

Well-Known Member
yea,,so how did that hobby lobby law suit go for you?
Why not, isn't the jewish deli open to the public? isn't the Christian book store open to the public?
You like to talk about intolerant Christians are, well if you go to iran and proclaim im a fag,,chances are you will not live very long
the Jewish deli nor the Christian book store is refusing service. Bad example on your part. It is like saying you went to a shoe store to buy pants and then get mad when they have no pants.


Well-Known Member
something about freedom and the constitution you leftists do not like?
You don't like the first amendment you don't like the second amendment you don't like the third or fourth,
there are a lot of other countrys with freedom and rights you can more too you know,
They might suit your beliefs much better,,Russia and China come to mind,
I love the constitution and need to put the labels away, even though it makes for neat little piles of people you can easily degrade..rather than try to make an actual point about a subject. I have an issue with organized religion being favored by law through tax exemption..that's my big bitch in this argument and something I feel needs to go away. As far as freedom of religion..I don't particular care what you worship, just don't try to claim "our" country is a country of any religion. In general, I think religion is a tool used to control the weak minded..and while that's not an issue for me, I will rally against it.


Well-Known Member
I love the constitution and need to put the labels away, even though it makes for neat little piles of people you can easily degrade..rather than try to make an actual point about a subject. I have an issue with organized religion being favored by law through tax exemption..that's my big bitch in this argument and something I feel needs to go away. As far as freedom of religion..I don't particular care what you worship, just don't try to claim "our" country is a country of any religion. In general, I think religion is a tool used to control the weak minded..and while that's not an issue for me, I will rally against it.
Fantastic post!


Well-Known Member
Indiana is a great state. U can shoot the cops without warrent . No foid card or waiting period or ban on extended clips on guns needed. No background check needed for private party weapon sales. Lowest taxes in the nation for bizzness to operate. Cheap housing. All my weapons were from Indy at one time.
lemonade outta lemons:wink::lol:


Well-Known Member
I love the constitution and need to put the labels away, even though it makes for neat little piles of people you can easily degrade..rather than try to make an actual point about a subject. I have an issue with organized religion being favored by law through tax exemption..that's my big bitch in this argument and something I feel needs to go away. As far as freedom of religion..I don't particular care what you worship, just don't try to claim "our" country is a country of any religion. In general, I think religion is a tool used to control the weak minded..and while that's not an issue for me, I will rally against it.
If you love the constitution you have to respect the rights of others to believe what they want to believe and do with their property what they want to do with their property so long as they do not harm anyone else,
If you want the church to pay tax's then you go to a national sales tax,The reason the government doesn't go to a national sales tax is the communists will have to give up the base of all of their power, (the IRS) and we know they will not do that,
the reason they do not pay tax's is the constitution states CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAWS REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, you don't seem to like that part of the constitution do you? well just give up the base off all of your power and it will go away,
Its your right to rally all you want, and to peaceably assemble,
I love it when dems made up these free speech zones and make people buy permits to protest, LOL,,but the dems are all for the constitution,


Well-Known Member
If you love the constitution you have to respect the rights of others to believe what they want to believe and do with their property what they want to do with their property so long as they do not harm anyone else,
If you want the church to pay tax's then you go to a national sales tax,The reason the government doesn't go to a national sales tax is the communists will have to give up the base of all of their power, (the IRS) and we know they will not do that,
the reason they do not pay tax's is the constitution states CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAWS REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, you don't seem to like that part of the constitution do you? well just give up the base off all of your power and it will go away,
Its your right to rally all you want, and to peaceably assemble,
I love it when dems made up these free speech zones and make people buy permits to protest, LOL,,but the dems are all for the constitution,
fail..why didn't you post the whole statement?

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

nowhere does it mention the taxability of every 501(c)(3) applicant is inspected for true non-profit status.

it simply means:

The prohibition about a state religion implies separation of church and state. If the government may not establish a state religion, nor interfere with the practice of religion, then government institutions and government money may not be used to support ANY religion, or must be used to support ALL religion. The reason you can't have the Ten Commandments in governmental buildings (like court houses) is that such a placement implies support of one particular religion. If you give a place for the ten commandments, then you would also have to give a place for the Wiccan Rede, Hindu quotes, quotes from the Koran, and so on.

By way of an amendment prohibiting the establishment of a state religion and prohibiting the government from interfering in the free exercise of religion, the Founding Fathers created a secular government, and the separation of church and state.


Well-Known Member
the Jewish deli nor the Christian book store is refusing service. Bad example on your part. It is like saying you went to a shoe store to buy pants and then get mad when they have no pants.
yea you go to a Christian store and want gay pornography same difference.
you go to a Christian cake decorator and want a gay cake,
You just love rights,,so long as it is your rights,,fuck everyone elses,
liberals are such hypocrites way worse than any religious person I know of,
you do not like people forcing their beliefs on you, but yet you force your opinions and beliefs on them,
I am what some call a classical liberal, libertarian , I get really offended when you communist Marxists call yourself liberals ,staining my reputation,
I wish you would use the correct term for what you are, MARXISTS and stop associating yourself with our good reputations


Well-Known Member
fail..why didn't you post the whole statement?

