Is Marc Emery helping or hindering?


Active Member
I am in Vancouver for the weekend so I popped into Marc Emery's Cannabis Culture store on Hastings and I must say that I am conflicted. Marc was in the back doing dabs with a multitude of giggly young guys who can really just be described as stoners, sorry but that's the truth. He has an advertisement in the local papers that if you buy anythimg in the store he will do a dab with you.

Is that helping the cause of legalising for medical purposes or even recreational purposes? Yes it does help change opinion on the banality of it all but it also helps reinforce stereotypes of all of us just doing this for a good time, I have nothing against recreational use but at this time where we are so close do we need to be dumb about it? I NEED this shit, it is medicine to treat my serious ilnesses and honestly it kind of pissed me off to see someone who could make a difference pull this kind of crap. I don't pass judgement on him making a living but "buy a t'shirt and I will get you stoned" is kind of a bit much at this sensitive time with the Harperites still in control. All I could think off was how right the liberals were to distance themselves, something I could not understand until I saw it for my myself.

I know this may not be popular but I just had to state what I felt. I hope he smartens up and cleans the act up a bit
I think he is taken about as serious as Tommy Chong. They are typecast in their role as 'stoners' first. Trying to forward the medical movement?....No. Trying to forward the rec market? Sure why not? Im not saying theres anything wrong with being a 'stoner'. Theyve been calling me that since 1978 and Im proud of the handle. Better than the legal 'pill popper' or 'drunk' like most of 'them' have become
I never met him and only know how he was before getting out jail. I have not seen much of anything about him since shortly after his release. He does come off as the shady type, but he always wants things about him...something I think the movement (I hope to hell not) does not want to allow.
Marc is an activist for legalization and not a noted supporter of medical patient rights. He has done a lot of good for the movement, but he comes across as a stereotypical immature stoner at times, not what true patients want as a poster-boy. I glad the libs didn't go with Jodie...way too much ammo for the CONs.
I dont always like what he has to say, but I still respect the guy. Lots of people talk, Marc walks.

I give credit where credit is due. Although you might cringe at times with his shenanigans ( did I really just use that word? ), Marc has probably done more than anyone else.
Remember when the Federal Government Censorship Board wouldn't allow High Times magazine into the country?...Marc said fuck you and did it. That single gesture got the whole ball rolling.

So,,,,I am grateful to Marc, and I think he has earned the right to do whatever he wants, even though it makes me cringe at times.
I am in Vancouver for the weekend so I popped into Marc Emery's Cannabis Culture store on Hastings and I must say that I am conflicted. Marc was in the back doing dabs with a multitude of giggly young guys who can really just be described as stoners, sorry but that's the truth. He has an advertisement in the local papers that if you buy anythimg in the store he will do a dab with you.

Is that helping the cause of legalising for medical purposes or even recreational purposes? Yes it does help change opinion on the banality of it all but it also helps reinforce stereotypes of all of us just doing this for a good time, I have nothing against recreational use but at this time where we are so close do we need to be dumb about it? I NEED this shit, it is medicine to treat my serious ilnesses and honestly it kind of pissed me off to see someone who could make a difference pull this kind of crap. I don't pass judgement on him making a living but "buy a t'shirt and I will get you stoned" is kind of a bit much at this sensitive time with the Harperites still in control. All I could think off was how right the liberals were to distance themselves, something I could not understand until I saw it for my myself.

I know this may not be popular but I just had to state what I felt. I hope he smartens up and cleans the act up a bit

I understand what you are saying, I ask for you to look into his history if you haven't.
He's really put in his dues already.
he has some good ideas, bit of a weirdo IRL but aren't we all?

I'm waiting for an 'Emery's dispensary' kinda thought he would be on that bandwagon
he has some good ideas, bit of a weirdo IRL but aren't we all?

