

Well-Known Member
I agree, the problem is the militant gay will sue him if he doesn't make him a dick cake,
would anyone go to a jewish deli and MAKE them serve you a ham sandwich?
Then sue them for not making them a ham sandwich, that is what this law is about,
I agree there will allways be dicks who file frivolous lawsuits but that allready happens , muslims & jews have been suing employers for yrs over their handeling of pork & shell fish while working , frivolous by default if they knew the job required handeling pork when they accepted the job , this isnt the issue at hand though , the issue is the denial of civil liberty to a group based on religious beliefs , very dangerous stuff here dismissing the 1st Amendment.

Bear this in mind .

Where God condems homosexuality in the bible he also condems drunks , womanizers , cheaters , thieves , feminine looking men , people who fornicate & covet , who here doesn't fuck without being married , or desire something they dont own ?

This law currently aimed at homo's can allways be used against any one of us under the guise of religious beliefs .

I dont like to play the race card but one cant help make the connection with this law helping advance the long term goals of hate groups like the kkk & black panthers .


Well-Known Member
Should a black baker be forced to bake a cake depicting a heinous act on a black person? I say no, he should tell the bigot to fuck off, what do you think?
that's not what this is about. this is not about denying service to someone because of what they ask you to make for them.

this is about denying service to someone because of how they were born, their skin color or sexuality.

it is fine to discriminate against people based on what they choose. discriminating against people based on who they are, however, is utter bigotry and racism, and you support it.


Well-Known Member
there is something mentally off with someone who thinks they can use force of government to make others do things they do not believe in or support.
so store owners don't believe in selling goods and services to people?

why the fuck did they even open a store then?

they must be as retarded as you are.

Its called freedom ,you can try and read about it in American history books.


Well-Known Member
It's not very nice that's for sure. However a racist has every right to control his OWN body and his OWN property.

None of us have the right to change that or force an interaction, or force someone to serve us which is what you are arguing for.
The gov't is the origin of private property "rights".


Well-Known Member
Your first statement is so far off, I'll leave it alone to save you from yourself.

Do you think people have a kind of property right in themselves, in that they should be able to control their own body and other people shouldn't control them?
So I take it that this is your handy talking point regarding your private property rights. You just think that by the laws of nature you own a piece of the earth and may trump natural and inalienable rights as surely as you have a right to breathe.

Instead of mention of UncleBuck leaving upper deckers or even floor turds, and instead of mention of my va disability benefits, just indicate that my point is received and you get what I'm saying. Even if you don't agree or you're fighting the urge to "essentially agree if I mean x", I won't be repetitive about the old low blows if you just understand what I'm conveying. I'm saying that your property rights are not natural, they come from government.


Well-Known Member
So its all cool with you liberal Nazis,,a homo walk's into a bakery,,demands the baker who happens to be, Christian , Jewish or Muslim and demands they make him a wedding reception cake, one with a penis inserted into a ass hole, According to you morons the baker MUST make the cake for the homo,
OR BE SUED into bankruptcy by some radical homo Nazi group,
What about the rights and freedom of the baker?
That's all this law is about is protecting the baker and his private property rights and the rights of his business along with his religious beliefs to be persecuted by you homo pole smoking weirdos,

Just wow.

I am literally speechless.



Well-Known Member
OK, so how would LGBT people enjoy equal protection under the law if a religious business owner refused them goods/services based on their gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation?

What was the purpose of the civil rights movement in the 1960's?
uh,its not refusing them service based on that, It has to do with THEIR religious rights that you want to infringe on,
Oh I get it, you want to solve discrimination by,,,DISCRIMINATING ,,,fucking just dumb as rock soup.
your so smart you tell me what the civil rights movement was about in the 60s? seeing as you know so much about the constitution and all,,all the equal protection and all that,
You are actually to stupid to know what the equal protection amendment is even about so you must excuse me of I take any response you have with a grain of salt,


Well-Known Member
smartest thing I have ever heard you say
I suspect "smart" is a word you hardly hear when describing yourself.

uh,its not refusing them service based on that, It has to do with THEIR religious rights that you want to infringe on,
Oh I get it, you want to solve discrimination by,,,DISCRIMINATING ,,,fucking just dumb as rock soup.
your so smart you tell me what the civil rights movement was about in the 60s? seeing as you know so much about the constitution and all,,all the equal protection and all that,
You are actually to stupid to know what the equal protection amendment is even about so you must excuse me of I take any response you have with a grain of salt,
Wow. Rob Roy is a fucking saint compared to you. You are literally a white hood wearing Klansmen white separatist aren't you?

That's rhetorical, no need to answer, we already know you are.


Well-Known Member
you can control your own property. Open your business as a private club. When you go public, you agree to open your business to the community as a whole
Do you even know what private property is? Im sure your communist ass thinks its public domain,
Go to a jewish deli and order a ham sandwich see how far you get,Go to a Christian book store and order a manual on gay sex,
Better yet go to Iran and shout at the top of your lungs,,im a HOMO, lets see what happens,


Well-Known Member
uh,its not refusing them service based on that, It has to do with THEIR religious rights that you want to infringe on
Nobody has the right to discriminate against people based on their religion. I'm afraid you and Rob both have the argument backwards. I'm confident the law in Indiana will be overturned by the Supreme Court as it's very clearly unconstitutional, and here's something specifically for you to look forward to, the SC is also going to vote on federal gay marriage this next month, and if that passes, which is likely will, how do you think Pence and the dummies who rallied behind this in Indiana are going to look then?

Does your mom let you stay up till midnight while you're on spring break?


Well-Known Member
I would opt for the potato pancakes, w sour cream and apple sauce. that would be something on the menu at the jewish deli.
To add to his point about getting a ham sandwich in a Jewish deli... How exactly does not serving ham discriminating against anyone? If the deli said "yeah, we'll serve ham, but only to straight people" then yeah, that would be the same kind of discrimination. That's why Jewish deli owners do have the option of what to serve, same thing applies to the Christian bookstore.

@ max420thc, see the difference? You don't serve ham because of religion, aOK, nobody gets discriminated against, religious freedom is upheld, you don't serve people because they're gay, wrong because the gay persons civil rights are being violated, civil rights trump religious rights, so the religious person is in the wrong