Do you think a religious person should have the right to not hire atheists based on their religion?

Do you think a religious person should have the right to not hire atheists based on their religion?

  • Yes, they should have the right to hire who they want for whatever reason they want, regardless of..

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No, they shouldn't be able to deny equal employment opportunities based on..

    Votes: 16 72.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I thought it appropriate for this shitty thread. Do you suppose a muslim baker would make a wedding cake for a gay couple? That would be a terrible conundrum for you. Which one is higher on the victim ladder?
Of course he would... have you ever asked a muslim baker.... anything?


Well-Known Member
If I did I'd be done eating at Hooters , I don't want to see Muscles Nuclear in a Banana Hammock serving my fuking hot wings !

I want to open a restaurant like Hooters, only with male waiters. I'm going to cal it Squirrels. Our motto will be "We've got your nuts!" Fresh roasted cashews will be served free with every meal. Our specialty will be roasted sausage served in a variety of sauces. I think it will do really well.


Well-Known Member
I want to open a restaurant like Hooters, only with male waiters. I'm going to cal it Squirrels. Our motto will be "We've got your nuts!" Fresh roasted cashews will be served free with every meal. Our specialty will be roasted sausage served in a variety of sauces. I think it will do really well.
Amy Schumer did a parody on that idea. So gross! seriously what would you actually be willing to eat there?


Well-Known Member
Anybody know of a pizza joint I can persecute and destroy their living?
i don't think that offering people money in exchange for pizza persecutes anyone or destroys their living.

in fact, i think the whole idea of making a living selling pizza is to accept money in exchange for pizza.

but enjoy spewing your fascist propaganda you white supremacist rat.


Well-Known Member
You ever seen a male waiter at Hooters?
You ever seen a high school drop out working in the ER?

Discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation isn't the same as denying employment based on realistic and/or expected requirements necessary to perform the job

Is it discrimination to deny a high school drop out employment based on his level of education? Why not?

I bet you can't answer that honestly


Well-Known Member
Interesting you would bring "Asians" up.

The Supreme Court backed the racist President, FDR,when he incarcerated Americans (Japanese descent) during world war II for the supposed "crime" of their ancestry. He stole their property and fucked them over good and hard. Nice guy huh?

The Supremes said government had a compelling interest to ignore the rights of those individuals etc. when they were taken to court by a person that got fucked over.

Korematus v USA

The problem with that decision is, like many of them when government covers its own ass, is it condoned an act of aggression as acceptable when the government does it.

Then less than two decades , the Feds under the guise of "civil rights" again violated the rights of the individual via forcing people to interact under threat of punishment. Except they sold it as "protecting a right". Which is erroneous.

It's not an act of aggression to "not associate" with somebody, which the government has tried to turn the civil rights issue into.
It is an act of aggression when government uses force to deprive people of their property and their liberty.

The feds have no right to seize property of people in either instance. They have no right to compell people to associate, that is up to the parties involved.
verb: associate; 3rd person present: associates; past tense: associated; past participle: associated; gerund or present participle: associating
  1. 1.
    connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.
    "I associated wealth with freedom"
    synonyms:link, connect, relate, identify, equate, bracket, set side by side
    "the colors that we associate with fire"
    • connect (something) with something else because they occur together or one produces another.
      "the environmental problems associated with nuclear waste"
    • allow oneself to be connected with or seen to be supportive of.
      "I cannot associate myself with some of the language used"
      synonyms:affiliate, align, connect, join, attach, team up, be in league, ally;More
      merge, integrate, confederate
      "the firm is associated with a local charity"
    • be involved with.
      "she has been associated with the project from the first"
      synonyms:mix, keep company, mingle, socialize, go around, rub shoulders, rub elbows, fraternize, consort, have dealings;More
      informalhobnob, hang out/around
      "I was forced to associate with them"
    • meet or have dealings with someone commonly regarded with disapproval.
      "they are at risk of associating with criminals"

whoever told you you have to associate with someone you choose not?

however, if you are in the public domain, you have a contract to do business with other are obligated by society to follow society rules. the public domain is open to all regardless of race, gender, religion or who they love.

that is why it's called 'public' owners have a choice..public, private or not at all.