I'm waiting for an 'Emery's dispensary' kinda thought he would be on that bandwagon
Do you think he would risk it? I would think he is done putting his neck on the chopping block. Gotta admire anyone who can make it through 5 years in a U.S. prison though.
He stood there and said 'you want me? Come get me!' Well they did and Im sure he knows they would do it again
Maybe we can add to this thread with ones we know about. I really only know of one and that's

1: Section 56

he has some good ideas, bit of a weirdo IRL but aren't we all?

I'm waiting for an 'Emery's dispensary' kinda thought he would be on that bandwagon
Eden medicinal society is who he's throwing his support behind currency. That's where he gets his flower/concentrates he's giving away. He mentions them in every fb post about the subject as well.
I think hes ok and done a lot for the MJ world!
BUT hes throwing a lot into the governments face and this could bite him in the ass, I also think a lot of the STONERS or mj users are on the coat tails of the medical side and I think that's just wrong. I wish it would just legalize and or fuck off so we could do what we did 20 yrs ago or grow in a legal world and peace. harper needs to be jailed and the entire world needs to wake the fuck up cause imo most of it is fucked right up and not going anywere for me.
I think hes ok and done a lot for the MJ world!
BUT hes throwing a lot into the governments face and this could bite him in the ass, I also think a lot of the STONERS or mj users are on the coat tails of the medical side and I think that's just wrong. I wish it would just legalize and or fuck off so we could do what we did 20 yrs ago or grow in a legal world and peace. harper needs to be jailed and the entire world needs to wake the fuck up cause imo most of it is fucked right up and not going anywere for me.

so its all about you????...20 years ago you would do serious time for a few joints...pricks like you can circle acts...grow up, or grow a vagina...they take a pounding and keep on ticking...fukkin' tired of the want herb...grow the want to whine...go without...wimps piss me off...its been a long day

mojo 20 holes this year
My memories of Emery go back to when he had three tables in a little dive on Hastings in 1993. Right from the get go he was using the local news media to generate advertising (which is how I found out about him).
I never recall him as being one to focus on medical aspects of MJ. He was always about capitalizing upon it. He was there to preach to the Ayn Rand crowd, to convince them it was a golden business opportunity.
And I'd say he's done that quite well. He played the propaganda machine like a wind-up organ...he just happened to piss off the monkey, though.

If you are looking for proponents of medical MJ, look to Medical Physicians who are brave enough to put their name behind their opinion. Why go to the circus when you're looking for Dr. Grinspoon or Carl Sagan?
First living cannabis plants i ever saw in real life, were grown in home-made super-soil from Emery seeds, just before his extradition.

The only valid position on cannabis prohibition, is that it is utterly and eternally wrong and unacceptable, to ever initiate violent interaction with another person over cannabis. Cannabis cannot justify violence, ever, period.

I don't care whether you're an 'MMJ' or a businessman. Or just a slacker loser bum stoner who would prefer to pretend reality doesn't exist, and just stay high constantly.

EVERYONE is entitled to be free from unjustifiable intervention of any kind, by any entity claiming authority.

The only part that needs any regulation is business and "garage-BHO" (people blowing shit up being careless; NOT the cannabis' fault!)

And the need for that regulation CANNOT be justifiably prioritized above the elimination of violent injustice against innocent people, who neither endanger nor deprive another through their actions or choices.

Eliminating the enforcement is FAR more important than inventing regulations.

Priorities, people.

We can worry about differentiating between med and rec, AFTER, the system acknowledges our rights, and their crimes.

Until then, it will be ugly and uglier.
so its all about you????...20 years ago you would do serious time for a few joints...pricks like you can circle acts...grow up, or grow a vagina...they take a pounding and keep on ticking...fukkin' tired of the want herb...grow the want to whine...go without...wimps piss me off...its been a long day

mojo 20 holes this year
pricks like me? your the one yapping.
I didn't say anything about me, I stated it needs to change or fuck off
so you getting mean when you cant even read is the problem, lay off the dope stoner guy
you talk like a 1% so your circle can do whatever you want tough guy. you don't know me or what I did in the scene 30 yrs ago so fuck you. and only the dumb get caught and do time looser. did big burtha please you or give you a cunt in jail, bitch.
watch who you slandering