
fourth try.

so then what is the least aggressive, most peaceful way to kick your gay son out of a store because he is gay?

Oh alright, don't shit your pants.

The most peaceful way is for all parties involved to agree that if the interaction isn't consensual, it shouldn't happen. A person that insists on making it happen, has become the aggressor.