Club 600


Well-Known Member
Nice pipe dat! Heh

Here's some mama plant pron. I just cut these in half 7 days ago thinking it would stunt them a little but that wasn't the case - defoliation is some serious business. All of these were 70% defoliated lol (and no I don't want to hear antidefoliation feedback :D ) sad I can't flower them :( there's a chemalope behind all that madness that just won't grow taller, really hard to get some clones from her. It's being over run by the other mama's :/

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Well-Known Member
Right on jig, it's a trip to watch em explode after a proper session, they're about ready for another pruning session but not sure if I'll be able to keep em so I might let them be for now until I figure out if I have a space to fit them in to flower :) Here's a pic of them 13 days ago pre defoliation and the bag of leAves from the session, it was quite a heavy session for the youngsters but they exploded from it!

That bug is freaking scary holy shit! Is there a lot of bugs like that out there? Any other funky creepy crawler encounters? Happy Easter jig

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Well-Known Member
I don't have much food stuffs around here. But I do have butter and garlic. :)

There are quite a few bugs around, but there are even more birds, so the bugs are kinda sorta kept at bay. I guess. There was a giant bettle flying around in the house. I coudn't sleep because it was so loud flying around. It was like a june bug, but a bit bigger, and all black/ shiny blue-ish. Crazy looking thing. Lots of differnt kinds of bees, but I guess that's to be expected on a farm. There are at least 20 kinds of trees on the property, so it attracts all sorts. I've counted 4 different kinds of bees, or whatever one calls them. Flying things with yellow and black, that are sorta fuzzy.

I've also counted 3 or 4 different kinds of ants. No flying ants that i've seen thankfully. Only seen a few kinds of spiders, mostly small. There are lizards living in the spaces outside the windows, they chill on the window frames all day. And chase each other. It's fun to watch. I've held 3 types of birds so far. They either hit the big windows, or get trapped in the enclosed porch. One guy hung out on my hand for 10 minutes while he shook off his concussion. Another guy the other day I had to convince to let me help him out the room. It was funny. Wild looking birds. Wish I could get pics of them, but it's not very easy, especially when the camera is in the house. :P

I'm sure there's been more fun... oh there were trippy bugs that lived in the murky water of the pool before it was drained, cleaned, and filled back up. Like paddle bugs I would call them. And I guess I fucked up the water pump that goes to the pool yesterday. Thought I was doing good, only to be yelled at in spanish for 15 minutes. That was fucking fun.

Easter was awesome. Got to spend time with friends here, they have two kids, a boy and a girl. The girl fell asleep on my lap, while the boy cuddled in my arms playing a video game on my ipad. It was very nice. I miss my kid so much. :(

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I am running some of these and the coon dog 12/12 from seed in your old tent. What you think you will pop?
this will be VERY interesting, I have been studying your COOn Dog beans very closely for the past hour. lol. They have stuff on them shells. I see white hairs growing from them that resemble both powdery mildew and trichomes. I also see small gooey patches of hash type stuff on the shell as well. You might want to quarantine these seeds. They are very unusal looking . Do you recall where you stored them or why they look like this?
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