Hey any folks here know me??


Well-Known Member
dude, 90 percent or more of the country doesn't search at all, only the high risk places like the emerald triangle and some farm country occationally. usually most places are done by referal, in my town, you can even report plants and they wont do anything about it, because there is literally millions of hemp plants to every square mile, that is the one deciding factor for my grows, and that is distance from wild hemp. i alllllways get a few seeds per ounce no matter how hard i try, there is just a LOT of pollen floating around!


Active Member
Yea, they used to grow hemp around here a ton....Hey wait, we both live in the same state. ;) So apparently you know the deal! My uncle and I were cruisin' around and found two 10 foot tall plants in October...Took 'em home, picked 'em and got several pounds of weed...My uncle took most of it and made hash because he didn't think it'd be very good pot anyways, and it really wasn't very good...I still got 8 ounces in my house, probably going to toss it...It's full of seeds and has pretty low THC. FUnny thing is that those were the only two plants we found for miles...Right next to eachother. Both female, and not a male plant in sight. Pollen DOES get around. :P

Throw me a PM sometime if you live in Southern MN...I might know you, even. *Gasp!*...Probably not. Don't know many people these days.


Well-Known Member

Easy on the root trim FDD thats a shure torture mode??
gee thanks lou, i'll keep that in mind. what about the heat. and the over watering, and the extensive cuttings taken?

you really only help people thru PM's?
this is a community lou. we ALL share what we know with EVERYONE.

that's just rude lou.

now i'm hating.



Well-Known Member
No you boy's are JELLOUS.

FDD fuckin stop man i think YOU need some indica..
Wanna be shaman,your just jellous too......you ever grown
and HARVESTED Hawian baby rose vines,or mushies like i do?
Can you make opium,have you done ayahuasca many many times?

Anyway im too bussy helping folks threw PM's here and only on
a few minutes a day? why what ya wanna know?....big twigs.


Well-Known Member
GEeez peeps calm down....

Look at this HUGE HARVEST of hawian baby rose wood seed!
Grown in my back yard in FLA,HAVE NOT SEEN ANYONE ONLINE
EVER HARVEST THESE SUCKERS and they WILL trip you out!!
BUT this:spew: may happen if you do to many at ounce,hell even
a little will give a heavy body load........but then ahhhhhh!:mrgreen:
Hahahaha i can go on an on an on with these type plants i HAVE grown!
Last pic is a yopo tree much bigger now,got all kinds of ethno's i can show.
San padro,and tric cacti,mimosa hostillis,psychotria viridis flowered and seeds
poppies to opium,B.caapi vines growing and more.........shaman huh?



Well-Known Member
i wanna know why you don't start threads about helping people. that's what i wanna know.
jealous? of you? no.
if you have so much knowledge why don't you share it with everyone. when someone pm's you ask them to start a thread so we can all learn.
start a gallery so those who WANT to look at every angle of every plant you've ever grown can. we get it.
i love your grows but i wouldn't want to hang with you. sorry you're just to loud.
very nice nuggies though. and no thanks i've seen enough. i'd rather hear more of the details about the actually plant growth process.

love ya.




Well-Known Member


you make me jelous to with all these different plants you grow.

dont tell fdd i told you....but nice plants man.




Well-Known Member
I can pull pic all day to. I grow several varieties of PEDICULARIS, SCULLCAP, and JIMSON WEED,
YA I am the SHAMAN Do you need a cure to calm the bragging???????


Well-Known Member
No you boy's are JELLOUS.

FDD fuckin stop man i think YOU need some indica..
Wanna be shaman,your just jellous too......you ever grown
and HARVESTED Hawian baby rose vines,or mushies like i do?
Can you make opium,have you done ayahuasca many many times?

Anyway im too bussy helping folks threw PM's here and only on
a few minutes a day? why what ya wanna know?....big twigs.
Not really in the spirit of an open debate forum.

Were you important on icmag lou?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Damn Lou. Anyone can throw seeds off the porch and grow weeds like that. Lol j/k. Your grows look great. Now I must go change my underwear. :)