in what ? promix ?? its just peat ........No one ever grow an auto in soil in the mentioned above?
yes alot of auto's have been grown in non cannabis specific soil ...... you do understand that its just a plant ..... what ever you use is probably going to have to be watered down so to speak with something ...... for example ..... seed starter ( which is usually a blend of coco , peat and perlite ) or perlite , coco , peat ..... most of the time if you run straight bag soil even fox farms or something its going to be too hot / rich for a auto in the seedling stage ....... not trying to be a smart ass but if you would of punched the same question in google you would of found thousands of posts of the same question already answeredSoil from Walmart, Home Depot, or Lowes?
if u have to go soil from thereWhat soil can I get at Walmart, Home Depot, or Lowes that I can grow an auto in?
na miracle grow is fine in a pinch you just cant use it straight the time release fertilizers will give you problems down the line is the only reason ............@tekdc911
honestly i am shocked that u would even say that ...........i am sorry miracle gro is the worst thing on the market ........
What soil do you suggest?Why can't drive to your local nursery or order on amazon and get it shipped to your door? I wouldn't trust anything out of Lowe's/Home Depot. I've never tried miracle grow but I've heard mixed reviews. Some successful grows, some horror stories. Good luck.
What soil do you suggest?
fox is junk ......... sunshine#4 ,promix , are soil less
im not knocking them ive used them all ..... but the only problem i found with MG is it is too high in nitrogen from the time release to flower cannabis properly ..... if its cut down with something it does fine ....... ive grown with it its not my first choice but its not my last ...... if i order soil off the net since i would have to drive over an hour to go and buy it either way im paying a outrageous price for something that still has to be modified in some way ....... that means on top of the extra i paid i would have to pay more for amendments ...... i can get any organic soil a bag of perlite and a bail of turbo peat from lowes a handful of lime i already have and have something that grows the same if not better plant then i would get from cut down fox farms at a fraction of the price is a feeding soil .....does fine for the first few days of starting it ....but then u need to feed to get the roots in is pretty good for mixing to
as for the otthers sunshine and promix ........i am going off the old timers postings .....i seen more ppl swear by sunshine then any other (2nd most talked about is fox farms then 3rd is roots)
i got a whole trash can with sunshine mix in it .......other is roots organic pro mix ....still have a whole bail of promix with fungi and micros
im not knocking them ive used them all ..... but the only problem i found with MG is it is too high in nitrogen from the time release to flower cannabis properly ..... if its cut down with something it does fine ....... ive grown with it its not my first choice but its not my last ...... if i order soil off the net since i would have to drive over an hour to go and buy it either way im paying a outrageous price for something that still has to be modified in some way ....... that means on top of the extra i paid i would have to pay more for amendments ...... i can get any organic soil a bag of perlite and a bail of turbo peat from lowes a handful of lime i already have and have something that grows the same if not better plant then i would get from cut down fox farms at a fraction of the price .......
its like paying showroom price for a car that i have to tow home and work on .... it just doesnt make sense to me
lol ty for the offer ...... but i wont even spend your money on a two plant grow ...... seriously TY but no way broi am going to fix my car up (oil change brakes radiator flush tune and check out ) .......i am going to send u 50 bucks i want u to order some of the ideal420soil and try it out (your within the 48 states ....yes/no no more info needed) if u are 50 bucks will get u 1.5 feet enough for 1 big plant and 1 small plant
try this soil 1 time on me ..........i have had less issue and the plant always does great(feeding one now ) it pushed the growth period by 3 weeks