Bud Development


Hey rollitup people. Just need some quick input on my bud growth. I am using a 400 watt hps, happy frog soil, and fox farm nutes.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
She's coming along. Mine have looked like this for weeks lol.

The vertical growth will stop and itl just turn out more little tiny leaves and the calyxs will multiply.

Looks good. Beautiful bagseed.


She's coming along. Mine have looked like this for weeks lol.

The vertical growth will stop and itl just turn out more little tiny leaves and the calyxs will multiply.

Looks good. Beautiful bagseed.
Thanks man. I had to lst them tho cause they where getting tall as hell ( I think genetics) but a friend said my lights were to far away. Anways I have learned a lot tho


Well-Known Member
That looks right for two weeks flower. They'll put on most of their weight the last two weeks of flower, you will see the calyx swell and the hairs start turning red and receding. That'll be the time to start watching the trich color.

But ya looking good so far!


That looks right for two weeks flower. They'll put on most of their weight the last two weeks of flower, you will see the calyx swell and the hairs start turning red and receding. That'll be the time to start watching the trich color.

But ya looking good so far!
When will they start getting stinky? The stems smell awesome but the buds don't smell at all


Well-Known Member
Those look good to me about where they should be for two weeks. Your friend was probably right move your light closer and the plants will stop stretching for it, but don't get it to close.

Good luck you seem to be doing just fine!


Those look good to me about where they should be for two weeks. Your friend was probably right move your light closer and the plants will stop stretching for it, but don't get it to close.

Good luck you seem to be doing just fine!
Thanks man I appreciate it. Yeah I moved my light closer and it seems the buds are really starting to plump up lol i had heat problems in veg but I rigged a small fan hanging from the ceiling until I get an air cooled hood.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I appreciate it. Yeah I moved my light closer and it seems the buds are really starting to plump up lol i had heat problems in veg but I rigged a small fan hanging from the ceiling until I get an air cooled hood.
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