The UK Growers Thread!


loool think telling him hia phone was a crap htc m8 got him thinking lol n i cant evwn spell imagine what thw cops lol
Iv had a bit of fresh air now and thinking straight and yes i want you to tell me what my house looks like, and have u any experience mainlining


Well-Known Member
Ill delete it now but just so u know.. Likw i said on phome canr do shit n im not memorising ur longitude n latitude n typw it in lol


Well-Known Member
Iv had a bit of fresh air now and thinking straight and yes i want you to tell me what my house looks like, and have u any experience mainlining
Hope u saw rhe dont touch heroin jk thwyve threads on it all over riu


Well-Known Member
Im usong a shit amall phone i dropped my own in the bog n ive manhands n its like a chicks phone so i rype lukw ice lol. Just looking oit for u bud... Pots great n all but fanily is better...just abput


Im usong a shit amall phone i dropped my own in the bog n ive manhands n its like a chicks phone so i rype lukw ice lol. Just looking oit for u bud... Pots great n all but fanily is better...just abput
i registered on this site not 2 hrs ago for a bit of advice an i got a dude looking out for ma famile, looking over my house (literally) and helping me delete my whole digital history, what are the odds, got fuck all advice about mainlining but hey.


Well-Known Member
Now to finally get some work done n watch house (Yorkie u dick its a brilliant lomg running series) probably my favourite show at the moment anyways


Well-Known Member
i registered on this site not 2 hrs ago for a bit of advice an i got a dude looking out for ma famile, looking over my house (literally) and helping me delete my whole digital history, what are the odds, got fuck all advice about mainlining but hey.
U got lucky man really lucky but honest to gawd there are great threads on the subject if you'd like ill link so. But u are still a noob so i shouldnt be helping u juat the exif shit i couldnt let go even if the jackass yanks did it id still inform em to delete asap n how to prevent said issue again..we're a tight knit gang well bust ur balls for ages n if ur atill about qell help u anyway possible man im so high right now ok house


Well-Known Member
I actually grow potatoes, and dig them by hand but i also grew carolina reapers over winter, makes growing the finest kush like dandelions in a lawn
u my friend have just earned mine n irish respect cuz as u all know its a tradition in ireland that youre not a man nor iriah till u can dig a potato out the ground with ur own hands