Brian Williams


Well-Known Member
I am quite certain that you are well aware of the difference between someone who is hired to express their OPINION, as opposed to reporting real, actual, hard news.

You are not quite addlepated enough to not be able to understand that Anchorpersons and opinion givers (pundits) are separate and distinctly different jobs.
Which Fox News Anchorperson has behaved like Brian Williams?
That female Guillfoyle woman was until recently much like Bryan. Their ass' were exposed. Now me thinks both will lose their jobs for opposite reasons, his ass for being exposed, her's for being covered up,
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Well-Known Member
That female Guillfoyle woman was until recently much like Bryan. Their ass' were exposed. Now me thinks both will lose their jobs for opposite reasons, his ass for being exposed, her's for being covered up,
Guilfoyle is not an Anchorperson. She does not report the news. She is paid to express her opinion only.
On the other hand, Williams was the managing editor and Anchor for NBC Nightly News.


Well-Known Member
Guilfoyle is not an Anchorperson. She does not report the news. She is paid to express her opinion only.
On the other hand, Williams was the managing editor and Anchor for NBC Nightly News.
I know she is not an anchor, she is the attractant.. The Idea she is there for her opinion is zany,Her function is to show her gams.If she looked like Maddow she would not be there. Count on Faux to gradually undressing her again, or not renew her contract, she ads nothing else.....


Well-Known Member
Guilfoyle is not an Anchorperson. She does not report the news. She is paid to express her opinion only.
On the other hand, Williams was the managing editor and Anchor for NBC Nightly News.
why have you never uttered a peep against breitbart news, especially after the purposely manipulated shirley sherrod tape?

in fact, you still cite breitbart when you are flailing for backup, as idiots like you are often wont to do.

so why this glaring and obvious manufactured outrage and hypocritical double standard?


Well-Known Member
that brings up an interesting point..liars. why do people lie? what's wrong with the truth?..i was always taught to be truthful..except for a little "white lie" in order to not hurt someone's feelings..i hate you have to remember them and someone who's not good at lying can never remember them all..i had a manager like that..could never remember their lies.
One can always justify any lie with the presupposition that it was to avoid hurt emotions.

I didn't tell my depositors that all the money was gone for fear of causing them panic and heartache.
I didn't tell the citizens about my part in a conspiracy to deprive them of their money because I did not want them to worry about retirement.
I didn't tell you that I stole your money because then you wouldn't be friends with me anymore, and I didn't want you to feel bad.
I didn't tell you about my affair with your sister because I didn't want you to feel betrayed and unloved.


Well-Known Member
I know she is not an anchor, she is the attractant.. The Idea she is there for her opinion is zany,Her function is to show her gams.If she looked like Maddow she would not be there. Count on Faux to gradually undressing her again, or not renew her contract, she ads nothing else.....
I bet you Rachel Maddow has perfect pink nipples.


Well-Known Member
I know she is not an anchor, she is the attractant.. The Idea she is there for her opinion is zany,Her function is to show her gams.If she looked like Maddow she would not be there. Count on Faux to gradually undressing her again, or not renew her contract, she ads nothing else.....
I see that after one month Faux has taken the leotards off that female Guilfoyle woman, bet her hemline starts to creep up, hopefully reaching new highs. +rep from my lurid side.


Well-Known Member
I see that after one month Faux has taken the leotards off that female Guilfoyle woman, bet her hemline starts to creep up, hopefully reaching new highs. +rep from my lurid side.
Yep!Guilfoyle is as exposed as ever, and they seem to have a stand in set of gams available when the regular masher bait is not avail..


Well-Known Member
Here is an update on the increasingly creepy Brian Williams.

This made me LOL...

'(He said,) 'Did something happen to (my) head? Maybe I had a brain tumor, or something in my head',' a source said.

Excerpt from:

Yep, that's the ticket, a brain tumor made me do it.
Choice, too funny.
still obsessing over brian williams while turning the blind eye to an entire network, eh?

transparent hypocrite douchebag is transparent.