seriously. i will agree with you on that. on top of that, he's a total idiot, yet has no scruples about asserting his opinion as fact.
it's awful too, because he is the worst enemy of a well-educated liberal. he and We Tarded represent the perfect scapegoats with which anyone can marginalize the left.
Oh, but cee, it's even better than that. The "man" has no compunction whatsoever about posting the words of others as though they're his own (gosh, can you say plagiarism?).
He lies, like a dog. First he smokes, then he doesn't, then he does, then he doesn't. He grows. No he doesn't. Yes he does. No he doesn't. Then he gets his panties in a wad when I say, "Um, where I come from, when someone's story changes, that's considered not being truthful. The people who do that are called liars." Wasn't me who tells different stories, but it is me who notices and calls him on it.
He posts seriously hateful shit, absolutely hateful. Someone makes a joke, and he busts out the big guns. It always starts with the ad hominem attack, and it ends with the ad hominem.
I can put up with being a liar, that's up to you (but, don't get mad because someone has a memory and notices these things). I can put up with him plagiarizing, just like with the lies he'll be caught out. It's the hatred and the bigotry I won't accept. As long as I'm of a mind, I will speak out.