Exploring the Cosmos without a rocket..

Im in the boat of each individual mushroom itself is different unless your isolating.like you said w / multi and that they are just the same as the next koh's are really nice as well
I'd also like to add to your "B+ sucks". No that's it, I'm agreeing. Never really tripped hard on B+, they sure do look nice though when you grow em. I'd love to do a new strain some time but I still have a ton of syringes for PE, B+ and 2 for Pan cyans so I figure I should get some of those done before buying something else. Maybe golden teacher because no one ever shuts the fuck up about them :lol:
I'd also like to add to your "B+ sucks". No that's it, I'm agreeing. Never really tripped hard on B+, they sure do look nice though when you grow em. I'd love to do a new strain some time but I still have a ton of syringes for PE, B+ and 2 for Pan cyans so I figure I should get some of those done before buying something else. Maybe golden teacher because no one ever shuts the fuck up about them :lol:
They are nice gt's ....there the one that made me think I was Jim morrison reincarnated and shook my wiener at my 70 yr old neighbor closed my eyes and had a mushroom entity talking to me in some gibberish but it made sense at the time ya kno?
They are nice gt's ....there the one that made me think I was Jim morrison reincarnated and shook my wiener at my 70 yr old neighbor closed my eyes and had a mushroom entity talking to me in some gibberish but it made sense at the time ya kno?
Oh I know lmao. I think the craziest I ever had was off a trip mixed with syrian rue, ended up passing out as soon as the peak hit, it was that intense. While I was out, or maybe I just went full blown hallucination not passed out, I couldn't distinguish between eyes open or closed anymore everything was just real and one. I was going through what at the time I thought was my past lives, I was walking through roman architecture with massive pillars, then I was swimming in the ocean as a fish (I don't know what kind) and a couple others that are hazy now, it was years ago. I remember coming too, at least a little more in reality some hours later and I couldn't walk I was so fucked and as I was crawling to the bathroom because I had to throw up I kept phasing in and out of reality. I would see myself on the floor in the hallway and then I'd be in this black void and what looked like the earth was a floating orb in front of me (but to me it was 'reality') and I would see my hands reaching out to grab it but every time I tried it would melt between my fingers and then I'd be in the hallway again and then back to the void with the orb in front of me over and over until I made it to the toilet and threw up.

But yes, you aren't truly tripping until you're naked, crawling on your stomach down the hallway phasing in and out of reality :lol:
After an undetermined amount of time in storage, yes ,my girls are still potent as fuck. I keep having to close my eyes and contentrate and then after a couple damn italics was still on, but things keep swiling after a couple seconds, typig is hard as fuck. Whew, alright, love you all, enjoy your night whatever tiue it is tgere/1
Hey whodat
You are hilarious.
What did your neighbour do..no call to the pigs ? Maybe she digs you! Could always lean back on your biga.. or shall i say chaperone skills for extra income, lol..
Jk bro but I did consider caking up one time on this cruise ship where there were 5 musician ladies next door all over 40, basically clawing at me every time I saw them or knocked on their cabin door to sneak over their balcony into my room..keyless entry lol.
$300X5=1500 a day almost enough to away me lol
I was the 50 something year olds I was afraid of, lmao.

Hey Zoomoligists,
What about syringe storage, how long do you guys say they last?
And then how long for mushrooms to dry, and how long do they store..

Hey Greenswag,

Mint, you dawg, that's a great idea.
.. wanna tell us how you infused it exactly..
Steep and remove whole or chop fine within topping?

Also, Well said, and congrats on such a comprehensive trip.
Past life regressions or the what you thought were PLRs at the time. Nicely framed..ha.
Haven't been able to have one yet..
What's it like being a fish?

There is a lot of different ppl on other forums (not to mention historical and shamanic use) talking about the same several benefits of Syrian rue seeds and their uses..
How did you combine, do you remember?

Also, any good dmt tales, if explainable with words at all, are more than welcome..

Grasping at what we can,
Not riled up, just thought you were a "pitiful" douchetype to lurk and jerk ppl on a thread thats otherwise happy without you, without providing anything substantial yourself, kinda hypocritical imo, so I checked your profile for two seconds, and it just confirmed that I don't need to care about you. No likes aren't my cocaine, I just wanted to see if you were popular and were having a bad week.. But you been you for years, it seems. No patience for your type of personality.. just a waste of time imo. Nothing personal.

Kinda funny you still want to hang out here.
So you can continue to insult and bash and trash and do nothing for the society attached to this thread, and its mission to explore the mysteries of life.. Not everyone is gonna be a contributing member I guess. Parasitic solutions.. Hmm..

I'm sure there will be a platform where you don't persevere..

And I roll with the Dons, man.. We don't go to church, whoever Finshaggy is. lol

And as if I didn't have to teach enough thread etiquette around here, when a song is posted, normally you hit the triangle button if u wanna hear it, and you don't, if you don't..

No need for an opinion of every track, nor your judgement on the artists trendiness or writing ability, i dont bother following your threads and bashing the music for no upful reason..it was just a parallel, Morisson named the Doors after William Blake's book Doors of Perception.. The same thing Terrence talks about during his LSD and DMT talks.. Enjoy the connection or maybe shut up and let it pass in silence, is that so hard?

Sorry to be a dick, but you guys are providing NO CONTRIBUTION.. since ignoring is "weenie move", from 1989, I'm asking you, mano a mano, to be CONTRIBUTORS ONLY, or just simply leave, and TrollPatrol elsewhere.

Other than that its a great day
Thank you in advance

Aldus huxley wrote "doors of perception"
Aldus huxley wrote "doors of perception"
Hi Canndo,
Yeah, you're right.. Turns out its a short book by Huxley about a crazy mescaline trip..
The TITLE was adopted from William Blake's 1793 poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell


Anyone got some mescaline tales?
if so, please feel free to share..
High all,
Here's a link to a thread where everyone's talking about Syrian Rue seeds and their uses including improving mushroom highs, in case anyone was wondering what they were:


Now here's a dope Pupajim track for the day:

{Television Addict}
Just a story,
About the disease of the century
You are addict
Televison Addict
You are addict
Televison Addict
The First thing you do when you arrive at home is to turn on the television
You channel up
To the six
To the four
To the two
To the five
To the one
You don't create
You don't appreciate
It's a hudge fallacy
You think you learn
Lots of thing
But you learn only bullshit..
I was at a bluegrass festival this weekend and that place was lit up like a gotdamn christmas tree. sunday morning i'm sitting in the pavilion with like 50 other tripping kids and this girl ends up sitting next to me. i was super spun, but i felt the strangest attraction to this girl without a sexual thought ever crossing my mind. it was like we were wired together, or like she was the same kind of alien as me or something haha. it was extremely intimate and we hardly spoke to each other, hardly touched.

at about this moment, i feel my insides literally turning into liquid. end up in the bathroom for like 30 minutes and come back and sit with two of my spunion friends, and every time i look over at her table she's looking at me.

now i don't want to pursue this issue at the time because i do have a girl at home, and would never want to do her wrong. a little later she leaves the pavilion, i never see her again.

now this has been fucking with me for like two days. it's like i fell in love with a girl i barely talked to and didn't even get her name, and may never see her again. haha crazy shit.

this festival was wild, i feel like everyone there was on this super positive wavelenght, it was like a good dream. it's amazing what happens when everyone's imagination is running wild