Northen Lights, Big Bud, Bubblegum (CFL First Time Grow from seed)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the dudes again. Did your bubble gum always have such broad indica leaves or did they start to show like that after 12/12?
Always had the broad leaves. BG is 55% Indica 45% Sativa. The Northern Lights have the classic leaves that you think about when you think about weed

will you take a few clones from the bottom now that you have her??? i just caught up to your forumn so sorry if i missed any details explaining my ? earlier....

sorry to read about all the males
Not even going to take any where to put them.

I have decided to do 4 Big Bud plants next grow. Probably Veg for 3 weeks. The Big Bud has the shortest flowering time and they show sex the earliest out of the 3. This time they will all be the same size from the start which will help a great deal. Also going to do some LST next go around. Also after I take the seedlings out of there plastic cups for re-potting.. They are going in big ass pots.. Fuck all that re-potting and shit. Especially if those fuckers are :twisted: BG #3 is coming along.. I will post some pics probably tomorrow.:peace: Thanks to everyone who stopped by:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 16 Flower - Plant is doing OK... Got a few brown/white spots... not sure wtf is going on...

few Pics
plants look awesome, and i wouldn't worry so much on the couple random white spots, it almost looks like there were a couple random mites??? anyhow they look great, i wouldn't want to try something different and have poor results... but it looks like you know what your doing...


Well-Known Member
plants look awesome, and i wouldn't worry so much on the couple random white spots, it almost looks like there were a couple random mites??? anyhow they look great, i wouldn't want to try something different and have poor results... but it looks like you know what your doing...
I am a newb... all that I know I got from the good peeps on this site... I have learned a ton this first time though...and I got a bunch of seeds so thats a good thing :joint::peace:

is ur ph good ?
Yo..whats up w0bi...I been using tigerbloom and grow big..I didn't measure ph last time so it may be thinking at the time :joint: I only got one plant so I am going to see how much she can take.. so I probably over did it with the I did spray them one time pre flower.. I have stopped all spraying at this point... we will see what happens..:peace:


Well-Known Member
All looking good. You have early nitrogen deficiency in the last picture placed in the red container.


Well-Known Member
Day 26 Flowering -

Picture #4 Anybody have any idea what is causing this?? Maybe someone had this happen to them. Other than that everything is moving along nicely.



Well-Known Member
Looks good mang. Take some clones root em and throw them bitches str8 into 12/12 in some 16 oz plastic cups...will make a big single cola and each shoul dhave atleast 7 grams whent hey done....Speicially since u got the xtra room. Id definitly do it!!! Dont transplant em or nething...just get em rooted and plant em in the 16oz plastic cups with 4 holes in bottom and go str8 to 12/12 they will do fine!!! idk how much space you got but put like 5 per sq foot.

Pce mang


Active Member
hi, growing the same strain have 39 northern lights /bud cross by nirvana , my girls are 8 to 10 inch's tall on the 16 day using 1000 Mh. and several flourescent t-5 vertical trying to create a sog will take cutting of these plants when there big enough to re-start. will try to post pictures soon. you should be close to harvest?


Well-Known Member
hi, growing the same strain have 39 northern lights /bud cross by nirvana , my girls are 8 to 10 inch's tall on the 16 day using 1000 Mh. and several flourescent t-5 vertical trying to create a sog will take cutting of these plants when there big enough to re-start. will try to post pictures soon. you should be close to harvest?
At least another month. Only been like 32 days flowering so far. I am going to start mixing in Grandmas molasses with the nutes next feeding. Thx for stopping by..:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Day 32 Flowering

I may do some trimming here real soon. Going to start adding Molasses here real soon along with the TigerBloom and Grow Big, also using superthrive every other feeding. Comments always welcome. :joint::peace:

