Dj Short 20 year old back stock seed sprout.

I didn't come here to field complaints or debate business practices. I came here for the same reason as everyone else, to participate publicly in something I love, and I am constantly attacked, so have some empathy for me please.
You're right. I apologize for the comments I'll keep them to only growing and positive tones from here on out. Honestly, I know it is easy to get passionate over things you love and you family has the right to get pissed over unfounded attacks. Cheers.
Please excuse my heated passion as well.

We're all in this shit together. No matter how much we want to feel separated by boarders or which seed company we use, we're all in this together. 50 years form now if these threads are still floating around they're all gonna look back and laugh at EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US for thinking that we knew best how to set this plant free.
And thanks for the timely reply lol, forgot my manners for half a sec's the internet....we could have all the manners we'd like, it wouldn't change the fact that most of us are sitting here in our underwear half naked with cheetos crumbs all over the place... ;)

Just kidding, but I say if you got something to say....let that shit fly.
We live in a time where many things need to be said that go unspoken. Many of those who will say what needs to be said may be vilified, we can't let that keep us from saying what we believe needs to be said.
How could anyone not like this guy...

Son of breeder who's Blueberry alone is used in hundreds of crosses and hybrids is attacked (through a straw man put up by the trolls) while the pollen chucking pocket fillers get idolized. Is there no limit to the madness at RIU...

Like the old saying goes: You catch more flies with honey.
Once those flies start stinging and crapping over you sometimes a flamethrower is more appropriate, especially when the flies try to back you into a corner. Same shit in one of his earlier threads.
Why the fuck am I still getting updates to this thread....

Also Joe, just because someone expects a certain quality of service doesn't mean they are a hater, that word is used way too much to try and discredit legitimate complaints. Treat customers like shit and telling them they are idiots is not good business, regardless of what book JD read for his awesome business sense and customer service skills.

Tell you right now any other breeder could verify their genetics regardless of what JD says. It's a couple phone calls or an email.
All strains come from land race, there I just solved every mystery surrounding lineage for every strain of marijuana. The fact is that people like DJ found an incredible version of male and female and bread them, then took the time to find that one in a million that happened to smell, look and taste like Blueberry if it weren't for him and now his family this thread wouldn't exist.
How bout we give the guy a chance to get things going again and maybe we can get our hands on some real deal Blueberry, at least I'd like to...Wouldn't you?
Either directly from me or Dj himself. I am available in oregon and Dj often makes himself available at the premiere cannabis cups like the emerald cup in cali or the high times cup in michigan and or denver. Myself and Dj should be available at the high times cup in oregon this july. Currently there is no distributor offering them for this price. Seeds are generally market up 100% and as much as 200% when not acquired directly from myself or Dj and unfortunately cannot be verified at this time from any major distributor as authentic because they are bought and resold from another 3rd party distributor.

Im not going to get into a flamewar here over the authenticity, production, distribution or price of Dj Short genetics or business practices. What I will say is that Dj Short's Old World Genetics does not work directly with any distribution center and anything offered by any 'premiere' seed bank are bought and resold from another smaller 3rd party seed vender and no proceeds, royalties or payments are received by Dj Short's Old World Genetics from any premiere seed bank offering Dj Short's genetics.
you gonna be @ the denver cup this year? would love to snatch some up
JD you sending me messages and quoting me?

Must be bored.

Nothing has changd here I see.

You know, I I tried buying your product and got screwed.. Figured I would remind you of that.

Also, your fake true blueberry beans are still for sale soooo...

Anyways, you are a living turd. Bye pal

Stop trying to bring me back in too. Kinda weird
All strains come from land race, there I just solved every mystery surrounding lineage for every strain of marijuana. The fact is that people like DJ found an incredible version of male and female and bread them, then took the time to find that one in a million that happened to smell, look and taste like Blueberry if it weren't for him and now his family this thread wouldn't exist.
How bout we give the guy a chance to get things going again and maybe we can get our hands on some real deal Blueberry, at least I'd like to...Wouldn't you?

Not one bit. I will find my own he sucks.
How could anyone not like this guy...

Son of breeder who's Blueberry alone is used in hundreds of crosses and hybrids is attacked (through a straw man put up by the trolls) while the pollen chucking pocket fillers get idolized. Is there no limit to the madness at RIU...

Once those flies start stinging and crapping over you sometimes a flamethrower is more appropriate, especially when the flies try to back you into a corner. Same shit in one of his earlier threads.
say's a self admitted troll... doesn't mean much coming from you bud. I'm surprised the Short's just aren't more American pollen chuckers to you.
....but I did kind of come here to make friends....

Like I said, I'm practicing. ;)

Alright, have a good night everyone.
Fair enough man, I didn't really mean to stir shit up like that. I don't like being called an idiot however, I'm not going to let someone shit in my cheerios either.

More then willing to drop this shit, I made my point a number of times. I did come into this thread to look at your plants not seeking drama.'s the internet....we could have all the manners we'd like, it wouldn't change the fact that most of us are sitting here in our underwear half naked with cheetos crumbs all over the place... ;)

Just kidding, but I say if you got something to say....let that shit fly.

ive actually found myself in that exact situation once or twice mabye