Well-Known Member
what is public domain? Do you think specifically, as a collective the public own 'public domain'?
the public domain

: the state of something that is not owned by a particular person or company and is available for anyone to use
  • The software has entered the public domain.
  • The software is in the public domain.

US : land that is owned by the government
  • The forests are part of the public domain.
— public domain
  • public domain software
  • The software became public domain.
  • The forests are public domain.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
verb: associate; 3rd person present: associates; past tense: associated; past participle: associated; gerund or present participle: associating
  1. 1.
    connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.
    "I associated wealth with freedom"
    synonyms:link, connect, relate, identify, equate, bracket, set side by side
    "the colors that we associate with fire"
    • connect (something) with something else because they occur together or one produces another.
      "the environmental problems associated with nuclear waste"
    • allow oneself to be connected with or seen to be supportive of.
      "I cannot associate myself with some of the language used"
      synonyms:affiliate, align, connect, join, attach, team up, be in league, ally;More
      merge, integrate, confederate
      "the firm is associated with a local charity"
    • be involved with.
      "she has been associated with the project from the first"
      synonyms:mix, keep company, mingle, socialize, go around, rub shoulders, rub elbows, fraternize, consort, have dealings;More
      informalhobnob, hang out/around
      "I was forced to associate with them"
    • meet or have dealings with someone commonly regarded with disapproval.
      "they are at risk of associating with criminals"

whoever told you you have to associate with someone you choose not?

however, if you are in the public domain, you have a contract to do business with other are obligated by society to follow society rules. the public domain is open to all regardless of race, gender, religion or who they love.

that is why it's called 'public' owners have a choice..public, private or not at all.
When both sides of your mouth move like that does it hurt?

Can you show me this contract ? Who agreed to this imaginary contract you refer to?

I am obligated not to run others lives for them or determine the use of others bodies or property for them. Would you agree or disagree with that statement? I bet you don't answer that question.


Well-Known Member
You ever seen a high school drop out working in the ER?

Discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation isn't the same as denying employment based on realistic and/or expected requirements necessary to perform the job

Is it discrimination to deny a high school drop out employment based on his level of education? Why not?

I bet you can't answer that honestly

So discriminating based on someone's sexual orientation is Ok by you?

Got it.

If a high school diploma is a requirement for an applicant then I don't see it being discrimination. Certain jobs require certain qualifications. If you don't meet those qualifications then you don't get hired. (Do I get a prize for answering honestly?)

Is it discrimination when a movie production seeks employees who only fit a certain criteria. Such as "short, Asian, female needed for acting role..." What if I'm a tall, Swedish man? Can I try out for the part? Or am I being discriminated against?


Well-Known Member
So discriminating based on someone's sexual orientation is Ok by you?

Got it.

If a high school diploma is a requirement for an applicant then I don't see it being discrimination. Certain jobs require certain qualifications. If you don't meet those qualifications then you don't get hired. (Do I get a prize for answering honestly?)

Is it discrimination when a movie production seeks employees who only fit a certain criteria. Such as "short, Asian, female needed for acting role..." What if I'm a tall, Swedish man? Can I try out for the part? Or am I being discriminated against?
If Thor can be a woman, why not?


Well-Known Member
You ever seen a high school drop out working in the ER?

Discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation isn't the same as denying employment based on realistic and/or expected requirements necessary to perform the job

Is it discrimination to deny a high school drop out employment based on his level of education? Why not?

I bet you can't answer that honestly

Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit:

The applicant isn't qualified mentally or physically to perform the job, and most employers don't enjoy paying for work that is either never done, or done improperly.

Next in line, please.