Positive people required!!

Why hello! This is a friendly thread. Although beware of some of the others. New Members are sometimes looked at with a suspicious lens. For some very strange reason some members on here like to open up new accounts just to mess with people.

So, if someone is rude to you for apparently no reason, try not to take it personal.


Thank you, Yessica. Yeah, I lurked a bit and saw some of the drama. I'm me, no one's sock. Don't really understand how arguing so much has anything to do with pot, seems better suited to an alcohol forum, but I assure you guys I'm just here to have fun and shoot the breeze, and just joined a few days ago. I love the music of Yes, and it doesn't get much more positive or honest than that.

Oh, btw, I do not seem to have a "like" button.... Maybe I'm high, I know I am, but you know what I mean. I would like to like you but, like, it seems for the moment I can't. Please take no offense and I'll try to figure this out. Good to meet you.
Thank you, Yessica. Yeah, I lurked a bit and saw some of the drama. I'm me, no one's sock. Don't really understand how arguing so much has anything to do with pot, seems better suited to an alcohol forum, but I assure you guys I'm just here to have fun and shoot the breeze, and just joined a few days ago. I love the music of Yes, and it doesn't get much more positive or honest than that.

Oh, btw, I do not seem to have a "like" button.... Maybe I'm high, I know I am, but you know what I mean. I would like to like you but, like, it seems for the moment I can't. Please take no offense and I'll try to figure this out. Good to meet you.
You don't get to "like" for some period of time. It isn't long though. It may be like 48 hours or 50 posts or something.
Knock-knock. How you guys doing? New here, first post. This seems like a good thread for that. Who doesn't like Pink Floyd and puppies? Just looking for a place to hang out now and then over coffee and a joint. Peace.
Thrilled to have you!! please join in any time, we're all here for a little fun and positivity and support :D

Post what you're listening to, smoking or just doing any ol time you want.


:peace: :bigjoint:
They're turning BLUE? That's crazy.

I'm doing good - it's snowing like a mo fo out right now...So it looks like a little more winter for me up in the north!

Oh the mountains, sounds lovely!
yep, they 'appear' to turn blue, that's really the black fur coming in thru the white coat they are born with, its pretty cool to see :)

We had some snow a while back, its gone now. The birds are here!
Wow - so beautiful!!!!!

Kind of looks like the northern ontario landscape. Although here we have less mountains and more hills.

Oh it looks warm there! Or at least not frosty. It's still snowing here. Yikes.
Everything is starting to bloom! its wonderful..truly wonderful. Wish you could enjoy it with me!

When is your spring supposed to start there?
Thanks for the warm welcome you guys. Much warmer than the winter the North East US and Canada had, eh? I'm in the process of moving, ugh, so I might not be able to post much till all that madness is over. I had a question about decarb'ing BHO for eating, and found the info I needed here quickly. Cool!

Time for some Purple Pineapple bud with some Pineapple Haze wax sprinkles. Talk about a nice Hawaiian Punch! lol.

(And hooray! I have a Like button!)
Well...some places in Canada Spring has already sprung. But here - who knows?

It could get warm any day now. But Doubtful it will be t-shirt weather until into May. It's cold in the North.

I hear you on that! I moved just a few hundred miles north from where I was living to come here and the temps dropped considerably. 20 degree difference, on the cold side...brrrrrr!!! Took me all this time to get acclimated to the weather here, I was so cold all the time at first. Now, I walk around in barely anything in 40 degree weather. That's a first for me!!!! LOL
Thanks for the warm welcome you guys. Much warmer than the winter the North East US and Canada had, eh? I'm in the process of moving, ugh, so I might not be able to post much till all that madness is over. I had a question about decarb'ing BHO for eating, and found the info I needed here quickly. Cool!

Time for some Purple Pineapple bud with some Pineapple Haze wax sprinkles. Talk about a nice Hawaiian Punch! lol.

(And hooray! I have a Like button!)
Sounds super nice STL! I can feel you on the moving, done it a few times myself in the last few years. Lots of changes..though one thing stays the same...

Positivity breeds more positivity. Who can't use more of that?? :bigjoint:
Welcome aboard Soon the light, we do enjoy good folks here. :cool:

Moving - Ugh! Where are you looking @ putting down roots?

Thanks, Great', good to meet ya. You too, Rosey.

Bay Area. Selling a noisy, rather douchey, over-priced and over-hyped condo and getting an apt. Was all a bad idea to begin with, but my wife, she wanted a damn condo. Everything I said could go wrong about it, did. Ridiculous to basically go into business with and live in and own a small building with a bunch of strangers. Not all bad people, in fact most are cool, but the inconsiderate and lazy and dickish few are spoiling it for the rest of us. Would rather live anonymously in an apt. complex.

Hope things are cool with you. You in the Great White North? I love Toronto. Had a relative in London, Ont. I like Canada.
It's a beautiful day outside, well in comparison to the weather we have had. friend is coming over for a few beers, music and probably cook us some lunch.

did my errands for the day, it feels good :) now a beer and maybe a quick nap before friend arrives
Friends, music, beer and lunch? on a Tuesday? well hell yeah man, rock on..

I tried to take a nap myself but that damn Shepherd is barking a lot lately..lol.

Happy Tuesday brother!

I've never thought of it that way. Bob has a point.