

Well-Known Member
Could you please describe the taste of a "gay cake". How different is it from a not "gay cake".

Why would one go store a christian book store to buy gay porn ? Do you also go to a pet store to buy a computerr. Sounds :dunce:
I don't know, why would someone go to a Christian business and ask them to do something that is clearly against their beliefs?


Well-Known Member
I believe that statement wholeheartedly, but I realize once you open a business, which deals with the general public you are no longer dealing with "private property" which is a different legal concept than a "privately owned business". A Shopping mall is a "privately owned business", but not considered "private property" because it is open to public use. The minor nuances of legal definitions make all the difference in an argument like this.

Based on that argument, no law would ever be allowed to supersede religious belief..and we both know that isn't true. A church is a business..Maybe not in the traditional sense, but it's whole purpose is to make money to survive, and to pay up the chain of command.

It's not just "the Dems" making "free speech zone" "the Repubs" used the same tactics when protecting their banker friends during the occupy protests. Two sides of the same coin..once you get past that, things look a lot clearer..
The business is the private property of the owner of that business,
Let me see , the occupy crowd were protesting in New York, LA and seattle,,those great bastions of conservatism.
There are more wall street bankers that support the dems than republicans and more big business support democrats than republicans,
just face it the party of big money and the fat cat is the democrat(communist)party. For a reason too


Well-Known Member
I don't know, why would someone go to a Christian business and ask them to do something that is clearly against their beliefs?
What don't you understand about this? By law my civil rights supersede your religious rights. Don't open a business open to the public if you don't want to abide by the law like every other business in the country


Well-Known Member
I never said I was overly religious you did, I didn't know being a homo was also a race
I don't know of any bigot who isn't also, at least, slightly racist. Now you're just playing word games. You are a bigot, and likely quite racist. And if religion plays no role in you being a bigot, then it's purely out of hate and jealousy.


Well-Known Member
The business is the private property of the owner of that business,
Let me see , the occupy crowd were protesting in New York, LA and seattle,,those great bastions of conservatism.
There are more wall street bankers that support the dems than republicans and more big business support democrats than republicans,
just face it the party of big money and the fat cat is the democrat(communist)party. For a reason too
It's a really really good thing you are not in a position to make decisions.


Well-Known Member
'the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion'..

it means the government cannot make laws to stop the formation of religion. they aren't talking about a physical business establishment.
How convenient for you to leave that part out,
I suppose you need a great constitutional scholar like obamao to explain it to you,
The constitution was written by farmers in plain English so anyone can understand it,
People like obamao and piglosi would have you believe it takes a lawyer to understand it.


Well-Known Member
How convenient for you to leave that part out,
I suppose you need a great constitutional scholar like obamao to explain it to you,
The constitution was written by farmers in plain English so anyone can understand it,
People like obamao and piglosi would have you believe it takes a lawyer to understand it.
You are full on retard. Finspoogy is that you? Can I bang your sister?


Well-Known Member
So the law doesn't discriminate against gay people, huh?...

how is this discrimination ?They believe in one way you in another, how is it you can force your beliefs on them?
Isnt that bigoted and discrimination against these people? they have no right to their religion and beliefs but you have a right to yours?
I will say I would serve all the gays all the pizza they can eat, it makes no difference to me,
But unlike you I do respect their rights to their beliefs but you do not,


Well-Known Member
how is this discrimination ?They believe in one way you in another, how is it you can force your beliefs on them?
Isnt that bigoted and discrimination against these people? they have no right to their religion and beliefs but you have a right to yours?
I will say I would serve all the gays all the pizza they can eat, it makes no difference to me,
But unlike you I do respect their rights to their beliefs but you do not,
Discrimination - treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit

I respect anyones right to believe whatever they want, but you don't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation/identity. You seem to think you do. It will eventually reach the Supreme Court and you'll be proven wrong, the law in Indiana will be ruled unconstitutional just like prop 8 was;

"On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision on the appeal in the case Hollingsworth v. Perry, ruling that proponents of initiatives such as Proposition 8 did not possess legal standing in their own right to defend the resulting law in federal court, either to the Supreme Court or (previously) to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Therefore the Supreme Court both dismissed the appeal and directed the Ninth Circuit to vacate (withdraw) its decision, which had upheld the district court ruling. The decision left the district court's 2010 ruling intact. On June 28, 2013, the Ninth Circuit lifted its stay of the district court's ruling, enabling Governor Jerry Brown to order same-sex marriage officiations to resume."


Well-Known Member
Discrimination - treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit

I respect anyones right to believe whatever they want, but you don't have the right to discriminate based on sexual orientation/identity. You seem to think you do. It will eventually reach the Supreme Court and you'll be proven wrong, the law in Indiana will be ruled unconstitutional just like prop 8 was;

"On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its decision on the appeal in the case Hollingsworth v. Perry, ruling that proponents of initiatives such as Proposition 8 did not possess legal standing in their own right to defend the resulting law in federal court, either to the Supreme Court or (previously) to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Therefore the Supreme Court both dismissed the appeal and directed the Ninth Circuit to vacate (withdraw) its decision, which had upheld the district court ruling. The decision left the district court's 2010 ruling intact. On June 28, 2013, the Ninth Circuit lifted its stay of the district court's ruling, enabling Governor Jerry Brown to order same-sex marriage officiations to resume."
Aren't facts fun!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea I like the equal protection amendment, to bad its not enforced and is constantly abused by your dear leader obamao,
Such as free hand outs to illegal aliens, cash for clunkers bail outs for business,the list goes on forever,
Oh yea and BUSH did do it too, hes a fuck stain also, Just not as big a fuck stain as democrats,
At least he didn't piss and moan about the other guy doing it then do it himself,
Kind of like obamao hitler pissing and moaning about the unconstitutional patriot act and how awful it is, Then after he was president re approved the patriot act, What a piece of human shit,
you are an angry little bigot.

i honestly can't see how obama's very successful cash for clunkers program was a violation of the equal protection clause, but perhaps you can enlighten me if you are not too busy calculating launch trajectories.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, why would someone go to a Christian business and ask them to do something that is clearly against their beliefs?
how can a business be christian?

i mean, the business owners can be christian(s), but the business itself is just an invitation for members of the public to come exchange money for goods and services.

so why would someone who is trying to sell goods and services to the members of the public refuse to serve members of the public based solely on what they do behind closed doors?

is this really so offensive?

does liittle baby jesus not want a business owner selling lubricants to these fine folks?

i don't get it.


Well-Known Member
they are free to discriminate against gays on the basis that they hate gays, they just can't call their store a public one since they are not serving the public anymore. they are perfectly free to open a private 'no homos' club though.

The constitution was written by farmers
wealthy aristocrats, actually. some of them might have "farmed", but it was really the slaves who were doing all the farmwork.

they did, however, take liberties to rape their child slaves though.