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

nowhere does it mention the taxability of every 501(c)(3) applicant is inspected for true non-profit status.
So what part about NO LAW confuses you?


Well-Known Member
If you love the constitution you have to respect the rights of others to believe what they want to believe and do with their property what they want to do with their property so long as they do not harm anyone else,
If you want the church to pay tax's then you go to a national sales tax,The reason the government doesn't go to a national sales tax is the communists will have to give up the base of all of their power, (the IRS) and we know they will not do that,
the reason they do not pay tax's is the constitution states CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAWS REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, you don't seem to like that part of the constitution do you? well just give up the base off all of your power and it will go away,
Its your right to rally all you want, and to peaceably assemble,
I love it when dems made up these free speech zones and make people buy permits to protest, LOL,,but the dems are all for the constitution,
I believe that statement wholeheartedly, but I realize once you open a business, which deals with the general public you are no longer dealing with "private property" which is a different legal concept than a "privately owned business". A Shopping mall is a "privately owned business", but not considered "private property" because it is open to public use. The minor nuances of legal definitions make all the difference in an argument like this.

Based on that argument, no law would ever be allowed to supersede religious belief..and we both know that isn't true. A church is a business..Maybe not in the traditional sense, but it's whole purpose is to make money to survive, and to pay up the chain of command.

It's not just "the Dems" making "free speech zone" "the Repubs" used the same tactics when protecting their banker friends during the occupy protests. Two sides of the same coin..once you get past that, things look a lot clearer..
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Well-Known Member
yea you go to a Christian store and want gay pornography same difference.
you go to a Christian cake decorator and want a gay cake,
You just love rights,,so long as it is your rights,,fuck everyone elses,
liberals are such hypocrites way worse than any religious person I know of,
you do not like people forcing their beliefs on you, but yet you force your opinions and beliefs on them,
I am what some call a classical liberal, libertarian , I get really offended when you communist Marxists call yourself liberals ,staining my reputation,
I wish you would use the correct term for what you are, MARXISTS and stop associating yourself with our good reputations
marx was right, though..he totally pegged it, just didn't account for extended credit or the stock market.


Well-Known Member
yea you go to a Christian store and want gay pornography same difference.
you go to a Christian cake decorator and want a gay cake,
You just love rights,,so long as it is your rights,,fuck everyone elses,
liberals are such hypocrites way worse than any religious person I know of,
you do not like people forcing their beliefs on you, but yet you force your opinions and beliefs on them,
I am what some call a classical liberal, libertarian , I get really offended when you communist Marxists call yourself liberals ,staining my reputation,
I wish you would use the correct term for what you are, MARXISTS and stop associating yourself with our good reputations
Could you please describe the taste of a "gay cake". How different is it from a not "gay cake".

Why would one go store a christian book store to buy gay porn ? Do you also go to a pet store to buy a computerr. Sounds :dunce:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How am I forcing someone to interact with me by offering them money for a service they are freely offering to the public?

The answer is self evident. They aren't "offering" to transact with everybody. That is evidenced by their rejecting some interactions isn't it?

They are however being forced to transact with people. That too, is self evident.

Thanks for asking politely.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you can control your own property. Open your business as a private club. When you go public, you agree to open your business to the community as a whole
Wrong. You don't necessarily "agree". An agreement requires actual consent, absent duress.

When you open a business, you are COMPELLED under threat of force to do things others have instructed you to do.

Nice try


Well-Known Member
That is evidenced by their rejecting some interactions isn't it?
Nope. You are reaching. Why can't I walk into your radio shack and buy some batteries, rob? Why would you turn me away for being a queer? The answer is, because you discriminate against people's sexuality.

I only wanted to buy some fucking batteries.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So I take it that this is your handy talking point regarding your private property rights. You just think that by the laws of nature you own a piece of the earth and may trump natural and inalienable rights as surely as you have a right to breathe.

Instead of mention of UncleBuck leaving upper deckers or even floor turds, and instead of mention of my va disability benefits, just indicate that my point is received and you get what I'm saying. Even if you don't agree or you're fighting the urge to "essentially agree if I mean x", I won't be repetitive about the old low blows if you just understand what I'm conveying. I'm saying that your property rights are not natural, they come from government.

I'm a little pressed for time now. However maybe we should start a threat and have a good discussion of the origin of property rights etc. It might be a day or two....pressing work related stuff etc.

I can do it in a reasonable way if you can.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nope. You are reaching. Why can't I walk into your radio shack and buy some batteries, rob? Why would you turn me away for being a queer? The answer is, because you discriminate against people's sexuality.

I only wanted to buy some fucking batteries.

I hope you are kidding with me, because if you aren't your comprehension skills need a lot of improvement.

My personal policy is I don't think gender preference discrimination is a good thing and its certainly not something I'd practice.

Yet my personal policies do not extend to other peoples property do they?