The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
went for 20 red ups instead of the 50 Seller wanted Fe on .52 coins so I telt him no.
wont be long mate til its full circle n back to email ordering just instead of WU it will be bitcoins but back to email it looks to be or fe only markets too many vendors got fucked over now and also agora never wanted to be no1 and i carnt see them staying about tbh i expect a blackmarket reloaded situation again with agora sometime soon.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
afternoon guys think i still have a slite problem and i dont no what :cuss:
Your rootzone PH is slightly too low locking out Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium.

The purple stripes up the stem are a direct indication of too low PH locking out Phosphorus, if you up the PH slightly the purple lines will grow out as Phosphorus is slowly unlocked.

The crinkling between the leaf veins is an early/minor indication of the Magnesium deficiency, in a more advanced state the leaves will start to Zebra stripe.

The upturned serrated teeth on the leaves is an indication of an early/minor Calcium deficiencies, in a more advanced state the tips of the serrated edges will go brown and die leaving what looks like a brown ring round the edge of your leaves from a distance.

Up the PH slightly until the purple stripes grow out then monitor the new growth for the crinkling and teeth upturning to grow out, once the stripes have gone if within a week or so (once the PH sweet spot has been found for that plant) the Calcium and Magnesium symptoms haven't grown out then supplementation with a Cal/Mag product is needed (or if you are all ready supplementing with Cal/Mag then give slightly more till the leaves clear up).