DirtyNerds Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Day one of Flower

Just need to remember this date sorry went to take a photo but the HPS already warmed up and the photo was shit

In other news the girls are looking great and i can't wait to see what happens over the next 2 months i really hope i do a good job for you guys/girls if there is anything you need to know about the grow please let me know

Just so you know i am flowering everything as all my cuttings are rooted so ill be vegging them over the next 2 months or so and move them in right away after the new girls are finished off all my cuttings are in a humidity dome and will stay there till i get them ready to go in to veg

I have made up my mind the next grow will be a test run and will be 100% perlite recirculating grow and i think ill be using cyco but still not a 100% on that yet as i have so much canna but ill make up my mind ones i move the girls in to veg anyway enjoy the day or night all the best

The date is at the bottom of your post bro. That's the good thing about journaling things on here cus when you post it posts the date so if you need to go back you can. I have bad habit of trying to remember everything as my memory is very good but I have so much going on with all the strains I got going plus work is killing me lol and everything else that goes with life. I'm glad I have thise to come back and references dates cus I would be really fucked up if I didnt :lol:

Your gonna be happy you flipped everything why more weed of course!!! Lol but I can't wait to see you do a recirculating hydro grow. Your gonna kill it cus you know what your doing. Hell I would use the Canna you have that dialed in to the max. Cyco is much stronger so I don't think you will need as much when running that. I love that Cyco tho I can't wait to get something going so I can hit it with the XL and watch it explode!!!! Look forward to see what's in store


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro last grow i had my dates on my phone but then i sold it and forgot to put the dates on the new one.... but never mind that's the past and this is the future the girls are looking super healthy all praying for the light and the temps at max have been 27c or 80f so if they stay like that ill be happy as there is a lot of air getting moved around so should be fine lower would be better but not going to install a AC to drop the temps by 4 waste of money

Yes bro i am also looking forward to the recirculating grow but i don't like change and yes i remember your grow with cyco and its strong stuff but i want to try that cyco XL and see for myself how good it is also when you did the 100% perlite grow did you use tap water or RO water i can't remember also did you per wash your perlite before putting your girls in... ?

Thanks for stopping by bro bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro last grow i had my dates on my phone but then i sold it and forgot to put the dates on the new one.... but never mind that's the past and this is the future the girls are looking super healthy all praying for the light and the temps at max have been 27c or 80f so if they stay like that ill be happy as there is a lot of air getting moved around so should be fine lower would be better but not going to install a AC to drop the temps by 4 waste of money

Yes bro i am also looking forward to the recirculating grow but i don't like change and yes i remember your grow with cyco and its strong stuff but i want to try that cyco XL and see for myself how good it is also when you did the 100% perlite grow did you use tap water or RO water i can't remember also did you per wash your perlite before putting your girls in... ?

Thanks for stopping by bro bongsmilie
Yea us stoners tend to forget shit that we not need to but it happens anyways lol. Yea if temps are not getting higher than that you will be fine even in mid 80s. Coco is good but you know your stuff with that Canna so I would try that on first run yet still use the XL or use up all the Canna first then use Cyco. I used all tap water in my grow. Ppm on it was only 45 so it was very good but chlorine and chloramines made ph high but long as I bubbled it or let it sit out for couple days it was fine. Yes I washed my perlite. When I opened the bag it was very dusty so I rinsed it. I would just to be sure as you don't want anything to be outta whack when you start.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and girls

Day 2 12/12

Things are coming along nicely i have just transplanted the mango in to a 4 gallon pot as she was only in a 1 its going to be very packed tent once they are done stretching ill have to boost the LST black Russian up or she is going to get left behind getting a tower fan tomorrow as the it will take up less space then my others fan

Only girls showing there sex so far are the bubblegum but they were per flowering like crazy anyway Sorry for the shitty HPS photo was in the middle of transplant once the light turned on and by the time i took the photo the HPS was warming up ill try get another one tomorrow when its lights on

Anyway enjoy the day or night all the best :weed:



Well-Known Member
You're at day 2? Perfect you are not far behind mine!!! Im only 2.5 weeks in!

Ill be stopping by and posting more often now that I have a computer again


Well-Known Member
Bro, are you gonna prune ur plants? Or perhaps lollipop them?
Hey bro sure will be i do it little by little less stress for the plant if you hammer her in veg it's fine but i like to just take a little off each watering in flower but each to there own :)
once i put the net up in a couple of days or a week most of the stuff below will be removed some say not to do it in flower I haven't seen a problem with it so far so ill keep doing what works

some of the plants are going to need to be boosted as the black Russian and blue dream have been growing around 1-2 inchs a day from light change! and its only been 3 days so once they know its time to flower they will get there stretch on that's for sure also one of the black Russians has already show her sex

So that takes it to

2X Bubblegums i knew they are 100% female as i have grown them a few times
1X Black Russian Fem seed its just nice to see the white hair to be 100%

Thanks for stopping by grow enjoy your day :bigjoint::weed:


