

Well-Known Member
I hope you are kidding with me, because if you aren't your comprehension skills need a lot of improvement.

My personal policy is I don't think gender preference discrimination is a good thing and its certainly not something I'd practice.

Yet my personal policies do not extend to other peoples property do they?
Why do you consider me offering money to someone who is openly offering a public service an act of aggression, Rob?


Well-Known Member
How could you disgrace your gay son like this, Rob? Why do you respect these bigoted cunts, and piss on your gay sons basic human rights?


Well-Known Member
Yep, you're right, ironically, the majority of black people seem to be against gay marriage/equal rights for gay people. I'd personally attribute that to the deep seated religious aspect of african american culture, southern baptists and what not.. Oddly enough, the more north you go in America, historically speaking, the less racist you get.. coincidence? Perhaps.. but I'd argue the majority of black people oppose gay rights because the majority of black people are... religious..

actually, that's changed recently.

African Americans: A national Gallup poll conducted November 26-29, 2012 found 53% of African Americans thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized officially and should have the same rights as straight married couples.

his attempt at demeaning blacks only backfired against him.


Well-Known Member
If you love the constitution you have to respect the rights of others to believe what they want to believe and do with their property what they want to do with their property so long as they do not harm anyone else
but discrimination is harmful. people who are discriminated against face higher prices, reduced competition and selection, and barriers to entry. blacks couldn't even travel freely in the south until racially based discrimination was outlawed.

if you love the constitution, you have to embrace the equal protection clause too, ya racist bigoted fuckstain on humanity.


Well-Known Member
@max420thc I can see your racism and bigotry has completely clouded your ability to understand law. You are completely entitled to your opinion. However when your religious and racist views affect others, you are committing a crime. Plain and simple. Nothing to debate there.
I never said I was overly religious you did, I didn't know being a homo was also a race


Well-Known Member
but discrimination is harmful. people who are discriminated against face higher prices, reduced competition and selection, and barriers to entry. blacks couldn't even travel freely in the south until racially based discrimination was outlawed.

if you love the constitution, you have to embrace the equal protection clause too, ya racist bigoted fuckstain on humanity.
Hell yea I like the equal protection amendment, to bad its not enforced and is constantly abused by your dear leader obamao,
Such as free hand outs to illegal aliens, cash for clunkers bail outs for business,the list goes on forever,
Oh yea and BUSH did do it too, hes a fuck stain also, Just not as big a fuck stain as democrats,
At least he didn't piss and moan about the other guy doing it then do it himself,
Kind of like obamao hitler pissing and moaning about the unconstitutional patriot act and how awful it is, Then after he was president re approved the patriot act, What a piece of human shit,


Well-Known Member
Hell yea I like the equal protection amendment, to bad its not enforced and is constantly abused by your dear leader obamao,
Such as free hand outs to illegal aliens, cash for clunkers bail outs for business,the list goes on forever,
Oh yea and BUSH did do it too, hes a fuck stain also, Just not as big a fuck stain as democrats,
At least he didn't piss and moan about the other guy doing it then do it himself,
Kind of like obamao hitler pissing and moaning about the unconstitutional patriot act and how awful it is, Then after he was president re approved the patriot act, What a piece of human shit,
Does your mommy know what you do with her laptop when she goes to work, max?


Well-Known Member
actually, that's changed recently.

African Americans: A national Gallup poll conducted November 26-29, 2012 found 53% of African Americans thought marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized officially and should have the same rights as straight married couples.

his attempt at demeaning blacks only backfired against him.
where is this poll? post it please,
there was no attempt at demeaning black people I just stated fact , when it came time to vote for gay marriage in cali most of het black people who voted in the referendum voted against gay marriage, how is that a attempt to demean black people>?
Life isn't fair , so everyone is a racist,
All these black folks are racist against gays too, lol get a grip, just because someone is against gay marriage doesn't mean they are racist,
as marriage is a religious institution, and as most religions do not believe in homosexual sex everyone of a religion is racist?
other than muslims what religion forces you to think and believe as they do?Oh that's right, none of them,
you on the other hand through the force of government are trying to force your beliefs on them,