
Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
OK, lets analyze this

Defensive v. Offensive "force"

In the context of the homosexual couple requesting a wedding cake from the Christian baker opposed to homosexual marriage, I would argue the initiation of force is coming from the Christian baker. I believe this to be the case because 1. they took the job fully aware of the responsibilities of the position, including baking cakes for homosexual couples, in accordance with federal law, & 2. the civil rights act of 1964 guarantees American citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin equal protection from discrimination under the law. Discrimination is treatment or consideration of a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than individual merit. Therefore, the defensive position to take is opposition to said discrimination.

I've argued that business owners don't have the right to discriminate against people based on the reasons outlined by the CRA of 1964, it defines discrimination very clearly

The gov. owns the land, every inch of America, we just rent it
Thank you for comprehending and conceding the point there is a difference between defensive force and initiated aggression (offensive force).

If the government owns all the land and can direct everyone's actions with or without consent of those individuals aren't they initiating force against everyone in some way?

How can an institution born from the initiation of force (the USA) serve as an arbiter of anything in a fair and just way?

Didn't the civil rights act REMOVE the right of control of private property and place it in the hands of others ?

Didn't it remove the right of black people to control their property and their bodies too?

How does the removal of a right from a person, black or white, by an organization founded in initiated aggression serve anybody?


Well-Known Member
Time for non religious to stater battling against religion..start by taking all religious institution off tax exempt lists. F it them @ 75%. I really just want to punch religious zealots in the face..


Well-Known Member
If said muslim owns the subway sandwich shop ill respect his rights and go to another sandwich shop that serves the said ham sandwich I want,
IT IS YOU LEFT WING FUCKS that would not respect the mans rights and religious freedom and FORCE through the government your thoughts and beliefs on this guy,
as far as being a homo, that is the ONLY freedom you leftists support,,i think you all like cock,
i know i do.


Well-Known Member
Time for non religious to stater battling against religion..start by taking all religious institution off tax exempt lists. F it them @ 75%. I really just want to punch religious zealots in the face..
religion is the same as the belief of wizards and's a syndicate just like the mafia if you knows what i mean:wink: you pay them money for which they deceive you into believing that combined with prayer absolves and protection of a pretend man in the sky based upon a book of fairy tales (old testament and when they started to lose followers they created a kindler, gentler 'new' testament talk about genius!..)..let me tell ya it doesn't..they tell you what you want to hear.


Well-Known Member
religion is the same as the belief of wizards and's a syndicate just like the mafia if you knows what i mean:wink: you pay them money for which they deceive you into believing that combined with prayer absolves and protection of a pretend man in the sky based upon a book of fairy tales (old testament and when they started to lose followers they created a kindler, gentler 'new' testament talk about genius!..)..let me tell ya it doesn't..they tell you what you want to hear.

Who pays who money ? This is the lamest excuse of a thought up denial of the ability of the human being to have faith.

My religion doesn`t cost me a penny.

You get your science from books.


Well-Known Member
Who pays who money ? This is the lamest excuse of a thought up denial of the ability of the human being to have faith.

My religion doesn`t cost me a penny.

You get your science from books.
you are correct you do not have to go to church to have faith.

i was referring to the church goer.


Well-Known Member
Church is free. It costs you nothing. Ever wonder why there`s no locks on the doors ? Where does going to church cost money ?
if you don't donate don't expect anything from them other than an unlocked have to somehow get in to donate..otherwise how would you?


Well-Known Member
You`ve got donate confused with paying.....It`s an easy fix.

hmmm it's called in the catholic church, tithing..they even send you pretty envelopes with each sunday's date stamped and all the religious holidays get extra envelopes pretty dummy proof:

A portion of one's annual income contributed voluntarily or due as a tax, especially a contribution of one tenth of one's income for the support of the clergy or church.
b. The institution or obligation of paying tithes.
2. A tax or assessment of one tenth.
A tenth part.
b. A very small part.
v. tithed, tith·ing, tithes
1. To pay (a portion of one's income) as a tithe.
2. To levy a tithe on.
To pay a tithe.


Well-Known Member

hmmm it's called in the catholic church, tithing..they even send you pretty envelopes with each sunday's date stamped and all the religious holidays get extra envelopes pretty dummy proof:

A portion of one's annual income contributed voluntarily or due as a tax, especially a contribution of one tenth of one's income for the support of the clergy or church.
b. The institution or obligation of paying tithes.
2. A tax or assessment of one tenth.
A tenth part.
b. A very small part.
v. tithed, tith·ing, tithes
1. To pay (a portion of one's income) as a tithe.
2. To levy a tithe on.
To pay a tithe.

Volunteered....No penalty, nothing received.


Well-Known Member
Time for non religious to stater battling against religion..start by taking all religious institution off tax exempt lists. F it them @ 75%. I really just want to punch religious zealots in the face..
something about freedom and the constitution you leftists do not like?
You don't like the first amendment you don't like the second amendment you don't like the third or fourth,
there are a lot of other countrys with freedom and rights you can more too you know,
They might suit your beliefs much better,,Russia and China come to mind,


Well-Known Member
if you don't donate don't expect anything from them other than an unlocked have to somehow get in to donate..otherwise how would you?
That's odd we have piles of church's that run food banks.Lefties show up all the time that have never given a dime to the church but they put food into their hand and clothing on their back.
where does this money come from? Why people who give to the church that is where.
Freedom is about choice.Not force.people are free do believe what they want to believe or not to believe at all, it is not about government forcing the beliefs of you leftists on everyone else,
Like I said before democrats are WORSE than republicans by far.You are just so much more hypocritical than they are

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not quite. Religious freedom, as in the right to practice your religion with your own believers unmolested, is a worthy freedom. It stops being worthy- or free- when people impose their religion or beliefs upon others, which is exactly what this legislature did.
Not really. To impose your beliefs on somebody would mean you went to THEIR property and insisted they behave in a certain way.

Remaining on your property and having somebody else dictate how you will interact with them would be a better example of what imposing is.

For the record, I am not a homophobe and think discriminating against people that are gay is stupid.


Well-Known Member
Indiana is a great state. U can shoot the cops without warrent . No foid card or waiting period or ban on extended clips on guns needed. No background check needed for private party weapon sales. Lowest taxes in the nation for bizzness to operate. Cheap housing. All my weapons were from Indy at one time.


Well-Known Member
So its all cool with you liberal Nazis,,a homo walk's into a bakery,,demands the baker who happens to be, Christian , Jewish or Muslim and demands they make him a wedding reception cake, one with a penis inserted into a ass hole, According to you morons the baker MUST make the cake for the homo,
OR BE SUED into bankruptcy by some radical homo Nazi group,
What about the rights and freedom of the baker?
That's all this law is about is protecting the baker and his private property rights and the rights of his business along with his religious beliefs to be persecuted by you homo pole smoking weirdos,
seriously, you need to shut the fuck up.