Well-Known Member
Awesome yeah @reddiamond is the man i hope he comes back soon been missing his grows always dose a great job he should be back soon he said he was going to have a break over the holidays

Thinking i might be main lining as i enjoyed the results from the last grow and the yield i got 11 off my last mainline so even if i pull 8 from each i will be a happy man
I have been growing Blue Dream for years, NugBuckets def has the mainline of all time. I suggest everyone does it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm just in time for the show! Looking great DN, some really nice looking plants you got hey! Can't wait to see them in full flower, that mango has me intrigued :-D
Thanks bro yeah veg is boring but now is the part us growers all enjoy the most

Yeah I am also looking forward to this mango if it's like the old school stuff she will be a keeper that's for sure

Thanks for dropping in hope you enjoy the show


Well-Known Member
I have been growing Blue Dream for years, NugBuckets def has the mainline of all time. I suggest everyone does it.
Yeah I did a Nugbuaclets mainline two grows ago and it was amazing results

But I had a lot of family problems going on this grow so sadly couldn't give the girls the training I wanted next time I start from seed I'll main line for sure my first one got just over 11 oz from one so it works that's for sure

Thanks for dropping in hope you enjoy what you see :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro yeah veg is boring but now is the part us growers all enjoy the most

Yeah I am also looking forward to this mango if it's like the old school stuff she will be a keeper that's for sure

Thanks for dropping in hope you enjoy the show
Hell yeah man, old school mango was the best! Im very interested to see how yours tun out :)
Cheers for the welcome too man :-D


Well-Known Member
(Side Project)

100% Perlite grow will be setting up it's on grow log the one plant that is in so far is the Black Russian Phenotype #1 She had a little burn as i spray watered her when she was in the dome and didn't shake off the water so the light burned her a little

I'll do more info on the other log when i am done setting up all the pipe work getting a new res and all that fun stuff still unsure who going to fill the other spot maybe another black Russian or a Blue dream

Also only under a T5 lighting for now
Anyway more info to come all the best bongsmilie

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Well-Known Member
(Side Project)

100% Perlite grow will be setting up it's on grow log the one plant that is in so far is the Black Russian Phenotype #1 She had a little burn as i spray watered her when she was in the dome and didn't shake off the water so the light burned her a little

I'll do more info on the other log when i am done setting up all the pipe work getting a new res and all that fun stuff still unsure who going to fill the other spot maybe another black Russian or a Blue dream

Also only under a T5 lighting for now
Anyway more info to come all the best bongsmilie

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Looking good bro can't wait to see that setup all put together and producing some dank. My advice would be to put another Black Russian in there as you know two different strains off one res can create some major problems from one wanting more than the other or vice versa. Or setup two res if you want to run two different strains. Now if they feed similar then I would say go at it but I remember @flowamasta saying that he's seen his mentor do this and one plant is usually lacking cus of it growing different than the other. Just a suggestion but great stuff bro. I think mines will be up in running by the end of the month. I'm ready to grow another beast!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro can't wait to see that setup all put together and producing some dank. My advice would be to put another Black Russian in there as you know two different strains off one res can create some major problems from one wanting more than the other or vice versa. Or setup two res if you want to run two different strains. Now if they feed similar then I would say go at it but I remember @flowamasta saying that he's seen his mentor do this and one plant is usually lacking cus of it growing different than the other. Just a suggestion but great stuff bro. I think mines will be up in running by the end of the month. I'm ready to grow another beast!!
Yeah i remember him saying if your going to run other stains at the same time to put them on another res so that got me thinking if i don't use another black Russian then i should just have another res then this also got me thinking i could do a canna vs cyco but then that got me thinking that if i don't pick the same strain from the same mother it wouldn't be right so it looks like ill just put another black Russian in and see how that goes only thing is i didn't take anymore clones from phenotype #1 so it will have to be number #2 there grow rates have been the same so let's hope there end flowers are the same also

good pick up bro thanks for dropping in now it's time for me to stop thinking and have a session as my brain now hurts bongsmilie

Awesome i can't wait to watch you grow another monster are you going to pick it from one of the strains your running now ... ?


Well-Known Member
Totally agree about the second res with 2 different plants. Ive also witnessed the chaos it causes, one plant always loses out unfortunately!
Looking good though bro, should get some solid buds from that system :)


Well-Known Member
Totally agree about the second res with 2 different plants. Ive also witnessed the chaos it causes, one plant always loses out unfortunately!
Looking good though bro, should get some solid buds from that system :)
Thanks bro yeah i think ill get the scrog net up again for that grow as ill be able to flush the girls easy as they are boosted and the res is below them I'll just have that as my black Russian tent i might only flower them under a 400 watt as I'll have other shit going on as well and ill run in to heat trouble if i am running to many HPS

I am running all my girls on the same level food but its low i am sure some could take more but better to keep it low and keep all the girls happy then burning the shit out of a couple checking the run off is always a must i am changing all my watering to RO water as soon as i set the RO system up so that should help things a long nicely as my tap water is shit hard water

Thanks for dropping in bro